Why do you stay subbed?

I play other PC games from time to time, and I own a Nintendo Switch. But WoW is my favorite game. No other games comes close when it comes to open world, atmosphere and PvP.

Wotlk classic because trying to relive my nostalgia days.

Twiggz, is that you?

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addicted, been playing wow for to long

This comment makes no sense at all? people have at all times done this, and it’s what further improves the product people are spending hundreds of hours on.

30+ years old forum boomers

Btw that is just as toxic and could be considered “garbage”, seems like you have something in common with OP after all :wink:

Bought a 6 month sub , It end in March don’t plan to resub till last patch.

Honestly I find the game so boring. M+ not fun. I don’t think it’s fun been fun since BFA.

The raid was okay , I had fun in there. Got my curve this week off Raz. So I’m done with it.

It just so meh , they say it’s alt friendly but I really don’t want to lvl up anymore alts or play on them tbh

For those who say it’s the best expansion ever , I believe them I guess I just can’t see it.

I felt like I had more reasons to log into WoD than DF even it was just garrison stuff. It was still a reason to log in. DF … I do the weekly , I do the weekly event I raid , I farm my skill points in mining and even that’s kinda boring weeks ago

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Sunk-cost fallacy.

General attachment, I guess.

The mood to play strikes me less often these days, but it still strikes me often enough that the subscription is more on than off.

I also enjoy keeping up to date with the game, the development, and the happenings and discussions surrounding it. You know, the general fan interest.

And my interest in the lore and story of the game keeps me curious enough to stay subscribed in order to play the newest updates whenever they come out.

And then I have the money to spare, so I don’t really need to be very critical about whether I stay subscribed or not, so I rarely am.

And then I’ve made quite a few impulsive 6 months subscription purchases because “Uuuh! Pretty mount!”. And I like to indulge in gaming, so the short instant gratification is something I allow myself whenever the mood strikes.

I think those are the reasons I stay subscribed to the game. There are also reasons I sometimes unsubscribe, but the above reasons manage to keep me around on a fairly regular basis.

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I once tried to refund diablo 2 because it was terrible :smiley:
and they told me that i did play like 5 minutes so no REFUND

Diablo 2? I guess the remastered one?

Not sure how providing feedback constitutes as rage, or how it has anything to do with irl behavior? It’s one of the main purposes of the forum, and for obvious reasons most of the threads are about stuff that people doesn’t like. If you’re happy with a feature, you probably don’t feel the need to provide any feedback on the forum. You’ll just play the game and continue to subscribe. Now, there are threads or comments here that are not constructive, but a lot of it comes from frustration and passion. People just want the game to be good, even if that is very subjective.
As long as people adhere to the guidelines here, I don’t see the problem.

You could argue that people should just quit if they aren’t happy with the game, but if Blizzard doesn’t want any negative feedback or complaints, why do you think they make you answer a bunch of questions and write feedback when you cancel your subscription?


This is getting sad and pathetic just stop


I don’t. I pay for one month at a time and if it becomes boring or stale I quit until another content cycle. Pointless to keep financing them for months ahead and you’re only sending feedback how you’re you’re fine with them doing little as possible to improve the game.


To play the game because i find it fun.
Its the plain truth, cant get more clear then that.

Althou i “pay” with gold since i can remember and its already “payed” until 2028.



A minority of wow players use forums and most of the people that do are people that are invested into the game. Most players dont really care they play couple hours have some fun and log off, they dont watch wow yt forums streams etc they just logon 2-3 hours every other day and log off :person_shrugging: but personally cuz its nice and its a good way to relax without having to worry about things so i guess an form of escape and its fun in a lot of ways

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Blizzard lost its passion since the game director implemented hid crap system and got teached by some smart marketing guy that this was the way to get more sales numbers because people need to grind this and that and fomo. I barely play this game anymore either, since they have not made anything good since mop. Only here for a friend or two and a lost guild.

I did take breaks for various reasons in the past but after some time I remember the game, look up people’s vids on YT and start missing it. The feeling when you come back and the first few hours of seeing those spells on the bars again and using them feels awesome every single time. It’s mechanically a blast to play still in 2023 :slightly_smiling_face:

I stay subbed because I still enjoy the game. Simple.
It’s not perfect, but I still like playing it. As long as that remains; I’ll be subbed.

I do feel that if I want to really enjoy the game to the fullest I should stop going to these forums. There’s so much negativity and toxicity here; much much more than you actually encounter ingame. So it gives a twisted view of the game overal.

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still subbed for forums … :slight_smile: if you ask me personally