Why does the middle east have to pay western price for sub

I think you and him need to take a seat and get your emotions into check and relax.

You seem to be pretty unhinged right now in a way that’s in other words worrying, Also from what I’ve seen the person hearting your post has been following him from a previous post also which at this point is harassment and against COC from my gathering of viewing other posts in this forum.

So I would suggest you just take a breather and accept he has a differing view from you and just have your view and leave it at that instead of creating a toxic chamber everyone is entitled to their opinions and that doesn’t make them Disgusting as you’re blatantly trying to suppress someone else views and opinions which is in other words incredibly undemocratic and the same goes for him also if he has suppressed others though this entire thread seems to be a dumpster fire it should probably be locked at this rate.

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Nothing in the CoC against liking a post :frowning_face:


Mm really? I’m just stating facts about your friend, I have no emotions about it :wink: that person has history of harassment himself. You could advice him to take a breathe too instead of writing here twenty paragraphs about people in Iran. You should take a breathe too, writing so much… Just accept we have different “opinions”.

Have you tried cataclysm or mop remix? You should, people seem so worked up on this forum

Dam you really do have to chill out, I don’t know the guy nor am I taking sides if you took the time to actually read what I wrote.

Please take a reality check and grow up, I’ll leave you to your own demise at this rate good bye.

Pretty crazy then :joy: and no, I didn’t read 5 paragraphs of yours that is consist of pure passive aggression.

You tell me to grow up, yet you write that someone is following a guy to other topics just to upvote because he is harassing someone? Okay.

God this forum section isn’t a place for you splurge your emotional rage please seek help have a nice day.

I’m not raging, just wondering why do you talk like that to random people. Do you think you are some kind of authority? And looking at the discussion you can clearly see that he started the problem. (Insulting person—> that person defends themselves—> call that person crazy and unhinged).

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Because if there was different prices depending of locations where people live they are gonna have plenty of people, in EU for exemple, that they are going to VPN to romania for cheaper price

Then yes for me, living in Switzerland, 13€/$ its almost nothing and for a romanian player it maybe gonna impact his quality of life.

Thats quite unfair yes. But thats the base of capitalism, making benefit on others.

Sadly ofc


I don´t mean to troll, but considering current world Politics and that Blizzard is an american company, I´m actually a bit surprised that iranian customers can play at all.

Not so much for technical reasons, those can be relatively easily bypassed… but rather somebody has to pay for the account and provide a billing address and the USA has IIRC like a billion and a half sanctions in place against Iran. Again, #nohate, just caught me a bit off guard. Simply because I would have expected video games, which many US politicians already love to use as a scapegoat for everything, to be one of the very first things to be on a list like that is all.

But, to the actual topic, unfortunately in these days of widespread VPN use to circumvent regional barriers, in both directions, everyone and their mother that plays on EU servers would buy their expansions in Iran if the price were to be lowered there, which would cost Blizzard tens of millions in revenue. So unfortunately if you want “iranian /Middle eastern prices”, for lack of a better term, then you will probably need to become a large enough community that putting up locally based Iranian /Middle Eastern Infrastructure becomes fiscally feasible, and that might be a hurdle too high until other countries in the region also start to get on board.

Or what might be more feasible would be to piggyback on chinese infrastructure and pricing, though i honestly have no idea what they pay for a n expac or sub, I´m just assuming it´s lower than EU pricing… but these are the kind decisions that are made by people far above the paygrade of probably anybody who actually has rights to post here, quite possibly even above Blizzard itself now that they are owned by Microsoft.

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I disagree with you and here is why
The same can be applied to a subscription

You would need to own a Romanian bank card as well then.

There are no sanctions against Iran which would prohibit them being able to access gaming with Blizzard. Unlike say Russia at this current time.

Microsoft have far more regional pricing systems for their game passes than Blizzard offer for games/subscriptions at present. Who knows what changes there may be in the future.

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I think a lot of you guys are missing the question at hand… This is not about the sub price… They would still have to pay the sub to play classic I assume? And since:

Just trying to underline here, as this is the 4th or 5th comment about VPN and cheaper sub price

You sure about that? I would think that with a Paypal or amazon pay account, or even just a traditional credit card, that might be insignificantly harder to circumvent than the IP scan to determine your location.

Those things aren’t really comparable.
The thing with WoW is: They’re using european services with european infrastructure and costs. So it just doesn’t make sense to offer them lower prices because Blizzard would be operating at a loss for every Iranian player (or middle eastern player if you want to look at it more broadly). Could Blizzard handle that bit of loss? Sure they could. But they’re an american company; they don’t want to. They want to maximize their earnings.

Localization could be a solution, but that would probably require a cooperation between Blizzard and another company that would operate the game (and all its related hardware/software/infrastructure) within the middle east. Much like their deal with NetEase in China.

The price is right.

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