Why does the middle east have to pay western price for sub

because middle east isn’t big enough profit-wise to set up regional prices.

Is it equal that a construction worker in a western country earns far more than a construction worker in a western country?

Or that the poor laborer who stitches your clothes together in a sweatshop somewhere far away whilst almost certainly working more hours than you, gets paid peanuts?

Don’t even pretend to care about equality, you know you’ve been born with a silver spoon in your mouth.


Nice response that is a completely different scenario to that of what was discussed.

If you want to play victim please do it makes me laugh more so considering wasn’t dubai known for severely bad labour practices while having billions of pounds and being a wealthy country, primarily in the construction occupation “I’m glad you brought it up because I actually work in construction” :))

I don’t have a silver spoon I actually have an education and know that when someone has to throw a silver spoon into the mix probably had their parents pay for their education but want to be a social justice warrior.

But then again you talk about wanting people to play Warcraft who earn peanuts I’d love to know how they afford internet electricity and a pc on top of a wow expansion that takes 20% of their income LOL.

You’ll never get a cheaper Warcraft price tag get over it or quit the game if it affects you that badly that you have to throw in personal digs to try make a point XD

Dunno about never, Ukraine got cheaper sub, and Turkey, some south american countries too if I remember correctly. So it’s not impossible.

I don’t think this is about the subscription cost though judging by the opening post. It’s about the cost of the expansion itself.

So for TWW that would be €49.99 or £39.99. I’m not actually aware if that expansion price varies for the EU in other currencies.


What Dubai has to do with Iran? Lmao

Bro posting on ur alts isn’t making you look super smart.

Its super weird and also maybe if you looked at the person I replied to you’d understand why I made the comparison but yet again that requires you to function.

I believe they said “silver spoon” as in being born in a rich country with opportunities versus being born in a poorer country. I don’t think they meant being born rich.

Also, a cashier in a high-GDP country might earn more than an engineer in a lower-GDP country. This disparity has more to do with the economic status of their country rather than their level of education or their profession. What seems affordable to you and me might not be for many others around the world, regardless of their education level.

The Middle East is not just Dubai, and not all the countries in the Middle East, are rich.

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That’s great maybe speak to your government to improve your countries living standards instead of expecting others to kneel to the foot of others then, its quite simple the product is owned by a company and it has a price tag in the regions its set in.

If you don’t like it then simply just don’t try and enter the door, yet again its a luxury not a requirement to live your life, the entitlement is so unreal in this forum that its actually laughable.

Also attacking people from being from other countries and saying they were born with a silver spoon because its literally xenophobic so maybe I should just flag their comments then.

Gonna go complain to my dealership and tell them I want a ducati supersport motorbike for £2000 because its unfair.

I’ll never agree so its best to let this post vanish because they’re not getting it cheaper at the end of the day.

I’m not from a low-GDP country. I’m doing great, and I’m grateful for it. I was merely correcting the misconceptions in this topic(post) by some people. Another misconception here is that the government of any country can improve living standards at will.

That is not entirely true. They can choose to implement something called “Country-Based Pricing,” similar to what Netflix does. Obviously, they need to figure out whether it would still be profitable for them to do that. In the case of Netflix, it is.

Sure, gaming might be seen as a “luxury”, but affordability is not the same everywhere. What’s easily accessible for some can be a real stretch for others due to where they live and what they earn. It’s not just about choice; it’s about recognizing how different economic situations affect what people can enjoy around the world. Calling it entitlement ignores these real-world differences that “shape” access to things like gaming.

No one was attacking anyone for being born in a different country. The mention of a “silver spoon” wasn’t meant as an attack but rather to highlight that those of us in more economically advantaged countries may have easier access to certain luxuries, like gaming, compared to those in countries with lower GDPs. It’s about recognizing our privilege to live in places where these things are more accessible, rather than implying any personal criticism. It’s important to discuss these disparities respectfully to understand how economic conditions can affect people’s lives differently around the world. Now, if you wanna report them for this that’s up to you.

Comparing asking for a motorbike at a discount to discussing gaming costs across different economic situations is like comparing apples to oranges. It’s not about demanding a Ducati for cheap; it’s about recognizing that what’s affordable varies widely based on where you live and what you earn. It’s about fairness and understanding these differences, not making unrealistic demands.

They might at some point.

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Warcraft would indeed still be a luxury, based on the information given you’ve stated you would have your “Rent” keyword paid and be left with 568 euros.

You’ve not even took into account the following.

  • Gas

  • Electricity

  • Internet

  • Food

  • Water bills

  • Phone bills

  • Clothing costs

  • Insurances

That is only naming a select few, I feel you’ve made a point which is hiding some of the most important segments to see what you’re actually left with if you were unemployed and it actually sounds like you’re pretty much hating on people on benefits by acting like they live a life of enjoyment when its really not the case when these people typically have to choose between skipping a meal or heating their homes in winter.

I highly doubt these people can just throw 50 Euros to buy an expansion or pay for a 15 Euro sub price each month alongside paying for a PC and peripherals to play said pc.

For me that doesn’t really fly.


True, but even then, what might be a cheap luxury to you might not be affordable for someone in a poorer country, making it more accessible to you than to them.

I think that’s the point they were trying to make.


I don’t really see them changing anything I’ve also seen a lot of issues regarding cheaper regional prices due to VPNs being used to purchase these things at a cheaper rate in countries where its ranged at a more comparable price which directly hurts the games profits which is a big no for the company.

Which is why you find a lot of websites sell game keys, Maybe if they were to combat that they might do it but I highly doubt it.

A good example of this is actually runescape you can purchase cheaper membership through a vpn in Turkey than you can in say the UK which has been a problem for them in the past and present, Though I’m not sure if they combated it yet.

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Some companies combat the issue of VPNs and cheaper regional price exploits by implementing account region locks. This involves verifying a user’s country through payment methods, such as accepting only credit and debit cards from their region, and restricting the use of redeem codes to those generated specifically for their region. I believe this verification is typically done during account creation and it helps maintain fair pricing while safeguarding the company’s revenue. I think Steam does this.

“Oh no! Anyway…”

Your friends from Iran play in EU servers.

So you pay EU price.

If you want to pay Iran price, try to convince Blizz to open servers in Iran.

The sub price clearly isn’t the issue if they are playing Classic. It’s all one sub.


Good point.

I guess there are not enough players in the Middle East to make it profitable.

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Funnily enough, pretty much any person I know in-game who lives on a tight budget are always parading around with the newest in-game store items or buy the deluxe editions the second it becomes available.

“Bro”, having no alts in this game is weird. Yet, I have no special agenda behind using this character than others, weirdo.

Why are you going personal when I didn’t? If you want to go personal, I can say - reading your replies is disgusting in here. Should be ashamed of yourself.

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