Why doesn't Shadowform look like this?

Here is Shadowform vs the Ashen Liniment buff, why can’t Shadowform look like this? Even with a slight purplish/void tint (very slight). It’s just leagues better than the purple fart cloud that is current Shadowform. Mounts also look way better with it.

Guess I can dream.

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Honestly I don’t really like either of them. The Ashen buff is just black, I mean its kind of cool but I wouldn’t want my character to look like that all the time. I think Shadowform is an ok concept but it just doesn’t look as nice as I’d like. If you look at something like the Fae Guardians spell, its got a lot more detail and finesse to it. I’m not saying that Shadowform should look anything like Fae Guardians, but just that it there seems to be a gulf between the two in terms of quality… and we have to look at shadowform all the time.


Again I am not saying shadowform should look like Fae Guardians, just its the closest thing I have to showing what “aspects” a higher quality Shadowform could have. Like instead of farty puffs of smoke, it could have wisps, maybe half formed restless ghosts trying to claw their way out of the shadows or something but fading back into it, stuff like that. Like when the shadowy apparitions come out, they could look like they’re fluidly forming out of the mist etc etc


That would be really really cool

And the same aestethic as this with what you described above would look sooo good, even just like that it looks a million times better than the current one

I personally dislike images/look that people linked here.
I think we should just have the parmanent look of [Surrender to Madness] it looks crazy good

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I personally dislike images/look that people linked here.
I think we should just have the parmanent look of [Surrender to Madness] it looks crazy good

That’s just the voidform look, but I agree it does look better. I never said it should look like the picture I posted, I even said twice that it was more about the quality and detail of fae guardians not how it looks :smiley: please read what I wrote before you dismiss it.

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Forget about the Ashen Liniment, Just by reverting it to pre Legion is enough to fix the hidious purple smoke form. Its like, the more they “fixed” it , the worse it has gotten.

Lyraseth already made a great suggestion regarding it and I am still hoping it gets some attention from the devs.


Damn I can’t believe everything they touch turn to garbage.
This previous look was crazy good

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Just add a Glyph Of Classic Shadowform, and voilà


Thank you Moris :two_hearts:


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