Why i am unsubbing - elitists griefing casuals

Simple intro here: i have a full time job and play the game casually, in MoP i used to play more as i had less responsibilities. I enjoy wow for it’s cooperative RPG content and casual pvp scenarios. I utterly despise the rush attitude of mythic+ and the “do or die” attitude of high rated pvp or heroic/mythic raids.


This is what is happening now in BFA. I want to do random battlegrounds, i recently leveled to 120 so my gear after a few weeks is around 370.

When i enter a bg, i find that it is full of 410+ gladiators that are farming “scrubs” in random bgs. Yeah, these people have no interest in competing doing rated content, they just go there - get the gear, an then pwn casuals in random bgs. That is what get them off.
It’s the same as twinking but at endgame: you go to a bracket with lower geared people so you can destroy them without effort. That is their idea of fun.

I had friends during legion that enjoyed the casual pvp random bgs offered (due to stat templates), same as me. They could log in and play a few hours, enjoying some bgs.

Currently if you want to have any chance in random bgs, you better do mythic+ or raiding or whatever carry gets you 400+ ilevel. Because these elitists will come to the lower unrated pvp, and unleash all their no lifed fury on you.


The other part this applies is on mythic 0s and normal raids, basically any content that isn’t applied through the group finder. When you enter here as a casual player, you’ll find the exactly same toxicity. People will take their addons to measure your performance as if you were competing for some silly e-sport award, and not just playing a game in your downtime… Then say “vote tick”. And people will kick you, “you’re bad”. Epic troll, and waste of your 30m+ time. “HAHAHA THAT NOOB GOT SERVED!!”.

Sometimes without reason, because they are just a few guild buddies that said
“hey bro i’m bored, how about we organise a normal raid and show the scrubs who is boss??” They aren’t there for gear, or the encounter. Their whole purpose is to troll, annoy, and waste the time of casual players who are low geared.

This elitist attitude is what makes the game toxic for casuals, and what is making many people quit. It isn’t worth to log in, get in the queue and waste 30mins waiting just to get kicked or griefed by someone who is overgeared, but gets off killing or griefing you.

As i said, i’m done with the game because it doesn’t offer a way for casuals to compete in their own content bracket, due to overgeared jerks coming down to annoy you. The only way to compete at that casual bracket is to stop being casual, and grind like a hardcore. I know people who have quit because they don’t want to grind to ilevel 400 before they can have fun in casual content.

I managed to get one character to near 380 due to luck with a world boss, and is still the same thing - i twould take me like a month or more to reach a level where i am not at the mercy of some overgeared jerks.

So i am leaving, i don’t want a game when i will always be at the mercy and disadvantage of elitists that get off making other players suffer. This is why MMORPGs are dropping in favor of games that don’t need you to spend 300+ hours to be at a modest level of equality to the other players. I want a game i can have fun and is not a second job.

In WoW, because of the attitude of many players, you need to be 24/7 grinding to not be mistreated or berated as a filthy casual who has “welfare gear”. Well, enjoy your endless grind and griefing noobs - WoW will end soon enough with parasites that draining it’s newblood.


I’m a casual and a nobody and I don’t get grief. Unless it’s about being a Belf :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Propagating a ‘them and us’ situation is not productive.

Is there some way you can play the game to suit your style and perhaps stop considering yourself as ‘less than’?


I hope you have more fun with the other game/s you’re gonna play :smile:


So pvp players should not do pvp because you, yourself, is low geared ? What a nice way of thinking.

Aside from your own toxicity, game is not more toxic than it was 2 years ago or whatever time you choose. Internet is toxic, gaming is toxic.


Another post bsically saying that people who want to play more and be better, are bad people because you dont have time to play. Please google what an MMO is, it’s not a MOBA and it’s not a game you play on the subway or on the toilet. It’s a hoby, something you invest time in for rewards in the long run. Not the instant gratification of passing a level in candy crush.


Bla bla what you’re saying simply isn’t true.

A person with 80k hp is just as useful in a BG these days as a person with 250k because of scaling.

Quality rant though, shame its clueless.


She is correct and the whitewashing done by some ppl above me is some sort of cope that things really aren’t like that.

They are. On my mining char I got called a nub by a mage with 7k DPS, that wasdying everywhere.
When I died, in true DH style I sacrificed everything to eat the second bullet from the final boss of too dagor just so the immobile healer wouldn’t die again, he even laughed “see you suck” or something like that.
Then he talks of talents as if his own are an impeccable choice, hello 7k DPS.

Absolute trash talking.


Bye then. :violin:


Lol remember when there was an actual pvp gear and you entered WSG with some blue rep stuff and got jumped by full brutal warr who smacked your behind back into stone age with that giant green lollipop axe ? those were the ti … uhmm where was i ? oh …



If you’re getting kicked out of normal raids and normal mythics on a regular basis, maybe there is something you’re doing that could be improved. 380 is more than enough to play this content in a competent manner if you know what to do.


While I really dislike the rampant RNG in the game, I will point out that sinply being “outgeared” is very hard to sustain even as a casual.

I don’t farm every day and I managed to get myself a decent set of gear before progressing onto annoying “upgrade chasing”.

PvP is annoying that gear dictates more than actual skill, but really in BGs, you should be working as a team; either stick to your own “overgeared” teammates or else group up to takedown those of the enemy team that I am assuming you are taking on 1v1.

