Why I am quitting WoW

Well have you seen my hair color? I look like 10,000 year old elf Grandma


The Horde bias shall end soon

I think its fabulous, you could just make it dark purple. Which would be fabulous as well.

Well, he did liked some of my posts, actuallyā€¦

I will miss you i laughed at some your posts but not enough to care .

Nah. Black is better. Which our NPCā€™s have, but we donā€™t.

Blizzard ainā€™t giving us customization anyway. So you won for now Seracia

Take care Erevien and good luck in your further adventures.


I wasnt in a competition :slight_smile: Someday Jakafo someday

I will play some different games for a change. Like ESO, Swtor or Total war Warhammer and Rome 2. Blizzard has failed me too many times. And I am most likley not returning.

Well, itā€™s not sure sheā€™ll die even if sheā€™s a raid boss. See Jaina for example.

I know haha Iā€™m just joking. Iā€™ve been playing a lot on my Night elves and Blood elves recently. I kinda lost interest in my Void elves and Nightborne (for obvious reasons)

Good, its nice to play other games aswell. Iā€™m playing some ARK atm, but still log in for raids and keynights. Will test gw2 some more aswell when i get the time :slight_smile:


I understand your temporary embarrassment with the Horde. It is a shameful organization currently, an Alliance lapdog at best. But fear not! The Horde shall rise again!


Good luck on your journey Erevien. It was fun debating/arguing with you on the forums. Will miss your threads.

Goodbye and have fun

Plus I canā€™t really blame you for leaving. If I had to kill Alleria I would probably leave too if Iā€™m being honest. Call me crazy, but thatā€™s just meā€¦

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ah il miss your posts on the story forum. and just cuz they horde is going all peace and love doesnt mean i have to. Dark lady watch over you


Can i have your troll posts?

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Can I have my 15 seconds back from reading this trash

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Garrosh and Volā€™jin were the best, but of course they had to kill them like all the other interesting characters. I hope that Thrall, Baine and Sylvanas will stay in SL forever. The Horde can only be led by an orc or a troll. Other races do not have that leadership potential.

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Thank you.

It is not set in stone yet if I not return.

Alleria is an alliance character. These are untouchable.

At least someone understands me. Thank you again.

ESO gave me a lovely 6 month break. I have 2/3 expansions lined to play when I next throw WoW out the pram.