I don’t understand. Why does LFR still exist in WoW in 2023? 12 years ago it made sense for LFR to exist as back then during the cataclysm and mop days there was no group finder tool and no cross server technology and people had to spam chat to form a pug group. But now we have an awesome group finder tool inside the game that is cross server and even cross FACTION. Not to mention now we have multiple difficulty difficulty levels of dungeons and raids for all types of players. So why do we need LFR?
For seeing the raid once and finishing the storyline quest. Or transmog. Or relaxed having fun in game.
Normal mode exists for that purpose
LFR is the anyone can do it, only requirement is an ilvl broken down into manageable wings.
PuGs are not.
Normal mode is less acessable. It does not suit the reasons i replied. It is hard content.
How is it less accessable when you can form your own group in the modern group finder tool?
You can also form your own groups for heroic and mythic as well.
With LFR you just hit 1 button and forget about any bun pain for the time being.
I also don’t understand why you don’t understand the existence of this mode. You don’t do it? Fine, keep not doing it, but why questioning its existence and implying it should be removed?
Because it takes away precious development time when that time can be spent giving us another zone or raid tier
How exactly? The devs gave you such information themselves?
During MoP back in 2012, the developers said in a blog post how much time LFR took to develop and tune and it is substantial
And since 2012 nothing changed within the company, right? Labour differentiation, for example, doesn’t exist in your world, I suppose? And that if LFR still exists, there are people responsible for this mode exclusively?
Then better remove mythic since that is the least played difficulty. And it takes the most development time of the difficulties.
Doesn’t change the fact that without LFR we would have got several new zones, multiple dungeons and several raid tiers. There’s a reason why TBC and WOTLK had huge amounts of dungeons and that number became fewer with each expansion starting with cataclysm (the expansion that introduced LFR)
And there also would be no wars, famine and syphilis.
- Normal is to hard for most people, LFR is a good entry level raid (difficulty vise LFR is roughly slightly harder or maybe at the same level as current normal Ulduar in wrath, which is usually done by pugs almost wipeless. And modern LFR is harder than naxx10/25, which was a completely entry raid for everyone). If LFR was deleted - normal raid would have to be scaled to naxx10/ulduar10 levels of difficulty (which is easier than current LFR)
- Normal takes to much time to group up and do for most, esp full run (You can do 3-4 LFR wings throughout the week if you play 30mins-60mins/day. Most likely you won’t even start a normal run in 40mins, you will still be looking for that last 1tank and 2healers to join).
- People has 0 patience, half of the group would leave after 2 wipes and this way entry level raiding would be miserable experience, when in reality it should be welcoming (it’s not dark souls style game). As I said, LFR would be nerfed to naxx10 levels of difficulty (which is basically 17 training dummies with 1mechanic/boss).
- It is completely optional content, which has its niche and it doesn’t impact higher level raiding in any way. Even loot that is dropped is bad and you get better items from doing entry level m+ keys. Moral is - if soneone is using LFR to see a story - let them. A lot of games has “story mode” difficulty level. Wow is a casual friendly game, with options to do super difficult content. So it catters to both ends of spectrum.
- More people see raid - more people start raiding in higher difficulties - easier time for raiding guilds to fond new recruits.
TLDR: we can have normal, but then it has to be Naxx10/Ulduar10 level of difficulty, current normal is to hard to be entry level raiding for 0 experience pug people.
No, simply no. LFR is just a difficulty. Having it there or not wouldn’t increase the number of raids put out by the developers.
I’m getting the feeling you only made this topic to flex about how we should think that you’re awesome.
With LFR it takes zero effort to form a group and leavers are replaced instantly. This is insanely valuable when it comes to pugging.
The alternative was flex raid in MoP where premade pugs could queue for wings. To be honest I think it should’ve replaced normal mode but blizz scrapped it and used some concepts for normal mode.
This. LFR is simply question of tuning few numbers and disabling few mechanics. My first thought was exactly the same about this topic, seccond being that it was a troll bait. But it is a viable question, so I took a bait probably OP didn’t expect such a backlash and that no one else would agree with his wild idea
All 5 of your points make sense but I would like to counter them with a perfect example: Elden Ring. That game single handedly rose to legendary status in a single day at launch because of its difficulty. You said that WoW does not have to be like Dark Souls and I agree but let it be like Elden Ring where the game teaches you how to counter the difficulty with every tool that you have at your disposal.
There are no 19+ more people with you “countering mechanics” in Elden Ring. This comparison is incorrect.