Why does Word of Glory for Retribution heal on average 5% maximum health?

Honestly it’s the biggest joke of this expansion that WOG does 400k heals in open world pvp

Hunters have better self healing

Warriors have better self healing

Rogue have better self healing

Mage have better self healing

Word of Glory should do easily 750-800k none crit… just add a modifer that it does 60% less on friendly targets


Same for flash heal for priests.

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Because Ret Paladin already has 3 types of immunity, a full heal, a decent Shield that explodes a lot of damage back if you go through it, a wall that can be used while in stuns, a physical damage wall that also does damage back to attackers, a way of reducing stuns and silences on themselves on a short CD.

It’s truly a mystery why their heals don’t have bigger numbers.


Dishonest comment. You could write such a list about any class.

  • You can only have two types of immunity at a time as the bops share a cooldown
  • Both shield and spellbop can be easily removed by two of the most played classes in the game, guaranteeing to have one of them in nearly every lobby
  • BoP is dispelled pretty much in a gcd at higher ratings
  • I don’t know why you are distinguishing between the melee and spell component of it (probably to artificially inflate your list), but calling divine protection a “wall” is laughable. It is literally 10%.
  • The damage of the shield that explodes for “a lot of damage” is nerfed by 40% in pvp, is melee range, and gets spread amongst all the nearby targets, making it useless against any classes with a pet
  • A way of reducing stuns and silences on themselves on a short CD? It is almost never used in this way.

It’s not 10% ?

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It may be 20% in the tooltip but it is nerfed by 50% in pvp down to 10%. You can talent it to 30% but then you lose shield of vengeance.


PVP Multiplier: 1.5

Doesn’t that mean it’s buffed in pvp?

Nvm he’s right. It’s 10%.


a paladin just 1v1 me, with my opener, he bubbled sheep, i walled him off me the entire divine shield duration, he missed the kick, and i still had trinket for hoj, yet, he just tanked me, and eventually killed me from ranged, because he can.

ofc, i didn’t have my full cds at start for bursting, but if thats the state one of the “easiest class to deal with as mage is”

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ret is free win for mage in duels i dunno what you are trying to say lol.

But ye ret is already immortal when it plays around its team and makes its teammates immortal also it should not be able to heal on top of this it already has lay on hands that is not effected by dampening.

ret is a free win for mage very often

this happened not to be one of them

mix of variables, not flat place where i could kite properly, he did get 3 seconds of help from a ww monk, which is the reason i actually died, because otherwise i migth have been able to resset

but he bubble, and then he became immune to dmg again, which is pretty dumb, just running around with his wings dealing ranged dmg and being immune to everything for 20 seconds, what design is that…

……what? WoG heals significantly more than 400k. I’ve not played pala in a week or 2 but I’m sure mines was close to 800k. With divine prot up 1m+

Was it nerfed?

I’m not sure why sov and “buffed” dprot are a choice node

At least the class tree gave the +healing modifier now I guess. It should be 20%+ as standard. Maybe even +healing and +20% from class tree instead of choice with Vengence.

Most hybrids got shafted big time in TWW when it comes to self healing
It makes no sense that casted heals are worse than off GCD % self healing from pure DDs

Self healing for most hybrids should be increased by 50 - 100%

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Can you? Please name other classes or specs that have 3 different immunities to a category of damage.

At a time =/= available to a spec

Providing you either don’t A) CC the Warrior on the Shattering Throw, B) outrange the Shattering Throw, C) line of sight the Shattering Throw, D) interrupt the Priest on Mass Dispel E) CC the Priest on Mass Dispel or F) LoS the Mass Dispel. And by the way, if magic bop and regular bubble are used in short succession, there’s no way of removing the second one unless you’re against a Warrior AND a Priest and they rotate the removals, because there’s a thing called a ‘cooldown’.

Rating has absolutely nothing to do with RNG, you also know nothing about ‘higher ratings’.

A damage reduction usable in stuns.

In world pvp, the content that the OP is referring to, (it’s in the first sentence of his thread, I know reading is hard so I’ll point it out to you you):

It absolutely should be. But hey you’re the negative win rate Ret so what do I know eh!

Ret is stacked enough, it doesn’t need extra off healing too.

But if someone bursts through it and it kills them, you’d tell them they shouldn’t have burned through it, wouldn’t you? :wink:

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The moment anybody brings up their or other person’s rating tells me they either have no good arguments left or are at the forum just to argue and troll. In your case it’s both.

I’m not even going to waste time responding to your individual points, they are all bad as you are either grasping at straws with technicalities or attacking my rating.

Magegod what did you type?
20 yards vs 45 yards range.
Thtats an extra 25 yards.
Also paladin cannot go out of slows once freedom is gone which you can steal.
Don’t BS us with some fairy tales.

wog not too bad without dampening, but it’s effect is kinda negated by whoever is on top of you, meaning you did 1mil healing but you received 1mil damage in the same global, so, well, hope it crits or something, failing that ensure you are using it during Divine Purpose or Shining Light

i dont think we need more active healing. we need more passive damage reductions

What he is trying to say is: I am bad at mage.


its funny because most of u actually think your class is not giga busted and easy to play so often, no matter how many times they nerf mage, mage is always free r1 ez pz most beloved class in the game

then when u get asked when wow pvp was better u all like “mop was peak” and then in mop i press deepfreeze 3x icelance and u die

now u complain icelance doing 10% of your hp bar, but praise mop where i had stun and icelance did 33%+? k