You do know that fun is subjective right?
Blizzard does make the game fun
You do know that fun is subjective right?
Blizzard does make the game fun
Nah he is actually right in how WoW works
Because in vice versa it also means if you have fun in something despite Blizzard does not want anyone to have fun with it, it has to patch it out because only the right thing can be fun. Though it also means that it is Blizzards responsibility to be lead to the content that should we have fun with which then begs one question.
Why does it then so often a bad job in enforcing PvP players to play PvE.
WoW raiding has too many levels of difficulty per tier but the one that is the most accessible is not the one which we could do without.
If there is any cutting to happen, it should start from the top and not the bottom. Mythic is an excessively restrictive relic of the past. Normal and Heroic could easily fuse into something in-between.
I agree with you.
I can see a purpose for 3 levels of raiding.
Easy / Story Mode. For those who can’t / don’t raid. To see the story and maybe have some cosmetic / currency rewards.
Moderate level for casual small friends & family style progression.
Hard level for more skilled, prepared, well co-ordinated groups to progress.
LFR is too hard for the first of these.
Normal is probably about right for the second of these.
Heroic is probably too easy for the third of these.
Mythic is probably too hard for the last of these.
I think LFR should be nerfed somewhat and Heroic and Mythic merged.
The only real loser in this is Race to World First. Maybe there could be raid built specifically for this purpose that are only available for the first month after launch…
Not even commenting how lfr ruins immersion, adds to powercreep which leads to need of seasonal gameplay, ruins desire to explore content and more. So no, just becouse you decide to no do something it doesnt mean it still negattively affects your experience
lfr doesn’t do any of that. powercreep and seasonal gameplay was there before lfr, check wotlk classic .
That’s the beauty of World of Warcraft, you can play it at whatever level and however you like.
Completely FALSE. If we players really have the freedom to play at whatever level and however we like then while doing chromie timewalking campaign we wouldn’t be forcefully teleported to stormwind or orgrimmar after reaching level 60.
Completely FALSE. If we players really have the freedom to play at whatever level and however we like then while doing chromie timewalking campaign we wouldn’t be forcefully teleported to stormwind or orgrimmar after reaching level 60.
Weird flex. Puny’s remark is not COMPLETELY FALSE as you say; there’s just some restrictions/exceptions in certain places within the game. But generally speaking she’s correct and we can enjoy WoW in many different ways.
All 5 of your points make sense but I would like to counter them with a perfect example: Elden Ring. That game single handedly rose to legendary status in a single day at launch because of its difficulty. You said that WoW does not have to be like Dark Souls and I agree but let it be like Elden Ring where the game teaches you how to counter the difficulty with every tool that you have at your disposal.
you do realize elden ring is a completely different game. different engine, different gameplay, different style.
You might as well compare super smash bros to wow if you compare elden ring to wow. A souls like mmo rpg sounds fun to me. But thats not what wow is buddy
Which is reason why wow is failing to atract anyone. Game without target audience is nonsense. Without target audience you will simply have medicore experience where nobady is having fun.
It attracts everybody. You have difficulty that fits everybody. You want it easy? Go lfr/normal. You want it hard? Heroic. You want it really hard? Go Mythic.
with 3 different esports being pushed at the same time
Raiding isnt an e-sport outside of RWF and thats a player-made “event”.
M+ i would agree but you can play it easily without treating it like an e-sport since everything can be considered “e-sport” if aimed to play it at the highest level.
PvP is a joke of an “e-sport” since pretty much cataclysm.
For seeing the raid once and finishing the storyline quest. Or transmog. Or relaxed having fun in game.
I feel like this used to be true, but isn’t anymore. Normal mode is so incredibly accessible and you can have full blues and be just fine clearing it, and that’s not to mention how easy it is to get purple gear just by doing a few world events which would make normal mode even more accessible. I am personally struggling to see a reason for LFR to continue existing in its current form.