As for PvE, casual or not, if it isn’t LFR, its a Raid or Dungeon that requires both skill and pulling your own weight. Yes, you’ll get some gits who want everyone to be doing Mythic Jaina level DPS in Normal Uldir but honestly, people do have a right to get flustered when things are failing because others are dragging along.

The aim of the game is to get better gear. For casuals this should just be ilvl rather than stat racing but in the end, you can’t just plant yourself at X ilvl and expect everything to be available to you. If you want to do better then play the game more to get those higher ilvls. If you dont have time, then have patience with the time you have!


I entered my first BGs during TBC with my Outland greenies. And one day I was wearing full Merciless I farmed from BGs. It felt really good because I earned it through hard work. Surely I died a lot, but I also learned how to play very defensively ( something that you cannot do now because outplaying capacity is gone thanks to terrible class design).

People like OP is the reason WoW was destroyed after MoP. Zero sympathy.


Hey there,

on this thread: h ttps://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/help-me-please-beg/45365/3
(had to make a space at the beginning of the link, since I can’t post one)
you can find very usefyul link to discord communities and the likes for people with exactly your intention in mind PVE wise.

As for pvp, there is scaling, however, make sure you have upgraded your heart of azeroth through to full (revered with the champions) and done the questline in Nazmir (it is for horde, maybe alliance is different, idk).

With wq caches you should get 385 azerite pieces, use the ones with good offensive and defensives traits. The grind to unlock the rings for those is currently minimal, my recent 120 after 2 weeks is already 382 and i play solo and did mostly wqs and islands, and ubnlocked all offesnives fast, defensives just started to ding in.

Thing is, you need to take a step back and not increase your game time but organize your game time to have fun while progressing. Waiting in the lfg tool? go do the cache to get some extra AP or even some gold to buy enchants and consummables at the AH. If you also use the communtiies i talked about you should be able to organize via discord on your phone on your way back from work a spot, reducing the queue time.

I think comitting to a MMORPG while having a full time job requires a little bit of planning ahead if you ask me. I’m currently in between jobs right now, so I have some time, but when I didn’t I was doing exactly that. It really helped me.

i’m actually still doing that, I learned how to increase the amount of content done and the fun I could get out of the game.
Currently while waiting for groups and queue times I write CVs and motivaiton letters on my second screen.

Also, a second screen is a very small investment, and you can tag groups while watching a movie on the side. It will also reduce the dissapoitment in BGs (since PVE is covered if you follow the links) by not wasting your time: you’re still enjoiying yourself and a nice beer in front of a serie.

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Did you by any chance start off by huddling with Allies before advancing to more solo roaming with your better gear?

Cos honestly, while I hate the gear-influence in what is meant to be a skill vs skill scenario, I do think its important, at the momemt, to swim with the shoal before hunting alone! ^^

Also yeah, I dislike the “dominance 1-shot wet dream fantasy” that the game has become. We could do with a bit less than that.

It’s that I have bad luck for 2 slots and with no crafted I ahve a char that just does WQ and warfronts and still sit at 392 and at 394 if I had looted 385 waist and a single trinket, sadly those are 370. I’m nearly fully HC geared just doing WQ and barely playing without brodering carfted or BoE gear. Just do the warfront, Ivus and caches for gear if they are up. Gearing is way too easy nowadays.

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Always been solo roamer and always will be. If Blizzard wants me to grind PvP gear through PvE I just give them the finger and still do my thing. They havent heard the last of me. But they will.

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How is that those elitists are problem now but were not before? As i remember it has been in every expansion since TBC that people with high gear have been completely dominating people with utter crap leveling gear.

Nothing new about that one.

And this is the reason why wow is on a crapper nowadays people are too me me me gimme everything now nowadays. I personally like doing stuff in games and i want to earn them that is why i hate games like fortnite and all the fast paced crap all of them are just hollow and empty to me.

Wow used to be a lot more fun back in the days because everything in the game was always accessible for all people just were and are now even lazier and want instant gratification with zero to none effort.

Also if you don’t like elitists why not make friends or if you already have friends in game do the content with them that’s how you wont have to stress out and can just have fun.


As a demon hunter you can blade dance just before the shot goes off and completely avoid all the damage from Deadshot

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And others have zero sympathy for you. You’re spreading nonsense. Back then we had vendors. Nowadays you can’t farm the gear the same way. It’s close to impossible to gear in pvp. You can’t even choose which upgrade you want. Had a good weapon somewhere? Too bad, you’re getting a weapon when you complete the weekly cap. And that cap is incredibly long, especially when you’re at the mercy of what other 9 players do, the more players the less impact one single indivudal has.

And you said itself: class design is not the same today, people are smashing each other with maledicts while laughing at you from their opulence trinket (gonna be the new raid one now for that part).

I’m trying to find anything interesting in your post, but I’m failing at it. Mind giving me a hand? Or get lost. IThe OP wants to play casually, and tags casual content. You’re the exact definition of what’s wrong to many other people’s experience.

Barriers and skills required for 10’s in m+, hc raiding should be increased. Arena is a place for competition. But randomn BGs for fun and normal raiding while we have 2 other higher difficulties? Give us a break, you’re not impressing anyone.


Keep in mind that the bullet does not vanish. It goes through you. So if you intercept it to save someone else and think “hey i can go BD and take no dmg/debuff” you will end up killing that guy. Its the same with Evasion for rogues.