Why I am quitting WoW

You have choice not be tho :confused: I am 10,000+ years old still look younger than you :nail_care:

I hate that they’ve killed off alot of S-Tier characters over the last few years but ultimately what stopped me playing retail was just how trashy and un-mmo the game has become.

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These characters make it easier to identify with your own faction. Taking them away destroys the immersion you have for the specific races.

See you in a week


im pretty sure this is the guy which said he said 20mins left of game time yesterday or the day before

so he has in fact already returned

welcome back Erevien
 if thats you who im thinking of.


Your gold please?

It’s for the baby alcoholic panda cubs from Madagascar

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Yeah, a real Horde supoorter who quits would donate his gold and crafting mats to the Horde!
I would share the Gold with Lepanto!
And Shihiroki
20-20 them 60% to me


We be needin’ da gold, mon, for da potent brews, to restore da glory of our faction! Just hold me brew, mon, and I show ya’.

When was Gallywix ever cool?

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Remember when Blizzard would ask for the reason people unsubed?

Sylvanas is mortal. When/if she dies in the upcoming raid, she will just come straight back to the Maw.

The sexy voice is a bonus too!

For the Alliance :slight_smile:

You know, I can’t wait her face, when she bites the dust and the Jailor, her “Ally’” gleefully explains when she ask for help
 you know nobody escapes the Maw” - and drag her in the depths of Thorgast to forge something out of her

You speak out now

But they’ve been doing this for years.

It only now upsets you because they finally hit home on a lore character you loved.

Can you imagine how others felt before you when it happened to them?

If you don’t help your neighbor, the robber might come for your house tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure the Alliance are fed up with losing more and more cities due to the Horde and then go all peaceful the next day like nothing happened.

  • Southshore
  • Darkshore (which was later reclaimed but completely broken)
  • Theramore
  • Ashenvale
  • Stonetalon Mountains
  • Azshara
  • Gilneas
  • Teldrassil
  • Feralas

Probably more areas I haven’t mentioned. It’s always Horde are strong, and Alliance are weaklings who always get invaded. No wonder more and more people are moving towards the horde.


Remember Taurajo ! :stuck_out_tongue:

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You mean the Tauren camp that barely anyone visits. Yeah great way to compare :rofl:

Yes, but most of Horde players would simply compare that pathetic camp with the dozen of destroyed cities :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pretty much
 some of them even have the nerve to claim Ashenvale as a Horde territory. They need to read up on lore. That land belonged to the Night elves for thousands and thousands of years. And what does the horde do? Invade it and cut all of the beautiful trees. It will look like a desert very soon

One thing I also noticed is that they always go for Night elven lands. These people can’t get a break