Don’t take this as a slur in any way but I’m just genuinely confused as to why people play PvP servers?
From what I can see its just not fun unless your entire aim is just going around constantly PvP’ing, which gains you little to no reward apart from maybe an epeen boost and some ranks (although not even that much of a rank).
Absolutely everything else just becomes more arduous, tiring and boring.
Want to farm herbs or nodes or leather? Nope sorry you have to pvp.
Want to grind up rep? Nope sorry you have to pvp.
Want to run to your dungeon? Nope sorry you have to pvp.
Want to go afk whilst flying? Nope sorry you have to be on constantly for pvp.
Want to camp at that npc who sells your recipe? Nope sorry you have to pvp against that ranged class in the corner.
Want to go finish the last of your quests to get a bit of gold? Nope sorry you have to pvp.
Want to level an alt? Nope you idiot you have to pvp!!!
I just don’t see at all what is fun about that? Its already a bit of a grind trying to farm up herbs and consumables and reputation etc, all pvp servers manage to do is make the grind especially tiring. I don’t even try to fight anymore, I just have a sleep macro to show my disdain for the whole thing or a sit macro to get it over with quickly.
Now this is just my opinion, but I’d really like to see why other players enjoy PvP servers and if my mind can be changed.
(Disclaimer: yes I should have rolled PvE, I was talked into it by some old players from vanilla PvP servers who gave me a romanticized idea of what it was like.)
Why the f did you roll PvP…
So you didn’t read the post then? Try that little disclaimer bit at the bottom…
There you go 
Right so you don’t want to kill or be killed by other players and your friends say “roll PvP you get to kill others” and you go “sure sounds lovely”
pvp when ur in the mood for pvp is great
thats why
if you dont like doing pvp, pvp servers are hell, but again why would you roll there?
the whole point is for pvp, or you could farm ur stuff and be a rogue or drood so u can insta stealth etc sneak away scot free so to speak
Like… of course pvp happens on a pvp server
No they said roll pvp its huge epic open world fights (with tonnes of lag) and its awesome fun! (There were probably other details as well but I can’t remember it verbatim)
They left out all the other stuff I just said though.
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Because they want to kill and gank other players for no particular reasons. Those players just love that.
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If an alliance player sees a horde by themselves they will attack them to get their own back for the constant ganking outside raids and dungeons. So you really have your own faction to blame.
You can still do anything you do on a PvE server you mentioned, only with a risk factor of running into oposing facton and having to fight for it. That is the fun part for most people roling PvP server. An extra game element, more unpredictable than PvE mobs.
Current state of overpopulation and faction imbalance are not what most people had in mind when rolling PvP server, but when BG’s normalize that again, hopefully without to much damage done to the player base, it will be fun again.
The only people in the forums are ones that like to complain. Most players, believe it or not, are not here.
I assume they are happy to play on PvP servers.
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Yeah you see thats the problem. Its not a risk factor atm, its a guarantee. I’ve yet to farm a single zone where I don’t get into a fight every other node, I honestly couldn’t care less about dying, as I say I don’t even fight back now, its just the slowing down of the farm I hate. Do other people not crack up at that?
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I enjoy small scale pvp, like 1v1, 1v2, and so on, but getting jumped by a raid every time you try attack anyone has made me not even wanna log on anymore so yeah.
I like PVP servers, the issue is that at the moment for the vast majority of 49-59 players it isnt PVP.
I actually find PVP servers to be really important to the game fantasy for me. I like the excitement you get when you see a member of the opposing faction and try to work out how it will go. Sometimes its friendly, sometimes it isnt and sometimes you win a fight and that is all good.
The current issue is at the moment there is no wondering what will happen. If you see an opposing faction player, they are a 60 or group of 60 and you die. You cant run because they have an epic mount and you dont and you can fight, but its really a token effort because you wont win.
It is a bit of a shame for me because basically if you arent 60 yet then you are not getting the same experience that those who got to 60 in phase one got. Its easy to say ‘dont pick a pvp server if you dont like pvp’ or ‘people just like to complain’ but it’s also really hard going out there in this level bracket at the moment.
PvP in Classic just isn’t well thought through imo, and it’s very alt-unfriendly all the while it’s possible to gank players way lower than yourself. What if there had been a cooldown on killing a player a second time, 10-15 minutes? Or even 30? So basically the player you killed will appear green to you for that time, and you will appear green to him. I think that would have been a great solution, but ofc it won’t change, Classic is what it is. So… PvE with BGs works for me.
I enjoy camping low level Horde scrubs in the Hillsbrad Fields.
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Because I enjoy wpvp. Won a few 8v45 fights yesterday and had lots of fun.
I didn’t roll PVE because I thought it meant Players Very Experienced. So I rolled PVP thinking it meant Players Very Poor. Sigh.
I like how pvp servers are unpredictable. The moment you step into a contested zone anything can happen, maybe you’ll get into an intense 1v1, maybe you get rolled over by a 10 man death squad.
I don’t think anyone rolled on a PvP server to get ganked for 45 minutes from the FP to the dungeon but it’ll level out a little bit once BGs come out and the game won’t be as unplayable anymore.
It’s because of server population. We’re pvp-ing in zones with a population that’s multiple times bigger than what the zones were designed for back in 2005. That’s why you can’t escape it no matter where you go. It’s a bit silly.