Why i am unsubbing - elitists griefing casuals

I think its the second one we came to a point when we had enough of that bull behavior no offence for using that knowing you play Tauren XD.


Well us cows are known for our very sturdy and thick skin - we can withstand a lot :muscle:

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We can aswel ever heard of a human potential :P.

Cow VS human

Cat VS human

Ahahaha :smiley: good ones.

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I don’t understand people like you who refuse to do anything that is a little bit challenging and use “i have no time” excuse.

I view myself as casual player and yet i can find time to do heroics and m+10s. It takes me 3 days of the week(1 or 2 these days).

Lol, this always makes me laugh. The assumption about why people don’t post ‘on their main’. There may be a few reasons for that:

  1. Perhaps they don’t actually have a ‘main’ character but play several.
  2. Perhaps they do have a main character but don’t like the idea of posting in the forums on in case something gets taken out of context and they get stalked in-game (a bit extreme I know but I have heard that it happens sometimes) by the people who were offended.
  3. Perhaps their main character changes depending on what they do with the character so they post as one particular one to keep things consistent (which is what I do since I don’t actually have a ‘main’).
  4. Perhaps it’s no-one else’s business why people to choose to post on the characters they do!

That being said, you are probably correct in that the OP is just venting and will unlikely quit! :smiley:



  1. True with me, I switched mains since SoO per expansion. SoO being the first semi-main (had 2 then) switch
  2. Had guilds who forbid it, so I won’t post with my current main no matter if a guild allows it or not just to be safe
  3. Hardly ever switch, I like to have all post on the forums under 1 char.

People that cry about that makes me laugh a lot.
I love my little Dark Iron Dwarf face on the forums.


Check out the Scared of Dungeons community, we are just like you! There is no toxicity here. (Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN


You’re either living in a dream, didn’t interact with players enough or just a victim of this terrible trend where people start to put their emotions way too much into the internet.

Back then you’d see people blatantly being racist, spewing off bile that would create a witch hunt on nowadays internet and no one would even bat an eye.

Thing’s like you momma jokes were considered the tamest, and even the jokes themselves were sometimes too far.

Difference is, no one cared back then and now everybody cares.

You still get banned back then if someone reported you just as you would now, but back then no one even cared enough to report, in contrary to now where you can get banned for simply telling some one the F word because you’ll probably going to get mass reported by them and the outraged masses, which really isn’t a bad thing, but saying that gaming is more toxic now is a blatant lie, it’s just more conservative and generally afraid to interact in the fear that you might trigger some random snowflake.

It got to the point where sometimes disagreeing with someone or telling them nope, you might trigger them to the point where they call you borderline abusive or straight up abusive :wink:


The OP isn’t quitting, they are just using it for dramatic effect. What a sad attempt for attention grabbing.

Hence they have one post and haven’t come back to reply to anyone. At least not on the character used for the first post.

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BG’s have no brackets.

Are you seriously suggesting to me that PvP’ers should not be allowed to go casual mode and have some fun in BG’s for a few hours while they wait for their PvP partners to come online to do arena? Come on, that’s just sad. Stop blaming other players for you being bad at it. I’m sure if you asked nicely, instead of posting this toxic waste of a post, they’d gladly help you. There are dozens of written guides out there for a reason, you know!

You do realise that other than trinkets, nothing has changed gear-wise from Legion to BfA in BG’s, right? The item levels are still massively squished together.

Stop asking people to carry you and pull your own weight. Tired of toxic groups? Make your own.

Oh, you can’t? Don’t worry, I’ll get back to that.

What the heck does it matter if someone else outside your group does a raid you’re not in? Get over yourself.

No, the reason people are quitting is because the game’s communities are falling apart at the same seams because BfA’s systems are underwhelming and boring, especially because they are tuned to be very easy. Further, the game has no way to get players organised again for longer than the group they need for the content they’re doing.

Because of the loss of different communities that last long and have an understanding of their place in the world and share that understanding and work to improve it, the game has divided itself into those who already have friends and therefore don’t have to deal with the toxic PuG life, and those who don’t and therefore must deal with the toxic PuG life. There is no longer any reasonable way out of the toxic PuG life.

The OP is suffering from a problem that’s downstream from LFR, LFD, group finders, CRZ, sharding, phasing, and all the rest of it, and now he’s become so embittered and toxic that nobody is going to want to deal with him, and this is the end of the line. Unfortunately, nobody here is going to admit this problem is real and they’re going to flame me for suggesting there’s a connection yet again.

Yeah, obviously. Those p2w grindy mobile games are totally not about making players grind for hundreds of hours to compete, are they now?

Oh wait.

Please tone down the salt. Maybe if you did that you’d be lucid for long enough to learn how to actually play, and then the problems could be overcome.


alot of this still happens today more than ever before actually. max level camping happens more than ever due to pve tourists in warmode. Ninjaing wa snever such a huge problem as you implied either. it happened sometimes and the guys who did it got bad reputations on their servers for it

Ravaging an ingame funeral? dont kid yourself thats 100% going to happen again nowadays if people announce one. especially with shard hopping.

kicking people without too much reason? you must be new there are more topics about that than ever before, with premades doing that kind of stuff. It happened way less during those days because nobody wanted to wait an hour for another person to walk all the way there.

You mention afking during gruul or tanks going afk… bfa is such an afk fest. people often even announce it proudly that they are afk during raids, bgs or warfronts.

Alot of the things you mention happen more than ever now. so yes it certainly has become much more toxic. but its not just wow. Its in alot of games because the audience for games has become bigger instead of just “nerds” over the years

Maybe you are just not as good as you believe you are.
We’ve had PvP templates where gear basically meant nothing at all and casuals were still getting ROFLSTOMPED into the ground by people very experienced in PvP.
Gear alone is not gonna make you the stomper.

I honestly think you’ve been playing (if even) this game back then with a pair of pink-glasses on your nose :slight_smile: . It may be a little more (can’t say, don’t have the numbers to proof either side of that statement) now, but for real, those issues were quite alive back then too. And that was the whole point I was trying to make here.

Yes all those points (well perhaps ninjaing not so much anymore) happen now too, but who are we kidding…it didn’t start in the last years. It has been there from the very beginning.

Who are you kidding here? Bad rep didn’t solve anything (such a great argument from classic fans, stuck with an “everything was better” ideology). Why else do you think they implemented a system to avoid ninjaing from happening over the years. Starting by making Group-loot spec/class-specific followed by a Personal Loot system to counter those greedy raid leaders / master looters. Not a big deal, right, it happened a lot regardless of the consequences to one’s reputation

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It didnt solve everything but again, like i said most of the things you mentioned happens 1000 times more than they used to.

Maybe you were on a garbage server or you were the one acting like a jerk, but i barely ever had problems with people misbehaving badly besides some occasional low lvl ganking back then

You failed to survive the basic WoW experience.

And by the way, if you think battlegrounds are bad now, you should have seen them several years ago where a fresh leveled player with low gear got one-two shotted by someone packing high end gear.


GCD is 0,75s at minimum for offensive/defensive CDs you have 0 idea.
Avoid talking about anything you have no knowledge of.

i miss these days.