Why does LFR still exist?

And now imagine doing it only with quests/heroic dungeons gear, because, surprise-surprise, for M0 and M+ you need to go to the same crappy Group Finder and face all the problems I’ve mentioned. If you say to casual “you only need +10 key gear” it sounds like a joke.
Also consider doing it in times when LFR opens, not now when semi-casuals are overgeared and have no problem with half of the raid being non-familiar with mechanics. A lot of pugs invite only 8/8N players at these times.

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4 hours on a Sunday is where you draw the line?

4 hours, mind you, with breaks.

Okay then. Fine. Find an empty one - kill 3 bosses. Excuse yourself for having to go take care of the kids or whatever it is, and leave. Then, a little while later, find another group with 3 bosses down. There’s likely to be a dozen or so. Join those. Repeat the process until finished.

You’re gonna be spending 20 minutes to get in and 20 minutes to kill the bosses, times 4.

You mean these?

Meeting people in a game world and forming groups is literally THE CORE REASON WHY MMO’s EXIST. Complaining about this is like complaining about guns in Counter-Strike.

And some people struggling with this, they want to push a button and play, not socialize. And Blizz gives this opportunity, which is good.
And don’t tell me you picked a wrong game then. Give me a solo game with the current state of Warcraft story and will cancel my WoW subscription right now.


As I said, you don’t really need to socialize. Just find a bunch of groups in there and sign up. You don’t need to talk, you don’t even need to write anything in the sign-up box. If the leader is being toxic, just leave. It’s gonna be alright.

But I’ll also say this: Games are fundamentally designed to be challenges that you should overcome. WoW has 4 core skills sets required to succeed:

  1. Play the combat
  2. Figure out the world
  3. Join the community
  4. Adapt to the changes as they come

You wanna finish the game? Learn it.

WoW helped me tremendously. I was relentlessly bullied in school and borderline depressed. Had a really hard time. WoW slowly made me come out. It’s actually good for you. Genuinely not saying this to try to be mean or anything, I really, really mean it. Give it a chance.

You did though. Or maybe you didn’t if you’ll give it a chance.

I will draw the line where ever I want

Or do that with a press of a button, while doing other things, not just runing laps in Valdrakken :thinking:

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Which is why from my opinion they ruined LfR with BfA. In MoP, WoD and Legion LfR whas mechanical so simple that it whas basically ignorable. With BfA they wanted for better experience not have the whole number of abilities being so weak that the boss is basically a damage sponge but a few which need to be done but the same time stopping people feeling forced to go LfR.
The problem is people have it in their head that NHC means needing for coordination and coordination means communication so whatever hurdle they have with this they rather go LfR because there is the collective conscience of Groupfinder means doable without coordination.
But because of this mechanic change people fall flat on their nose and with the wipe buff being capped at 100% it is to hard for many and the buff cap also means their is no way to outdamage.
Because for some reason people have subconcious no discipline in LfR but something in open streamer raids despite their being in familiarity or socialation no diffirence.

why does raiding still exist remove it and bring back 10 man dungeons :smiley:

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the difference is the queue. You can just mind your own business until the queue pops up. I’m fine with removing lfr if normal becomes queue able


I’d say this is a pretty fair point. However, my view that certain mechanics need to be nerfed or made non-existent in LFR still stands. If LFR really is meant to be story mode and easy going, you shouldn’t have to bang your head on the wall for hours with multiple stacks of determination.


Did it even occur to you that the people tweaking numbers and testing raids VS the artists and quest designers working on maps don’t do the same thing ?

Your whole argument just put everything in the same bag just because you dislike the accessibility of LFR.

You hate it ? Too bad for you I guess, but at least put some efforts in your arguments, right now it’s totally void.

It’s like a raiding simulator-most people can just run it for the story, but it can also serve as a taste of raiding if you want to get into it proper. It’s like a watered down beer or a McDonald’s burger. Quick and easy to consume, but if you want a proper version of it, you know there’s something better out there.

My only issue with it is having cosmetics drop there, aside from the LFR transmog.

it’s not about if you can do or not but you won’t get in a pug group with blue gear so the ability of doing it doesn’t matter since if you’re in a guild you’ll obv. do it and don’t need lfr. lfr with mechanics is good because it shows players how to do mechanics without punishing them so much so they can learn. i’ve don lfr razs. and now i can do normal razs if i want to because i know the mechanics and didn’t need to butcher anyone’s raid by trying/learning it thanks to lfr


For me it definitely is still true. I can’t speak for others of course, but I would think there’s more people who feel the same.

I really don’t feel that. It’s not just about the difficulty. Not having an automated queue system is a HUGE turn off for me. I hate looking for or making groups to do content.

I agree; they should.
I’ve been advocating for a TRUE story mode for a few years now.


Underperformers are frequently removed in PuGs, unless you are AFKing in LFR and actually taking part you usually don’t get removed.


Oh my remark wasn’t even about ‘judgemental other players’, it was about joining the actual raid group; I hate the manual group finder and the only content I use it for is stuff like a world boss and such.

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