Why does Alliance dominate EU War Mode and still get bonus rewards?

So having being subbed back to the game for 8.2, and actually enjoying BFA for the first time, I’ve noticed that the vast majority, if not EVERY shard, is dominated by Alliance and yet they’re still getting bonus rewards for it.

Why the fk is this the case??

I love War Mode, but it’s ridiculous seeing allies dominating every shard. WHY are they still rewarded specially for it??

EDIT: Wow, so after making this post I’ve gotten several “your post was removed” and “you’ve been silenced because the cucks think your post is harmful” notices.

WTF has WoW forums become to??? The whole place is fkin cucked!


It depends on the realm really. I’ve seen plenty of Alliance complain how their shard is heavily Horde-dominated.

It’s just general imbalance varying from shard to shard.


Im laying on my bed, so cba typing too much. long story short - statistics and maths


So long story short, you’re just commenting to buff up your forum stats, instead of contributing to the discussion or saying anything relevant. Gotcha…


To be faire sharding is just complete trash. I play on kazzak a horde dominated server now everywhere i go there is alliance and i rarely find horde players.

So basicly its a problem on both sides.


I might be wrong, and someone correct me if I am, but I think I’ve read somewhere that the war mode bonus depends on the faction balance across the region. So appparently there are a lot more Horde in war mode in EU in general than the Alliance, thus the Alliance gets the bonus.

Of course, that is still flawed due to separate shards in which there are many more Alliance than the Horde in war mode, but I guess Blizzard can’t bother fixing the imbalance on server per server and shard per shard basis.


Don’t worry my friend, they don’t.

You’ve been unlucky but the horde mostly dominate War mode. Been farming alliance in a 5 Man party for about an hour in Voldun (faction Assault) before they made a party to hunt us down.

Took a while tho, 3 of our party got the Slayer title before we faced any real opposition.

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I’ve seen both cases.

It’s almost NEVER EVER equal

either horde vastly outnumbers or alliance does.

It’s never a world pvp. It’s a one sided stomp.


Ye sure that is why I cannot turn on warmode in new zones because horde comes in 20vs1 and just farming us. If you use your brain you will see more people play horde right now… guess what, this past three months I´ve bg/rbg win ration 1/10 of matches.


If I use my fkin BRAIN I see every fkin shard dominated by alliance so take your high road and beat it.

I wouldn’t be making this fkin thread if it was nothing!


Oh angry little orc… this thread is waste :slight_smile:


Again, it’s about separate shard imbalances. On RP servers shard there are a lot more Alliance than the Horde in war mode.

On the RP shards it’s pretty much always 70/30 in the Alliance’s favour. I can’t speak for others, but they should at the very least give the WM bonus to the Horde for those servers through a dynamic system. Ridiculous the Alliance gets that 30% with no risk involved.


Yh dude, spent so much time just trying a find an alliance to kill for world pvp rewards. You’re just unlucky or don’t notice the horde players cos they don’t attack you.

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I would pay 50k gold to be killed by an alliance player while I’m questing with my horde… I find rares in Nazjatar much less rare than the guys in gold and blue.

Yeah, RP realms are pretty horrible. On mine, we’re only really phased with other rp realms and they’re vastly alliance dominant. Used to be playable in WM and I never turned it off until the whole AOO quest, when there were just groups camping every single flypoint + the capital harbor and made invasions impossible. Whereas they used to just turn warmode on for free rewards, now they get additional free rewards for free AND for killing horde. It’s pretty bad this isn’t server or phase-wide.


Why would I notice the Horde Players when there’s 10 alliance ganking me because they can’t win a 1v1?

Yeah but did you run past 20 horde players playing solo before you ran into the ally group I mean. They do group up for safety cos they’re all losers :kissing_heart:


Yep. I’m one of them :raising_hand_man:


Because the warmode buff is region wide…

The Hordies on RP realms have it the worst, being in the minority at all times while at the same time having the Alliance riding a big Warmode buff.