Why do you stay subbed?

I’m still subbed because a voice deep inside me told me to do so. My mission is to post as much as cheese as possible. But I’m failing hard at that, so yeah. I’m just stupid. Not even my avatar will update, because I’m that stupid and useless.

Or maybe, there is something more deep than that. But what? :fox_face:

Maybe you have a diaper where your brain is supposed to be?

I dislike Dragonflight so I don’t play it but I enjoy WotLK very much and it’s the only reason I stay subbed :smiley:

Yes, that’s the correct answer.

I don’t hate the game but it has been a disappointing launch for me in many ways (some reasons due to blizzard, others due to other reasons), and I made the mistake of buying the 6 month bundle because I thought there was no way this wasn’t going to be an amazing experience for me given that this was the first expansion since Legion that hyped me up a lot based on what I had seen from PTR and systems Blizzard advertised.

If I was still paying 1 month at a time I likely would have cancelled it about a month ago.

I stay subbed for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only:

  1. m+
  2. gameplay of classes is fun

My biggest reason to unsub for a long while already though is the absolute and complete lack of relevant solo content. Nowhere in the definition of mmorpg does it say everything has to be forced group content. Any other mmorpg correctly understood that relevant solo content is important. Wow did not.

Anyway, i complain about this a lot as it is my only complaint basically and it’s not (yet) big enough of an annoyance for me to unsub. Also im paying for my sub with gold only so i don’t really spend money on the game at all for a long time already.

I do find myself playing especially ESO a lot more than wow for years now though, for the exact mentioned reason that i can be a solo player and still get high end relevant gear.

WoW is life, WoW is love :slight_smile:

In my case a close friend has been playing, I just do timewalking when it’s up or the 4x mythic one. An excuse to chat in discord more than anything.

I stay subbed mostly to use the forums, not much lately but hopefully more now xD

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