Why does LFR still exist?

I completely disagree with this overall. It is very very hard to find the exact right difficulty, that is not too challenging, but also challenging enough for each difficulty. That’s one of the reasons, why I’m advocating so often, that wow should have less difficulties. Finding the exact right difficulty is an art in itself


I would say there are 3 levels of each raid. I have seen many who will just clear normal and maybe half or less heroic. Many who will clear heroic and maybe a couple of mythic. Then the Mythic raiders and not all of them will clear. LFR on the other hand is a teaser for those who want a look at this sort of content. Or an easy step on the gearing ladder, easier than heroic dungeons with a bit more group work. These difficulties levels have been tuned since Dragon Soul in Cata and seem to work fairly well.

Exactly the opposite, group finder is the most outdated and disgusting tool in WoW. To have this joke the only way to reach some content in 2023 is just ridicolous, when every other game has a matchmaking and other more usefult things. Every diffuculty level should have a queue matchmaking, not just LFR.

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*sigh *


Lfr is story mode
Normal is easy mode
Heroic is normal mode
Mythic is hard mode

Idk if this answered your question. Basically its for people to see the story and just chill a bit. Some people play this game extremely casually and try to complete quests , stories. It makes them clear the icon in their quest log and lets them to see the story ending . It is designed to be cleared not to challenge anyone ( determination stacks , lacking core mechanics) . Loot is also worthless for anyone participating any other endgame content so it doesn’t bother anyone.

Also readed your comment about development time thing. It was probably time consuming to create it first time but now they just nerf the numbers since the system is already created. Getting rid of this system won’t make you get 10 more dungeons or 2 extra zones. They aren’t developing any fresh system with new tiers lfr , they are just tuning the numbers.


What he means:

  • Group finder = old tool we had for manually listing, searching and joining a group

  • Queue matchmaking = auto search and join a group, like LFD and LFR


sometimes you just want to queue and wait just to get one loot for tmog. i don’t understand why LFR bothers people so much, it’s not like people would do normal if lfr didn’t exist


I played Elden ring, and it’s a single player game, where you can play 30mins or 5hours, it has appeal to everyone. High difficulty in games is not a bad thing, mandatory time investment is. Just look how popular m+ became - you can do increadibly difficult content by not commiting into some strict shedules, etc.

Another game I play a lot is Path of Exile - the complexity and difficulty of it is unmatched in ARPG genre, yet more and more people comming into it, for the past few years it was in a stedy growth. Obviously it will never reach the levels of popularity Diablo has, but it still shows people like difficult and complex games.
Both game like Elden ring or PoE has something in common - you log in and you play - no need to commit 1hour to make a group, no need 3-4 hours commitment to sit in a raid. You just log in and log out whenever you want. One day you feel like playing 10hours, other day after daily work you only play 1hour, SP games allows it. And LFR allows this in a sense as well - you log in, do one or two wings and log out;, it’s just have a very easy difficulty, which is not liked by raiders community.


Removing LFR is the worst idea anyone can propose.

OP shall ask himself, why do we have LFD? why do we have auto queue for BG, Arena?

If group finder tool is so awesome, we shall remove any auto queue for any content in this wow.

But it isn’t, because today’s manual group finder is the same as it was in vanilla. And the ability to auto queue is awesome.


Yeah I don’t think that is true at all. Lfr does not cost us half an expansion.


I go into lfr both for gear in the beginning of a tier, but certainly also if blizzard that I have to, due to a quest.

No it doesn’t.
Mythic Difficulty takes more development time than LFR does, because Mythic adds mechanics, whereas LFR Removes mechanics.


Because plenty of people still use it; many of them as their ONLY way to see the raid content (I’m one of those people).

Because normal is too much of a time and skill investment for some.
And since Blizzard keep putting story content gated behind a raid, they HAVE to give access to that raid for basically anyone. Not just ‘raiders’.

I hate it. I never use for stuff like that. I don’t want to be looking for groups; I would rather gouge my own eyes out. Looking for groups is one of the things I hate most.

The better question would be: Why does Mythic raiding still exist?

Did it? I couldn’t care less about that game and wouldn’t call it ‘legendary’ in the slightest. It’s a bad game with bad mechanics and it’s not fun. Yes that’s subjective, but so is thinking it’s a good game. Difficulty does NOT make something good by definition.


I’m not sure how any difficulty adds dev time, since they just design the fight in mythic, then remove bits for hc, more bits for normal, and more bits for LFR.

LFR promotes raiding to those afraid to raid, and if you aren’t interested in raiding, it’s a way to see the end of many story lines that typically ended at the raid boss.


Maybe it’s true, and maybe that’s why raiding hasn’t been fun for a lot of people. If they take this approach, they literally design raids for RWF, and the rest of the difficulties are just nerfs, not something designed to be fun for the audience playing it


And I used it for that purpose. Getting the invite was as trivial s defeating the encounters. Took 4 hours on a Sunday. Pretty sure it would’ve taken longer to do in LFR.

We do not need LFR but good luck convincing this lot. It’s not possible, trust me.

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i really doubt it. You seem to think blizz would but the lfr effort into another project. But most likely they would just keep releasing things at the same space


I agree that this is why LFR has a place in the game.
Although I’m not so sure it is fulfilling this purpose particularly well.
Queue times are too high and difficulty is off-putting.

LFR should be easier to be as accessible as possible. Rewards could be reduced as nobody is doing LFR for gear particularly.

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My time is limited, I can queue LFR and be off doing other things ingame or in real life. Queue pops, i do my 3 bosses and move onto something else.


There is no development time for LFR, the raid is the development time. The modes are not. They just tweak the difficulties, how many tactics there are, health etc. It’s not taking away from any other part of the game.

I will never understand the mentality of players wanting to take something away from others. I don’t enjoy PvP or PvP pet battling for that matter, but I don’t want to see it removed from the game.