Well, if I’m Alliance it’ll be Horde mages of course.
Well some uses mercenary mode aswell but i’m glad those scourge gets soon ended and maybe soon Varian’s ghost can guide anduin.
By 1v1 you mean 1 alliance party vs 1 horde player? Because that’s what I am experiencing.
No i mean one player vs another player.
What do you mean mr OP?
Noone ever 1v1s besides me. On alliance and horde side.
Ive been running around solo and engage every oppertunitie i get. 99.999% of all players fit in to this mold:
- Run away when i engage 1v1 and keep running even if mounted + slowed.
- Only engage when 3 or more vs 1.
I leveled, worldquested and did invasions on 6 different max level characters since BFA launched. Only 1 engaged and stayed in a 1v1…a lvl 118 mage versus my at the time super undergeared warrior. So out of 100s of fights…only 1 wanted a fair fight.
I find it hard to belive the horde’s always and will always lie to get what they want.
I lied about stuff to get into pugs. Your argument is retarded.
Well it’s diffecult for Retribution Paladins to get into pugs.
I do 1vs1, but it’s hard to find Alliance players who don’t travel in packs.
So many times I’ve encountered a full group of Alliance players while doing WQs, minding my own business. 5v1 is apparently the new way to compensate for the lack of… other things.
If you go with Warmode though you basically accept the terms of this being part of your daily grind, either run with friends or take WM off.
I tried to 1vs1 one of you orcs recently. And you just fled on your mount. And another time i tried to 1vs1 a hordie they dragged me into horde npcs so they’d help them aswell. Where’s the honor in that?
we talked about this, paladins are extremely hard to kill one v one by alot of classes so maybe dont complain about them running away when your playing a paladin.
No we’re not op you’re just one of those there wana nerf everyone that you don’t like.
I didnt say that I said some classes like mine find paladins almost impossible to beat so we see a paladin and go, why waist our time.
The same with druids yet i never run from one.
Talks about 1vs1, forms raids to farm flying spots and gets rewarded for it lol. That’s how bad alliance is.
Translation. We hordies we farm The Glories Righteous Alliance when they’re below 20% at their flight points that’s how little honor we have.
we would be kicking your butts all the time, but we often find your own heads so far up it the feat becomes impossible.
No you won’t i can easilly 1vs1 any of you none mages and monks.
I dont know why i have the feeling that the “dumb taruan” was clearly inferior geared compared with you.