Why does Darkshore award 400-item level gear?

Just manually ignore! Like, with eyes and stuff. God i cannot express myself right today :rofl:

It’s boots!


This topic was doomed to chaos at first when it came to forum xD
@Arathiancqt start a fire as Super Sylvanas when burned the tree :laughing:

You don’t buy boots, you let male human paladins with foot fetish buy them for you.

You seem obsessed with boosts.


Just pointing out the hypocrisy of that nelf druid, buys boosts and acts high and mighty with other people, flaunting his “progress”

I buy boots. There is only so many Judgement boots a girl can have.

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No but really, I had a male human follow me around for nearly 2 weeks, asking to lick my feet (rp servers in nutshell), then I kinda just switched the character and he was gone. Strangest things happen in World of Warcraft.

1)Iam a she

2)never ever bought a boost in my life never will and you have no proof

3)carry on harraseing me and everyone in this thread can see you are baiting me and i will flag your posts now either drop the subject or carry on and face a forum vacation for harrasement and telling lies .

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So you claim. Not really believing it.

Well he’s guildless and his heroic final boss kills are also first kills in the raid usually, seems like boosting to me, good chance.

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I really think you need to let it go. You seem a little too eager to pick on one other poster.


You can never have too many shoes!!!


There is no hypocrisy there. She has huge heart and readynes to fight over things she believes in. Do not take that as anything but something to look up to. She never attacks random people or be nasty for no reason. If someone gets spikier text from her, it is usually well earned. Usually it is to defend other people who were attacked/looked down in first place.

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Yes she is :smirk:

Well he was picking on that poor elf, just defending an innocent and misunderstood member of an elf race.

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Yeah I can see his huge heart right here, he’s a mean person in heart and ready to spit on others around him.

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Iam a she
and he called everyone idiots so please stop with baiting me i have nicely twice now i wount ask again just stop.

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Seriously though how does all this relate to the subject? can we move on and discuss the difficulty of the boss without insulting people and/or their progress… everyone can have an opinion, even on content that they haven’t done, I mean, you can disagree and move on, checking profiles and getting personal is just silly.