Why I Dislike delves

Even though I think delves are an amazing feature for new players who want to escape the toxic lfg life not getting invited to groups because of logs/gear. Down below are the reasons I wont be playing delves more than just a few times most likely.

1: I don’t like having a creep following me all the time, It’s wierd and creepy.

2: I don’t like having a creep tell me what to do, It feels scripted like mop scenarios and I dislike it and it destroys the sense of adventure atleast for me.

3: It doesn’t feel like It’s a part of the open world. I get it the dev team tried very hard to make it so it doesn’t have a loading screen but when I cannot see other players to interact with them It makes it really torghast like.

4: No pvp, That’s all I need to say about that.

These opinions are subjective, So treat it as such. Feel free to share your own likes and dislikes.


escort quests must be a nightmare for you



I thought as unholy you would be used to having a creep following you :stuck_out_tongue:


My creep doesn’t talk and goes away when I say.
/script PetDismiss()

Can you really dislike something 4-6 months before it’s even been finished and released!?


back in TBC were :smiley: i still remember the one in terokkar with hate.

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I’ve only been able to test the levelling delves atm, they are short and sweet. Not a big chore and you aren’t up against a timer so you can do what you want in there without penalty.

I do agree they don’t feel like they are part of the open world, it’s very much you are entering an instance and you have a load screen, it’s more like Torghast loading, you select your difficulty at the way in.

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  1. Really, you think he’s a creep? Okie dokie…
  2. I haven’t been able to try them and I avoided spoilers so I don’t know if he is annoying or not but this is a fair point, perhaps followers should be optional or have a silent mode.
  3. (and 4) They’re for casual difficulty players not PvPers or anyone else. Of course said people can enjoy them but nobody should try to change them as they are for a specific, usually ignored part of the playerbase. It would be like me complaining about arenas when I don’t play them.

Yeah at the minimum It needs to have a toggle to disable the follower permanently.

Maybe I had high expectations from delves because of all that “World” vault and “Seamless” experience.

I think I prefer island expeditions to be honest atleast in islands I had the freedom to go and do whatever and gather resources however+ The optional pvp mode.

@blizzard where is the island expedition pvp brawl?

Well technically if you’ve been playing this game for some time you know that Blizzard won’t really break any grounds with it and it’s just a glorified island expedition. You go in, click some stuff on the floor, kill some mobs, loot stuff and get a chest at the end.

There is an element of Niffen digs with puzzles you have to solve but other than that after a week or two everybody is going to sleep through it for the vault and that’s probably it.

I mean, I WISH it ends up more fun but I’ve seen some streams and I think that they won’t change anything drastically, a delve will be a delve.

There’s people who don’t like foods they’ve never tasted, so :dracthyr_shrug:

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For me i gets torghast ptsd when i see delves Why i Will not do Them.

As it seems Delves are not made for you and people like you so just skip it. Not everything is to everyones liking and that is normal.


I can say I believe they are a great addition to the game for multitude of reasons. One area I do believe they will be of a great help is for new players to the game to test and experience and gear up at their own pace without running into rush rush mentalities or toxic VTK.

You don’t need to solo them btw. You can team up with others up to 5 players. Think friends, communities, Guilds or LFG.

Having Bran accompany you will just make it feel less “lonely” if you like and he will be there to assist, especially if you struggle on one or two them. Remember that so far we know that some of them are not going to be a walk in the park. Just check out some the streamers who are testing them and their feedback.

I personally am looking forward to it and had no issues with the likes of Mage Tower, even though I never got to complete all of it, and the likes of Torghast. They are great side activities for down time or if you don’t have a lot of time to play.

Plus the rewards are equal up to doing a HC raid so that is incentive enough to do them or try to do them.

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True dat.
I no longer do grouped content. So Delves seem like a good fit for me. I’ll try them and hopefully enjoy them. How much I do them will depend on if I’m able to finish them and how good the rewards are. From what I’ve seen so far the lower levels are easy so I should manage those.
I’ll do them mostly for achievements and some gear (I don’t really care about Heroic Raid gear just decent open world gear, my current item level is 457 and I’m fine with that).

Delves were made for the open world players. It’s not specifically designed for everyone. They’re just trying to give everyone more end-game options.


You mentioning it as a “creep”, makes me think of weeping angels or worse…
Now I will be paranoid when in delves… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

They should change it to some attractive character like valera or wrathion, dwarfs give me the creep vibes.

They’re not for you, even though they’re not released yet, and that’s ok. I’m looking forward to them myself, hopefully they meet expectations.