Why does LFR still exist?

First just like the Void Elf with strange runes said, in ER there are no other people with you. So where you could make a difficulty that is build on that one could lern and improve and if that not happens stop playing you can not build on that in WoW. The reason why we need different difficulties is for some guys nothing less then Touhou like mechanics is hard while other have already a hard time with moving from a to b. Then imagine having a raid wide kill mechanique if you do not move out somewhere and then put the bullet hell paradise with Continental drift reflexes and you have the chaos.
Either the bullet hell people will be bored to death or they will get themselves reclusive cause the contintental reflexes will do them more harm then good.
Second you compare two complete opposite design philosophies. While FS want to design encounters where you have hard challenges that could be overdone by putting in enough effort Blizzard had the design philosophie of making it casual to get as many people as possible.

So the better question should not be why LfR exist as it is the most played raid tier with 48% while the others are single digit with NHC only being 9% but why LfR is still requireing other players as it would be better to enhance by giving the players 24 Botpartymember who will not fail as long as the player does not fail.


I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t take nearly as much balancing time as Mythic does, development time (And creating the visual assets) is done once for all modes, anyway.


Nobady goes into LFR for story Everyone there is for gear. And literaly nobady is having fun doing LFR becsoue you know. Its not fun at all.

Because it will take you at the required ilevel and that’s it. No “where’s your achievement” no “we already got 3 paladins” there’s absolutely 100% chance you will get into the LFR if you just wait. Whether you manage to complete it is another thing but a much higher chance than trying to join a hundred normal runs only to be told no. For those of us who do it only for the story/quest, it’s brilliant.


It isnt valuable becouse LFR removes desire to keep playin game. Its dull mod where nobady is having fun what only burns your hunger to see actual content.

LFR troll thread #6345 from character playing on a spare Battlenet account so we can’t see all his LFR achievements :sleeping:


For casual players. In Normal mode, there is still huge gatekeaping


Imagine thinking a comparrison between a singleplayer game and an mmorpgs group content would make sense.


As a casual, who mainly raids LFR, I don’t think its removal would be bad for the game. However, it’s necessary though to drastically decrease difficulty on normal, if you wanna see it happen. Maybe this would enable blizzard to give M+ a different recolour than raiding, so people don’t just do M+ to get the tier set visuals of the mythic raid.
Casual doesn’t really mean allergic to socializing, but I think the casual difficulty, i.e. normal/LFR should not be harder than a vanilla wow boss. But that’s just my opinion.

It doesnt. You create Mythic and then nerf it for Heroic and nerf it further for normal and then you take a gigantic sledgehammer and beat it so hard until it stops moving and then you have LFR.

No we wouldnt.

Dungeons became less relevant. The very reason why they created Mythic and then Mythic+.

Thats not a “perfect example”. Its not even a good one. Elden Ring and its sibling games are notorious for being hard and they attract one specific playerbase and nobody else. They also just want to attract this playerbase while WoW wants to attract several. The “elden ring” community in this game would be the one that raids mythic.

People already have that if they would just google. Everything is explained indepth to the tiniest little detail by this community The tutorial is LFR/Normal.


Do you agree, that wow raiding would attract more players, if the reward difference between mythic raiding and heroic raiding was the amount of drops and the cosmetic stuff, such as titles/etc. The legendary should also be exactly the same ofc, but mythic should have a high drop chance for it.

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Stick in your own thread that you created for this matter of discussion. Also no.

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It’s not that simple.
Back when there was only normal and HC 95% of players never saw more than the first 4 bosses of a 13 boss raid.
The argument was made that the problem is accessibility, not difficulty. And that if raiding wouldn’t require so much time commitment, scheduling, forming, replacing people etc. then more people would do it.
The first LFR was as hard as normal is today, but since the group was assembled by blizz they inadvertently took the responsibility as well. Players used this as leverage to force blizzard into nerfing LFR until it became trivial.
LFR is a (bad) solution to a major problem, but simply removing it won’t solve it. It will just bring back the argument that players without tons of time are barred from seeing content.

All in all I agree that players should be forced to discover the game by playing it and I think blizzard should’ve manned up and told players to “git gud” instead of nerfing LFR after dragon soul. But apparently the majority of this community are casuals who just expect to “finish” the game like they watch a movie. It was blizzard’s decision to go down this route, nothing we can do.


I think you are mistaken. On all points.


Actually, in BFA I only raided LFR for the story lmao. I was new to the game then, and I remember having been extremely excited over joining :slight_smile: I forgot that in shadowlands, but thinking about it, maybe LFR should stay.


Such a weird logic.

We have awesome group finder tool now, BECAUSE we have LFD and LFR now.

If you remove LFD and LFR, you will have the old group finder tools, exactly the same as we had before LFD/LFR.

You obviously don’t know that, we did have group finding tools before cataclysme. People can list their groups in tools, and others can apply and whisper, exactly the same as today.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I will only do LFR to complete the story on my characters. The gear is not worth it and with the current loot system it’s even less worth the try.
If I don’t have LFR mode available, I will simply avoid with raid at all.
Tried it in TBC and the long nights I was awake instead of going to sleep, almost cost my job.
Raids, require guilds. If someone misbehaves, it can always be addressed by the guild and if it’s not, than the player can chose to leave for a better guild.
Pug world was always a dice. You can get a good group or you can get a bunch of people that will ruin your day.
I learned to avoid such environments during Vanilla. When people couldn’t change their names or server transfer.
I guess now with cross servers, the situation is much worse. But because groups take less time to be assembled, that was swept under the rug.

I also avoid add-ons because I like to play with a clean interface.



tbf it’s rly not as easy, and it’s not directly logical, because it’s behaviour-based. In classic wow I would be against LFR and LFD for example, but in retail I’m for it.
As said though, I can see those being removed a good thing in retail under the right circumstances.

Errr cutting out mechanix and scaling for LFR is hardly gonna be a big drain on Devs resources


Its for people who want to see content that they wouldnt normally see due to commitment or effort. Like I said elsewhere most would not complete normal if they did not out gear it with M+ gear.