Why does Darkshore award 400-item level gear?

So you go out of your way to call someone the wrong gender, and we are supposed to believe you’re not going out of your way to be nasty?


I mean just got BiS stats, Il 400, socket and speed barcers from the warfront. Now I need mythic BoD bracers to maybe top that, and that is maybe because a socket is about 15 Ils. Yeah I don’t even try anymore, I wonder why…

It was response to something.

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Gz! I don’t seem to get anything good on my main. Just stuff I d/e, I do hope for azerite so at least I can get the TR.

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So he/she inspects other people and insults them based on their progress and when I call him/her out on being boosted it’s bad now? Kinda hypocritical.

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That was counterattack and good one too. Let her be. Don’t make it personal.

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She resorted to personal attacks on other people, should give her that same advice, if she doesn’t want other people calling her out on being boosted, she shouldn’t belittle others for their raid progress.

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Does it really matter who started it? do you really need to respond to anything people say? just be the adult one and move on.


Well… that’s exactly what you’re doing…

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Oh my god, will you shut up?! JFC. And grow up, too, while you’re at it.


JFC? And growing up is a continuous process that cannot be avoided by any human being.

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Wow, how clever… :neutral_face:

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We just need to redirect the conversation over them at this point. It’s never going to stop.

Horde got the Darkshore WF back up the other day and I’ve suffered it on three characters so far. The only reason I do it, is for that 400 item.


I got a trinket from Ivus… TWICE off the trot! I know, I know. You don’t need to tell me because seriously, I know!

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Ivus is particularly cruel to me, drops a really good helm, wont give it to my main, will give it to my alts, left right and centre.

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It’s a conspiracy, just yesterday I got a 420 trinket on my rogue, but this warrior, nevaaahhh, no loot. Must make the game think your main is your alt, play less on the main.

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I feel ya. I’ve wanted the Rose, from this holiday for years. I’m swimming in them with numerous dups… guess which character didn’t get one? The ONLY character that didn’t… :unamused:

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To make it more fun I always play tank and go full Rambo, head out into the woods to find and kill all the mobs single-handedly. More afk the better imho :slight_smile:

They have to placate the whiny snowflake generation that don’t know or understand the meaning of and reasoning behind a hard work = justly reward system.

Those that like the loot-pinata of a game we have now feel they should be rewarded simply for logging in.

And yea you know what annoys me the most. People saying that loot is free and no effort, after doing that stupid darkshore on my undead priesty, carrying all the damn wood alone in packs of 10 to build practically everything by myself with some other poor soul who was runnig ore from mine, when main group was mindlesly beating up those trees at the beach whole time, untill me and mine person finally got those plaguethrowers done and on their way to take care of the rest. No effort. Look at my hands, the blisters from that wood carry! :roll_eyes::grimacing::weary: