Why does Darkshore award 400-item level gear?

Blizzard want as many people to have competitive gear as possible because, wait for it… not as many people play. This isn’t like the glory days of WotLK, it’s the seventh (count it) expansion of an almost 15-year-old game.

THAT is why gear is easier to get now, because gear, by its very nature is a means to an end. Oh, you may not think it is, but it is. Clearing the content is the goal, and as good as you may think you are, you can’t do it alone.

Guilds are struggling as it is with the gear, they’ll be extinct without it. There just aren’t enough people to fill the rosters.

I know many people want to go back to being able to stand around in capitals, flexing. But I guarantee you that nobody cared then and they certainly don’t care now.


Going by your parse’s love you need all the gear you can get :zipper_mouth_face:


Just wait for the next raid tier. No point starting raiding now in “mid season”. BoD will be old soon, better to start with the next than waste time on getting gear that will be obsolete within weeks of equipping it.

…yes I am serious, and seriously annoyed by this state of affairs. T40 gears you for T41 gears you for T42. It is not hard to understand, and it does not invalidate the effort who were there early days.

As long as there are no attunements requiring people to run T40 before entering T42, most guilds can still carry and introduce new raiders should they wish.

I can’t enjoy it. When I get gear so good that it’s almost mythic raiding tier, for something so easy and boring, I honestly get really sad.

I love raiding and doing hard content for a month or two, then looking at my beast of a character, that reminds me of the hard battles and effort I put in to get this equipment.

I don’t want it handed to me.

Have you even seen the stats on Warfront gear ? please its an insult you even compare the 2 .

Oh I give up… These forums are just depressing nowadays. People seem to want everything for nothing. Which has killed this games progression curve. Honestly. its just sad. I really give up on this game when blizzard seem to be falling for all this whining which has caused them to make terrible decisions. Its like when a ref gives red card to another player for “fouling” even though the “victim” clearly dived. This Vocal minority caused this and led to this game losing 8 million subscribers.

Yes catch up is ok but should get you to a point so you are ready to raid in the next tier I.E gear equal to last tiers gear.
Yes Simple easy content is OK. But shouldn’t give gear that is equal to Heroic and normal gear.
Yes other types of content is OK. but should have its only difficulty curve, and as the content gets harder should give better rewards.

This is just the overall problem. Some People want everything for nothing, and its honestly sad.

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Because item level is a thing…

The traits aren’t even the best traits but it’s like asking why you can craft 400/415 gear or why you can buy 400/415 azerite gear, now there are reasons for their decisions but the question is whether you agree with them, if you don’t then that’s fine but questioning why you get 400 gear when you can get a far better gear by doing the first few bosses on heroic doesn’t make sense, I mean, consider that you can only do it every few weeks and the loot table is pretty limited it’s not a lot, it’s just to give people that aren’t doing any raids something worth doing, if you raid and you feel it’s mandatory, it’s your problem, if you think it isn’t fun, it’s still your problem! it’s that simple.

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yet you miss the main point its trash gear how hard is it for you to understand ? the stats are bad its for alts not for helping you beat keys and raids get over yourself please .


Oh no! People aren’t overwhelmingly agreeing with me! This is, like, so unfair, you guys. :roll_eyes:


It is not handed to you, you go do content where you get it. Trust me, have had weeks without doing anything and there definately has not been any gear appearing to my character. So you are going and volunteery doing content you don’t enjoy and then you complain about gear you get from there. You do not need Blizzard to solve this problem for you, solution is in your hands.


Warfront gear is litterally Heroic raiding gear. You having such a strong opinion on something you have no idea about makes me kinda sad

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That’s bull, 385 crit haste pants from warfront are on par with 400 pants I got from mythic10. There’s way too much rng around, not a single drop on main from darkshore, 420 titanforged trinket on alt, all you need to play this game nowadays is good luck. Season 1 I had great luck, had fun, my friend had terrible luck and gave up, he came back now and he’s having great luck while mine is terrible, how the tables have turned. Welcome to World of Rngcraft.

Than you don’t do it, simple as that :wink:
This is debate like for heirloom armor, wen ppl protest that must be remove from game. I can not remember if I read here on forum, or wowhead. No one force them to use it. They can wear grey items and fight with stick to enjoy in real wow xD

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ITEM LVL ONLY HOW HARD IS IT FOR YOU TO GRASP THE STATS ARE BAD 4GET THE ITEM LVL please and then you will be a better player.

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It’s more about the philosophy behind it. Why would I bother to try and be special in this game, if the game makes everybody special?

Flagged your post for insults and name calling .

And heroic is hard right? the first few bosses are a joke and the item level doesn’t really matter because the loot table contain items that are good but not the best so whining about it being the same level as heroic raid content doesn’t make sense at all.

Heroic raid requires forming a group at the very least and doing the minimum of committing yourself to the raid, whilst world boss is just loot pinata with 0 effort that you can kill naked.

You need to take a long hard look at your life if you’re getting this worked up over something as trivial as this. And calling a bunch of people you don’t know “idiots” is a good start, it seems like you could use a holiday. :joy:


I think we can all agree that Heroic raiding is a lot harder than Warfronts…