Why does Darkshore award 400-item level gear?

In WotLK and Cataclysm if you did anything less than heroic (aka, current mythic), you’d be ridiculed to death and back if you tried to make an argument about your content being “hard” and that valor gear shouldn’t be equal to it.

Which is what you are currently doing by calling current heroic hard enough to not warrant equivalent gear elsewhere.


Oh dont worry I do. Im very happy to not be these kind of people that Love getting rewarded for nothing!

There is a lot things in wow, except ilvl where you can be special. Wow gives you a lot things to do not just fighting and collect ilvl armor. :wink:

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It’s not the fact that others gets 400ilvl that is the problem (honestly its FREE, everybody gets it, it evens out, average item level across all players just gets higher), the probelm is that it neglects current (and past) content. As i said, its inflated to give players an incentive to do warfronts which they never would’ve done if the reward wasnt that good.

Its like me designing a world quest that completely sucks (listen to a panda reading a book for 30min) nobody would do it. So i add an incentive (bis item), suddenly everybody does it despite the fact that my quest sucks. Get it? Its BAD


No but I wouldn’t back then, Because the game was actually good and You didn’t get rewarded for doing nothing.

exactly like your TF trinket with socket ? please and your 4/9 heroic progress and you try and act high end ? excuse me whilst i laugh at you .

Except you were. Heroics and collecting badges from them were a walk in the park that even a drunk blind person could complete them in WotLK.


Does it really matter whether you’re in a group or not? it’s a WORLD boss… I mean that’s the point and by being in a raid group you’re not really committing to anything you can leave at any point and pugs are doing plenty of times.

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Thanks ^^

I’m not saying it’s something that just started with BFA. My point is more that those catch-up things are stronger and stronger every Xpac, to the point it has become TOO powerfull for my own taste.

The problem is not THAT strong on my Warrior main. But something feel wrong for my Priest alt which is already 390+ while doing litterally nothing on it.

Best Mythic + key on that char is +3, LMAO.

Aren’t the stats random? So yeah it can be bad, bud also good, just depending or your luck?

I know for sure I personnally already dropped Warfront gear with BIS stats for protection warrior.

I can agree to it but what I’m saying is the gear is also a lot better.

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Have you ever been inside a raid? You can’t really walk in naked like on world boss, you need to have at least 390 ilvl nowadays to get even considered. Content should have rewards equal to it’s difficulty, so that the game can have progression and feeling of satisfaction, when everything is RNG and getting lucky, there’s no satisfaction.

It’s a game, an entire genre of entertainment with the sole purpose of rewarding you for nothing. It’s how you get hooked. What, did you think you were being productive or something? L’Maooo!


Nah, the only thing that has random stats right now is profession crafts.

For some slots and some speccs warfront gear can be optimal. Azerite gear from warfronts is never better though.

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Yeah they are and i somewhat agree with you if it dropped BIS always but there is 2 people in this thread that have no clue what they are on about raiding or gear wise so i do value your views.

Holy batman stepped out for smoke and so many new posts having trouble to catch up reading now. We have to start to plan on joint breaks on this thread for now on…

edit: ok joint breaks came out wrong way i ment, breaks that happen same time for all of us…

You have not stepped into any raids or any m+ content, nor do you pvp, I can’t see how you have any experience on anything that’s being discussed. It’s like me walking into a theater and telling actors how to act.

Your game literally consists of doing WQs and warfronts and you spit on other people for only having killed 4 bosses in a raid, that’s beyond pathetic.

My personal opinion is that, everybody that thinks it’s okay that Darkshore warfront gives a FREE 400 item level item, is bad at the game. (Which is okay)

Naturally, players that are casual will defend this, whilst the good players think its sad… But personally, if I didn’t play this game a lot anymore, I wouldn’t want to be awarded like the players that raided 3 times a week.

And if you are a good player, I welcome you to explain why it’s a good idea that casuals are awarded the same as heroic raiders for litterally no effort.

And if you are a casual, I just don’t respect your opinion (sorry, since it’s only logical you will defend it)

Nobody cares.


Oh rly hmmm no raid experince you say ?

alot more then you :slight_smile:


Was it for me?

Because I got the notification but I don’t feel like you are targeting me with this post ^^