Why does Blizzard seemingly hate Alliance?

Peace for a thousand generations just like sylvanas intended

Let’s be fair here: Not everyone read the forums and when they come upset to the message board and create a new topic, then you should take this as an indicator that the game does not well.


Fair point. Edited my post to point out the loss of iconic Horde characters.

In addition I edited my post to point out some positives. Also fair point here.

Mary Sue Jaina-Paina should be destroyed by Horde mages with all this ‘Horde Bias’. Pity that none of highly magical elven races that both are part of Horde cant even try to fight her and dead humans dont have any recognizable mage to stand against this ‘human potential’ - Sylvanas should raise Antonidas or something :rofl:

Daaamn I am so triggered that human youngling is kicking everyone’s butt.

I wasn’t talking about multiple scenarios of each of the millions of players. I was just saying that Nelves are Meta in M+.

Just because Rogues or Resto Druids are good, it doesn’t have to mean that you only meet people who play them to perfection all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a shame this couldn’t be part of one of the existing threads, rather than making everyone repeat themselves here.

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Well, from my perspective; the more people write about it, the bigger the chance of that someome realizes that Ally players are sad about the necklect of the faction, and that maybe (:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: ) they will look into that in the future and change some things.


This is why I admire the people who want High Elves.

They are persistant in highlighting their plight yet keep it to one thread. You can see how much support there is for their cause because it’s one big huge megathread.



You’re not even trying to be constructive.
“Bee is not enough”
You had Kua’fon as an extra mount in 8.0 - the bee was promised for 8.2 to balance this and even daleyed to 8.2.5 which you conveniently ignore.

Warmode is not a real point - not everyone cares about world PvP (especially as PvP itself is a joke) even if for these bonuses (and their existence by itself is pure stupidity, wmode bonuses should be PvP-only).


Haha look at horde players comments, Mostly wannabe cool and calling ppl crybabies when they share their opinion in game. I mean it’s not surprising , bragging you are better faction just cause you outnumber the other faction. I can smell your fear when good alliance players gather around on rare occasions and you start burping around :joy:.

Funny to read the live community is a major reason “ expert alliance players “ switch; man who cares , all it takes is if you enjoy smashing big teeths or not and those are the real cry babies for me personally.

For the post owner, keep your head up and for the ALLIANCE.


Frankly if you read the comments on this thread you’ll find you as horde players are whining and moaning just cause an alliance player sharing his point of view. But either way, you remind me of those who run around almost dying while doing wq haha I bet you play wm off cause you got moaned pretty hard :laughing::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Clearly we need to make weekly topics on all the Alliance Bias we can possibly perceive in the game.

I sympathise with the lack of high end game action on the Alliance but I have little time for those endlessly going on that there is bias to one faction. There isn’t.


Don’t get me started…Once I start, I won’t stop… although to be fair it will mostly be about the lore and story, which most chumps whinging about pvp and raiding won’t care about…


You strange little man, I’d be bored to death without wm.

Yea right… Ally got Honeybee mount… tell me about the Horde love!

You got Kua’fon in 8.0 and a direhorn in 8.2 - TWO mounts while Alliance had to wait until 8.2.5 for ONE.
But since ours is a bit newer, you conveniently forget the advantage you have.

Then, Mag’hard orcs have several skins of the heritage armor as the only race and you have exclusive story for the Uldir raid (while the story for Shrine of Storms is for both sides).

Vol’jin’s story is longer than Jaina’s (and spans multiple patches)

War Campaign of BOTH factions is horde-centric.

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Garrosh dead, Vol’jin dead, Sylvanas also dead (lol). Orgrimmar was under siege 2 times.

Have you ever played Alliance for a long period of time? It’s pretty desperate. By accounts of other people, PvP has been shait for longer than I’ve been subbed. M+ isn’t much better. If you’re not a hardcore pet collector there’s hardly anything you can do on the Alliance atm.

Don’t care about it, so for me, it doesn’t even count.

People use this bonus only to get more stuff from WQs. They don’t even want to fight in warmode. Just quickly in and out with a higher reward. It baffles me that this is the best they came up with to “address” the faction imbalance in world pvp.
It’s the same with the honor bonus for BGs. Motivating people whose strategy seems to be to choke horde with honor points isn’t going to change the very obvious skill gap between the factions. Ali queue needs more serious players instead of people who seem to play their first videogame ever every time they log into a BG. Sadly, I don’t think this is something developers can change.

I’m currently trying get myself out of ali misery by lvling a horde char.

there are several reasons on to why horde is domination now in both pve and pvp.
it all started in end of vanilla early tbc realy, though it didnt start to show to much until wrath and after that is was down hill for alliance.

  1. early vanilla alliance did dominate, and most of vanilla wow.
  2. tbc came Alliance only good racial got nerfed Every man for him self, horde one did not though if I recall it had been nerfed before already.
  3. once the racial was nerfed horde started to be equal not dominatign yet.
  4. it when quite fine for a while up till mop I would say where both factions where quite equal.
  5. for pvp new realms came in aka germans, russians, french, came part of the same battleground now, horde premades started to dominate more and more, many alliance didnt even realice it was not EU horde at first par from the russians teams offcourse, more alliance whent for horde due to better pvp.
  6. then came WoD, and Ashran battleground, this is where alliance downfall became imminent, horde was way better, it was so much easier to win as horde than alliance, again more people whent horde.
  7. in legion not much realy happend horde rocked the pvp and pve arenas, but not to much happend after that.

but then came BFA, and warfront, this literaly destroyed the last Mythic raiding for alliance, for one simple thing, horde got the rewards first, meening did any alliance guild wanting to even have slight chance to compeate they had to go horde, 1 guild did, and the rest followed, and at this point there was no turning back.

and combine this whit horde getting nightborne, zandalari, brown orcs, pretty much every race they wanted, where alliance didnt get a single one they realy have asked for, and not to forget blood elfs, what already in tbc contributed to more joining horde.

alliance have wanted high elfs ever since vanilla, but nah, horde got blood elfs. alliance got dranei a race almost none knew anything about.
after that alliance have been asking for high elfs ever since, but what have they got, kul tiran humans, should have been a skin for humans, lightforged dranei should again been a skin for dranei, void elfs new race, but none never asked for it, they wanted high elfs, only race alliance ever have gotten that was asked for was dark iron, and thas not that many eighter.
and now horde is getting vulpera a race that will be popular buy some, and alliance mechagnomes, what makes sence but will never become popular again.

in alliade races horde dominates way more, they have gotten races people knew about for a long time, where alliance mostly gotten races that most have no connection to at all.


I tried to go Alliance for a while, but noticed a major difference in player energy and attitude.

For instance, in battlegrounds if anything goes wrong it’s always “lets just lose as fast as possible…” no effort, no trying to bring it back… it’s absolutely depressing. Has this been your experience too?

Contrast this with horde and it’s the complete opposite, people cheering in 4/5 games, calling out incs, putting in real effort etc.