I also don’t feel like LFR is relaxing. If it really is meant to be “story mode”, then they should probably remove boss mechanics that require coordination. Every now and then we still get bosses that are very tilting with an uncoordinated group.
I just find it quite contradicting claiming how easy normal is and then mentioning how hard lfr is. I just do not get it.
And as long you can not do normal on a queue while doing other things and just a couple of bosses per session, like hop on and hop off, the accessibility is way lower. Or by creating your own group and seeing it fall apart after every wipe, or schedule 3 hour-session with a guild/community.
I don’t understand people do not see the difference.
I just find it quite contradicting claiming how easy normal is and then mentioning how hard lfr is. I just do not get it.
That’s why I worked in my point about coordination. If you still require high levels of coordination for an apparently story-mode dungeon, then you may as well just do Normal mode.
So really, they have two choices there.
I am struggling to understand what “high levels of coordination” you need for LFR. Sure the last boss is usually a bit harder. But basically knowing personally what to do is enough. I seem to miss the coordination part. While obviously normal is still way harder and not accessible.
The difficulty level of Raszageth, Jailer, G’huun, and Uu’nat were practically the same on both Normal mode and LFR, because those fights are more mechanically complex so numbers aren’t the only factor.
If LFR is to continue existing, they should simplify the mechanics of such bosses for LFR.
Well in DF actually the bosses really the same - like before DF - maybe one mechanic missing or have a safety net , like with Dathea
It is more like LFR you can do by Wings, and you don’t have to commit 1-2 hours to do the whole thing
The scaling is just way lower. It makes is so much easier. I have no words. It is just way easier Sure last bosses of raids are a bit harder. That still makes 9/10 loot pinata’s. Which really isn’t the case on normal. The last expansions i have raided it took about 2 months progressing in normal. It takes a couple of tries on lfr to kill the last boss, sure. A couple. Not multiple raid evenings.
Not everyone is in or wants to be part of a guild busting with people who want to help.
LFR Is a tool that gives EVEYONE a chance to experience the content. Just because you dont use it or like it, doesnt mean its invalid
Normal mode is so incredibly accessible
As it was already pointed out, the main difference between LFR and Normal is not mechanics or gear requirement, but the automated queue. I guess lot of solo casual people (including me) find it very frustrating and struggling to use extremely outdated manual groups, especially if you want to just experience the story. You just press a button, wait some time and find yourself automatically grouped and teleported to the raid. No manual applying to existing raid, no raid leaders with supermassive blackhole size egos, no hassle of organizing your own raid… Sounds like good experience which WoW should have. This is a huge accessibility gap between LFR and Normal and that’s why LFR exists and why some people ignore raiding in higher difficulties.
As it was already pointed out, the main difference between LFR and Normal is not mechanics or gear requirement, but the automated queue. I guess lot of solo casual people (including me) find it very frustrating and struggling to use extremely outdated manual groups, especially if you want to just experience the story.
And as has been explained back at you, you simply don’t need it to experience the story. I literally went into the group finder, searched for Vault normal, and just applied to everything that said “fresh” or had no kills. I got into the 1st one, although I’m sure many of the others would have taken me too, and I went in there, and I destroyed the place in 4 hours on a Sunday. I did it without researching any boss whatsoever and with no guild.
I did it with gear I had from M+ which, as you know, require only 40 minutes at a time and all you need is +10 to +15 gear or so - nothing terribly fancy. You can most certainly also do it in full PvP gear.
It’s just the good-old battle-tested dungeons->raids. That’s it. You still don’t need to say a word if that’s really so important to you. It’s still just going into the very same UI panel and just pressing a slightly different set of buttons. The only difference is that there’s going to be an MMO experience surrounding it - less teleportation, more persistant world, people talking if if you want to join in, and better loot. That’s it.
I’d love a solo option with NPC’s.
I went in there, and I destroyed the place in 4 hours on a Sunday
4 hours
LFR? Wing it and do it without spending hours there