Sorry but I see the opposite : alliance refusing every 1v1s.
Heck, they’ll engage 1v1, me “cool”, ally starts to lose, 2 of his mates come in.
When I initiate a 1v1 and a hordie sees me, he does nothing: he watches the fight and will engage if I lose, not interfere.
I also cross many allies who won’t engage or flee like crazy when alone and losing. Also that bubble in Hearthstone macro…so cringe.
However, I believe you OP but don’t make a generality.
Where I think it’s fair of you expect these though is that now we’re back to being exciting farming materials for you get new gears since it’s 400ivl.
I would definitely not want to give you free stuff like that.
In fact, I was in my camp, not doing much, chilling, when a raid came in ganked me.
That is upsetting.
i will camp u 1v1, 2v1, 3v1, 4v1, 5v1 dosnt matter, as long as i wins.
If i see horde doing 1v1, i will start blasting the ally instantly to ensure faster wins.
If u try to outnumber me i will use toys to get away, get some backup if needed and jump you when you are low.
Seriously now? I Hardly find an Allie with WM on for call to arms. Only raids at flight paths. And you expect for an honest 1v1 when you re a plate bubble guy? Nope sir my weapons is to flee and choose when i attack , yours are the healing and defensive spells.
Dude, you are a Paladin. If someone tries to Group fight you while you are on your own then just /laugh and bubble hearth.
Both the Horde and Alliance are guilty of trying to cheese WPvP with groups ganging up on single targets, well we as Paladins have a great cheese combo to counter this!
Well unless its a mirror class 1v1, 1v1s are terribly balanced, things like most melee vs casters give an overwhelmingly ridiculous advantage to melee players so a win in a 1v1 in that scenario would be meaningless.
Honestly, the 1v1 balance is bloody disastrous, and they didnt even bother slightly trying to fix it now that they introduced warmode. Many classes might as well be forced to join groups because its the only way to survive lmao.
Classes are supposed to have advantages and disadvantages versus other classes. You are supposed to group up. But 1v1 is fun anyway, can’t win em all hehe.
No first of all Who with healthy brain wonna fight with retri paladin with their current state and 3 lifes in outdoor is you. And secend of all it’s spelled The Retribution Paladin it’s children like you there’s the reason why it’s so diffecult for us to get invited into a good and a nice raiding guild stating we’re op broken when we’re not.