Why doesn't Blizzard listen?

And the damage is 65% ignite, which is a DOT. A dot which is still ticking for its full damage after combust is over and going to end up being even more of the overall % generated by combustion as time went on.

…I’m struggling for words at this point. You say dots can’t be burst, then you post fire mage who’s burst is predominantly a dot…

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“It’s not burst. You have to create 3-5 orbs.”

" ‘Burst DPS’ refers to damage dealt over a relatively short period of time. Not a million year long setup."

Devouring Plague deals a lot of damage over a relatively short period of time. Therefore it is burst dps. End of story. I think you mean instant dps?


It’s not burst, it’s a Dot. Any spell increases damage. A dd fireball has a dot too. So every time a dd fireball is cast it’s burst damage to you. Meanwhile a mage casts rune of power and combustion and really has burst damage. Buffs their damage by 40% etc with real burst cd’'s.

You cast a DoT and it’s burst lol. Meanwhile a fire mage has real burst damage, will burst to 300kdps etc with cd. If the trash die within 6 seconds which happens, SP damage is crap on trash because SP is setup for constant stable dps. This brings me to another reason SP sucks.

It the trash hp are too low SP won’t be able to do damage. The real burst classes will kill the trash too quickly.

SP has always been a constant dps class with no real burst damage. With cyclic peaks in dps. With a fire mage you can get great constant dps and real burst damage. They will reply in seconds, watch lol.

Do you just not understand how wod shadow worked, is that it?

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DP is a cyclic dps boost. You have to spend 3 point to keep it Single target. You will need swp and all the other dots on target to get any real damage. Dot classes are stable constant damage. You apply dots on their cd. There can be burst with dots, say you have lots of trash and have a cd that applies a massive aoe dot.

Once you have to spend 3 resource for DP you just have a nerf to its uptime and/or number of targets at anyone time. You can see why this would happen because of the patch notes. Why would you add a intial damage to a dot? You expect it to be dispelled. This is not a pve issue but a pvp one.

SP damage is cyclical, spending 3 resources would force DP to be cyclical and likely just single target or staggered application. You would likely have to cast three MBs before you could refresh. Thus would stop you spaming dp. Maybe with 5 resource you could cast two close together and get a higher peak cycle.

Is this burst damage? Well no not really. You can only apply one DP to a single target. You can’t save for two at once or have any other buffs to damage.

Compared to mage burst, this is not burst at all.

I just don’t understand what you don’t understand. The burst of fire mage comes from a very powerful ignite dot

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Also [Patch 6.0.2] (2014-10-14): Combustion no longer deals direct damage or stuns. Damage dealt has been increased by 100%.

  • Combustion
  • Critical Strike chance of your spells increased by 100%.
    Mastery increased by X.
  • Duration: 10 seconds


Okay, so how does Combustion work?

Now here comes the “fun” part of Fire. Learning how to use Combustion properly. Combustion is unlike most CDs in the game, which are a flat % buff to a stat. Combustion actually requires your effort to make it great, and a lot of love from RNG.

For your opener, there are currently two different ways to go into your Combustion. The best top-end damage, and the safest play. For the best top-end damage, you want your opener to look like this:

Prepot/Mirror Image
Precast Pyroblast
Fireball/Inferno Blast to get Heating Up and Pyro! proc up at the same time, and have trinkets up for your Pyro chain
Pyro crit
Pyro crit

That is the optimal way to do it. This way also requires RNG favouring that can still be an issue with lower crit levels, as you want your initial Pyro to crit as well as your second one. Now, the safe way is this.

Prepot/Mirror Image
Precast Pyroblast
Fireball/Inferno Blast to get a Heating Up and Pyro! proc up at the same time
Pyro crit

This method allows you to at least have a base of one Pyroblast, and allows for an extension of the Pyroblast chain if you get the crits you need. The damage ceiling is not as high, but it is safer with lower amounts of crit.

If you are using Prismatic Crystal, your Combustion build up does not change too much. Before you use Combustion, you want to at minimum get a Pyroblast! proc, and a Heating Up if you can manage. Once you place down Prismatic Crystal, you will want to get a Heating Up if you have not already, and then go into spamming Pyroblast until you run out, and then Combustion and spread it. If you have Living Bomb, apply Living Bomb to the Crystal right before Combustion so you spread it as well.

Combustion is not an easy CD to maximize by any means. It is definitely something you want to play with and learn, as you can’t just pop it and expect a damage increase. Addons that track Ignite like MyBigIgnite, Weak Auras, or CombustionHelper can help you watch your Ignite so you know when to use it. Don’t get disheartened by bad RNG. Sometimes your abilities just do not crit, and you can line up an awful Combustion because of it. It will get easier as our crit increases.

You have a gift for confusing the literal crap out of people. If anyone understands the point youre trying to make and can condense it into something that makes sense please by all means help…

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my head hurts from reading this

but we used to have pretty nice burst as early back as Legion with Power Infusion

Especially in 2s, staying out of purge range, mmmmmmmmh ~

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Everyone understands even you. Stop playing games. No one thinks you are this stupid.

Surrender to Madness was the best one for burst but you never spec’ed it normally in Legion. That was until the end of legion when you could keep it up for the full fight.

The draw back of Surrender to Madness was you would end up dying.

Power Infusion was Haste increased by 25% and that is not that great for burst. It would take awhile to see the effects on the meters. Best would be to use at the hight of your cycle were you peak in dps. Its not really good burst because you would use it at a point in your dps cycle were haste is at maximum. Not on demand or when needed.

[Power Infusion] legion patch notes is a talent which increases Insanity generation for Shadow priests. I don’t think builds at the time used it, I used mindbender as it gave more dps I think.

I genuinely dont understand youre posts. You have no right calling me stupid.


Now is that my issue? I mean seriously, your point is that you are unable to understand. Why would I care.

I didnt make a point. I dont understand you. Apparently that triggers you.
I will just ignore whatever you say from now on.

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Nobody in this thread is aware of any point that you might be trying to make.

That’s your issue on how you communicate.

You lack the basic skills on passing a thought into writing. Focus on what you’re trying to say, write it down and then have a friend read it.

You make no sense whatsoever.


Thats your opinion. Not my job to do a 3000 word essay on how to screw in a light bulb. You get it or you don’t.

You must be blind to the world around you.

Read all the comments from people questioning your replies. You may be oblivious to your communication issues, you may be challenged or you may be both.

The truth is your replies are chaotic, unfocused, pure gibberish. And they add nothing to the thread because there is no valuable information passed to the reader.

If you want to practice, read what you write. Maybe that will trigger a better wording.

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