No he wasn’t.
Every Paladin can. It does not make you special or skilled player. Your class skill cap is so low that it needs something like 10 minutes of playing and one is good to go.
Well don’t blame me blame blizzard and i’ve also won against a 2vs1 within vol’dun and they tried to kite me but i was just like nope.
Says the Shaman with Lightning Lasso. Every class/spec has their strength. Paladins have their deliberations and skill-requirements just as any other class.
Unless you are Enh or Resto (which both seem to be not built for fighting at the moment…) then you have a great ability to combat a Paladin.
It won’t be a cake walk, but you have loads of counter-measures to our more annoying mechanics.
Ignore Türiel. He is a better Forum Warrior than an in-game Paladin! ^^
There are a number of classes that give Paladins grief. Mages are the prime antagonists!
I’m a Paladin not a warrior if you have any difficultys seeing that maybe you needs to focus a bit more.
What were you like?
I was denying them the 2vsme kill so i won the 2vs1.
You make that sound like that’s somehow difficult for a ret paladin.
Well it is as most people know how to counter us.
No its not. Don’t pretend like Ret isnt OP in 1v1. You even said yourself higher up in the thread how you kill people easily
Its the best 1v1 spec in the game and can 1v2 pretty consistently too. In fact I’m currently in Drustvar watching ret who has had the Assassin buff all morning. I’ve just watched him 1v3 a group of hordes. He nearly died but his raid group turned up to help…
As I was typing this a guild mate who has a low geared ret just popped into guild chat to say about how he just 1v2 a couple of alliance near Aroms Strand…even though his gear is crap
I see it ALL the time in battlegrounds, lone alliance ret turns up and manages to 2v1 or even 3v1 to capture a node or kill a flag carrier.
You want to know why people don’t 1v1 your Ret? Because most specs have 0% chance of winning.
Now tell me, when you see a spec that you know can kill you easily (trick question because there aren’t any) you’re going to go chase them down for that 1v1 aren’t you?
No Unholy’s op The Retribution paladin’s not op.
I agree, ret paladins is just a faceroll class atm. I’ll admit it, i SUCK at pvp, especially 1v1 scenarios, but even with my crap skills i still manage to kill players.
I didn’t say Ret was OP. I said it was OP in 1v1 and to a lesser extent in 1v2.
Even most Rets acknowledge this…
You need skill to play Unholy effective, in order for it to be OP. Ret is just button smashing tbh
Well i have a question about Retribution Paladins if i may ask it on here or should i make a new thread?
I should have done it in the first place and not to get involved.
Actually, the point has hardly anything to do with the fact that you are a paladin.
Why would you want to ignore me? I’m no troll and i’m sorry if what i said annoyed anyone.
ret big broken)))) hihiyeshibye
No1 refuse to do 1v1.
Its just that you dont have a choice when others show up. Or some1 teams up.
this is a joke thread right?alliance are going always 3v1 wpvp minimum…they don’t even 2v1 …not a chance for 1v1 fair fight …always with pocket healers etc lol