Why I am quitting WoW

This has pretty much turned into an official holiday for me. Freaking great news mate! Imma crack open a cold one and enjoy the holiday. Best news ever!

The Alliance is weak, the Horde would be wrong not to exploit that fact !

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By that logic, isn’t the Centaurs who would have been the ideal allies not the Taurens?
Sure I know, they would have murder on sight the weak orc survivors

Taurens are stronger than most of Alliance race !

Yet, they were at the brink of extinction thanks to the Centaurs and the chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, desperate for help, turned to the strange green-skinned warriors from over the sea… :eyes:
I’m not saying they are not strong
Just saying, they almost went extinct thanks to a much more powerfull race
Thus, from the “old” Horde vallue in strenght point of view, alliance with a weakened dying race was… disgracefull?
But Thrall wasn’t that kind of an Orc, relized, two weakened race if allied could beat a strong one
Wisdom in that, mind you
And in spirit - even if not body- the Gnomes are way more stonger than the nomad Taurens… they survived a Fukushima and Chernobil combined and their own little Resident Evil scenario - yet still capable of smiling

Bye bye the horde wont miss you cause you were never a part of it


Who will supply us with water now?

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Did they change the mvp text to blue? Thought you were a blizzard cm for a moment.

They’ve broken the colour for wow mvps in the update this evening. I’ve reported it and hopefully it will all go back to normal tomorrow.

I appreciate it looks confusing.

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I doubt Sylvanas will be killed in the next raid. Don´t get me wrong, i hope she will, because that storythread has to end really quick. But sadly Sylvanas is to “big” of a character to kill off. I assume they just redeem her and make the story even more nonsensical.
But i guess i can hope.

i dont think Sylvanas will die, so she is going to escape like Jaina. It is just my wild guess. :slight_smile:

I have received no gold from the OP… probably fake news.

hooooOOOOOOooooordeeee body’s not unclear no error

Puny, I don’t know how to tell you…


But you are Blue now
Either Blizzard assimilated you… or either you are exposed as Alliance spy
Either way… congratulation! :heart:


Am i too late to ask : Can I have your pets!

No wait! Don’t go!

Lol…wasn’t the alliance formed to fight the horde? In a sense, if not for the horde, the alliance wouldn’t exist. Stay mad. :laughing:

I think It looks cool :sunglasses:.

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It’s a Blizzard April fools joke that they try and pull every year - gz on the promotion if it isnt though :joy::joy:

Imagine taking a videogame this seriously lol