Why i am unsubbing - elitists griefing casuals

That is the WOW GCD, we were discussing another MMO.

It did solve it, even during Cata I had a rep for doing pugs and mount runs of WotLK raids in complete honesty. Once 1 person tried to claim I ninjaed the mount and he was destroyed by trade chat because they knew I was a honest player who had given the mount 7 times already despite me still needing it (I kept losing rolls and I had a new person every week replacing the guy who got it the last week).

I have seen a GM during Cata strip the ninja of a FL pug 15 minutes after being reported for taking the mount and kicking everybody at Rag (he was showing of in the dwarven district). The same or anathor GM helped us solve a loot issue (couldn’t loot) and changed us all into gnomes for Ultraxxion. I miss when the GMs would actually show up ingame. that Ninja was the only Ninjaing I saw during Cata, non during MoP and once in WoD. I don’t know which people or guilds you met that you experienced ninjaing alot that enforced PL was the solution.

First thing I did was read the description of the pug and ask the RL to confirm it. If no hard words, I wouldn’t join. This way even a potential ninja knew they would be watched and even reported if they dared. “So it’s ML and highest roll wins?” > ML: “Correct”. That took like 3-5 sec per raid.

If you’re doing less than the tanks of the group and clearly can’t be bothered to remotely learn your rotation even just a little just spamming 1 or 2 buttons over and over again while pulling 3k DPS in ilvl 400 gear do you really expect the rest of the group to carry you?
And if you do, arn’t you the one wasting their time and basically trolling them?

This is perhaps a little off topic but I would like to thank whoever invented the term ‘roflstomped!’ It doesn’t matter if I agree with whatever the comment is that term is contained in or not, the term itself always makes me laugh out loud! :rofl:


Same here. It felt rewarding getting new pieces of gear from a vendor and be like “one day I will rofl stomp noobs like I’m getting roflstomped now” sense of progression :confused:


You came back WoD and enjoyed Demo? Im glad you didnt come back during MoP. Because you would have quit after week. MoP Demo was amazing. As were every other specs too. None of them was boring to play.

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Get friend to do random bgs with.If you do it alone it’s boring as hell

Because most abilities, although fun… were useless, that’s it, why fill our spellbooks with completly useless spells that we are never gonna use ?

you can dodge the bullet while soaking it as a DH with blade dance, so one could argue that dying as a DH does make you suck.((not really but now you know))

Reading the post it mostly feels like we lost someone who inspects people so he can project a bully personality on them in case they outgear him just so he can act the victim when things dont go his way, also a casual but I cannot even remotely relate with this entire story

So… Champagne to celebrate anyone?

christ slow down I can’t handle that much truth all at once

I know more than enough people who raid mythic while working full-time and maintaining a healthy social life. These people are definetly not online 24/7, in fact most people I know aren’t. If you really feel like you are left behind due to time constraints, maybe WoW isn’t the right game for you anymore. Which is fine, some people just grow out of playing games.

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