Why even play a warrior?

Middle of the road warr here, 4/8 M, i play all 3 specs in M+. 629 ilvl.

After filling my weekly vault I began leveling up and gearing my Ret paladin and immediately began realising a few things:

I do the same if not more DPS in keys on my 604 Pally with cooldowns available at every pull and can fight from range during specific mechanics thanks to horsey.
I’m much tankier, have immunities, have a ton of utilities (cleanse, freedom, sac, BoP, Lay On Hands, Repenteance), fill the mandatory “Combat Ress” spot for the group and don’t instantly die to ripping aggro.

Then i log back to my Warrior for raid night and lose all of this for… what? 5% AP and a 10% HP shout. At least Bladestorm and Reap The Storm have cool sound effects.


Honestly, only true reason to play warrior is if you enjoy playing warrior.

Our damage, especially our AoE burst damage, has been nerfed to the point of being irrelevant. I wont go as far to say you will be a detriment to your group - as your personal skill might carry your performance compared to another individual, not to mention it depends on the content you are doing. What I will say is that if you put a warrior up against an equal skilled and geared Ret in M+ push content - bring the Ret, 10/10 times, or you are trolling by lowering your chances to succeed.

Warrior is only an option if you play for the fun of it. If you don’t worry or think about being a burden to your group or friends. If you only play to zugzug without a damage meter.

So, why play a warrior? Because you like it, damn the consequences and performance.


Yep that’s what happen when a class is reworked over and over to make it the best entry level. You have everything except a BL, you can do everything and more. And on top of that, if for whatever reason you cannot fathom to support your group, you still do extremely good damages by spamming the shiny buttons…


haha what atitude here :slight_smile: where is your optimistic we doin well? :smiley: i was all the time right we need make our mastery scale better buff rampage or completely overhaul specs cause we should have had rework already… only class with switched literaly 3nodes :smiley: called “rework”

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People realize how bad Warriors is when they play other classes.


No other reason to play than if you enjoy it. Atm we’re dog.


Yep, spot on. It’s actually kind of hilarious when you experience another class at a similar level then come back.


The only reason I play Warrior is because I enjoy the specs and our mobility. I like the theme of it. It was the first class I ever played in vanilla and just pretty stubborn towards it.

I wouldn’t be anywhere near a warrior if I could put that aside and be assed to reroll.

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Because I started in tbc and I’ll keep warrior till I stop wow all together.

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To Smash things and show all those pesky Wizards where their place is :muscle: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :fist_right: :man_mage:


Fury this season is pretty fun to play, say what you want about the balancing but Slayer and Thane are really nice gameplay wise. Of course the AOE cap nerfs ensured without any doubt that Fury will never see a place in the MDI or TGP competitions, because it only does well on smaller pulls now, but it’s still fun to play.

I’ve played Warrior in every single version of this game and it’s pretty much always been the most fun class and that’s definitely true this season, but you have to have people to play with or you’re gonna drive yourself insane trying to put together pugs or get invites, I’m too old for that nonsense.

Blizzard clearly balance mostly around the raid, always have.


I am being declined even from 10s, it is over.

Time to wait till next season
Don’t try to PuG play Warrior, it is hopeless at the moment.

Play a class that actually does damage on the meters, so you get invited. Save yourself the pain.

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Only way right now and not for much longer is to be Prot. But with the change at high level towards Prot Pal, we will also be considered useless in few weeks due to the famous TOP TANK M+ in 10.0.5, clickbait watch it and follow my nice log graph that is based on +15s when my viewer base are barely +8 overall!


Why even play a warrior?

I play Draenei Protection Warrior since TBC.

And the main reason being, is that Warrior is one of very few classes, who rely on his own strength.
Majority of classes rely on some source of power (arcane, holy, death, fel, animals, you name it).
But Warrior is a badass class, who just get angry (which i can get easily too irl haha).

And, i also love to be in front of a army. I like to protect my people.

So naturally, Protection Warrior has been something, i always loved. I don’t care how weak it is. I don’t care how strong it is. I don’t care how much they rework it. I will always play Draenei Protection Warrior.


So you are saying you only play warrior out of RP and fantasy reasons? I think in the last addons this aspect was, and still is, one of the weakest and most underdeveloped ones. The reasons you list for playing warrior as being a protector is way more fitting for a paladin right now. Blizzard did warrior as a class pretty dirty - it feels like the forgotten child compared to classes like paladin, shaman, mage etc.

I tried a lot of classes since TBC of course. Played them for few hours or days.

I enjoyed Holy Priest during Legion.
I kinda liked Protection Paladin during Cata.
And i loved Enha Shaman during Cata and i tried Enha Shaman now and it feels amazing. Jesus they did Enha Shaman so freakin cool and fun man.

I have in Warband Brewmaster Monk (Pandaren). Which i have more for RP and fantasy reasons.
I just cannot get over how cool Pandaren look, when they sit. I cannot get over their Island. They’re so relaxing and calming race. Which is what i’m looking for. Most of the time i play, i have music on, very relaxing music on, on Youtube. I turn game sound on, only when i play some hard content (m+, high tier delves, etc.).
And Monks just feels “right” with Pandaren.
And my Brewmaster Panda Monk just looks so cool with his bamboo hat, long tunic, bamboo stick on his back, traveling across the continents, looking cool while sitting or fishing, and having his double effects from food.

Right now i have overall 4 characters.
Prot Pala, Prot Warr, Enha Shaman (all 3 Draenei) and Pandaren Brewmaster Monk.

I gave Prot Pala a chance again, because i enjoy not only protecting people, but i also love healing.
And it seems Prot Pala does heal a lot.
But after trying 1 TW dungeon, when i figured out how much i suck, i kinda gave up :sweat_smile:.
So i actively play my Prot Warr, with kinda Enha Sham as secondary. I haven’t touched my Monk for months. He’s still lvl70.

But ye, Protection Warrior is something, i’ve been playing since day 1 and it’s just part of my WoW life.

The only time i didn’t played Prot Warr too much and played something else, was during Legion.
During Legion, i felt like Prot Warr was so… “hollow”… He was empty… I felt like Prot Warr during that time was nothing, but a spam of Thunder Clap and Ignore Pain. It was boring. I couldn’t force myself to play it.
So during Legion i played a lot Enha Shaman.

I have to admit it kinda does. When i play Enha Shaman it’s just… It’s so much fun… There are so many options, so many possibilities how to play, how to approach game…
While Prot Warr although is more fun than in Legion, it’s still lacking something.

Jfk speech , why play a warrior ? , why go to the moon ? We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.

But yes we are in 2024 , should be less painfull play arms warrior they need rework , fury only need buffs

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Funny that for legion I went DH because it felt like they got all the movement skills warr used to have. After legion it was back to warrior :grimacing:

I find the warrior the best fitting class for me. I enjoy wearing a suit or armour and wielding an enormous two handed sword. I also like the toolkit, charging into my opponents face, deep diving into the enemy team , using my weapon swings to to flatten my enemies and bruise their egos while I can mitigate and heal respectable amounts of damage and the last thing I love is Bladestorm.

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great fan fiction you wrote there