Why I think BfA is even worse than WoD

Why I think BfA is even worse than WoD…

The most important developers are gone, no one can replace Metzen and all the staff they fired. They can at least hire people that have the same skills and inspiration as Metzen. People who are also WoW players or love WoW instead of cutting the budget, because the current team is small and makes the same designs over and over.

Furthermore the music is terrible they could use drakkari Mayan music like in Northernend, but instead, we have weird music that doesn’t fit any expansion. I feel like they cut money on everything for extra profit and just put the same old BS like leveling artifacts things people don’t want.
And they know this, yet they do it and then to not lose people they bring out a mount + 6 month subscription to moneygrab people before quit the game.

Esports also make the game highly annoying, overwatch/starcraft etcetera I understand, but WoW used to be normal and heroic and required teamwork. And this leads to Method always getting first dibs in everything (from raiding to dungeons) making it harder for guilds (not everyone has alpha/beta inv) from outside/nonpopular guilds to beat them.

Compared to Vanilla - Cata (Pandaria/Draenor ± also kinda) the game feels like a MOBA game, in Legion this was less we had our artifact spells some extra spells and they announced BfA and we had even less and less spells. WoW used to be complex and a lot of spells were part of it and don’t forget the extra glyphs etc.

This expansion (BfA) we predicted Void Lords or some WotLK sequel with Bolvar was going to come out since Northrend graphics were a bit updated near the ending Legion. How neat would it have been to roam around Northrend and add a whole new map and story to that. Currently I don’t mind the Zandalari story etc. so much they have always been in WoW, but the storyline is dreadful, boring and sometimes doesn’t even make sense (think of Jaina storming in on the Horde with her ship in Undercity/ruins of Lordaeron) (think of Sylvanas she was always neutral/okay sometimes shady, but now I feel like she is the evil witch villain. Suddenly she has become very evil).
You cut so much to make an extra profit that it is your own loss now Activision.


I actually agree on most things here. Mostly with the whole developer thing and cutting back money. And honestly YES how awesome would it have been to have a expansion revolving around Bolvar and exploring Northrend!


Funny how people love the devs who left and hate those who stayed with next to no basis behind that. Nostalgia at it’s finest : game was good, people left, game is Bad => people who left good.

Also the legion soundtrack is one of the best Blizzard ever made and some of BFA are amazing, like thoose of the cruscible of storm.

[quote]This expansion (BfA) we predicted Void Lords or some WotLK sequel with Bolvar was going to come out since Northrend graphics were a bit updated near the ending Legion[/quote] Is that really a surprise ? The void should be one of the two next expansion at least, most likely 9.0.
Also graphics upgraded when you send people there for artifact questlines could be expected.

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I’m impressed so much junk has recieved so many likes. Tells a lot about community’s discernment.


There are so many things wrong with this post I dont even know where to begin.

This has nothing to do with the expansion itself.

This is just you guessing. We don’t know that.

I personally enjoy the music. Generally I think that the art and music team carried the expansion. This is pretty subjective tho, and calling an expansion bad because of the music is kind of an weak argument.

This is generally true imo. Legion artifacts had the same design flaws as the Azerite system. However, the big difference being that the artifacts in Legion had gameplay impacting traits, and were tied to a class specific campaign, something completely absent from Bfa.

I really despise shop mounts. However promotions like this were a thing since WotLK. Although the timing was bad, I generously don’t think Blizzard intended this to be a money grab. The fact that they gave the mount away for free to people already on 6 months subs support this.

Wrong, WoW raids used to be only normal, they added hc in patch 3.2 (WotLK).

Can you elaborate on this? How exactly does Method make it harder for other guilds to clear raids? I would argue that they make it easier as they usually help defining the meta and tactics. Also, the advantage gained from Beta and Alpha keys is really marginal, especially in the mythic raiding scene due to balancing.

WoW was made for casuals in mind, all classes in WoW follow Blizzards game design philosophy of easy to learn and hard to master. While I agree that pruning is bad, saying that WoW used to be complex is just wish thinking. If anything I would say that the the game has gotten more complex over time thanks to the increased encounter difficulty.

Sylvanas always has been on the evil/anti hero side of things. There are many ways to describe her, neutral is none of them. Just think back to wc3 events where she murdered the forest trolls, betrayed garithos (and murdered him), obliterated southshore and opened literal concentration camps dedicated to crushing human heads. I don’t know where those people are coming from thinking that she suddenly turned evil.


Anyway, I got better things to do than to argue with you just going to say Jaina also committed genocide on Blood Elves :D.
I do not mind that Sylvanas is lawful evil, but her whole story is written so poorly just like the whole Battle of Azeroth story.

My subscription time is about the end and you won’t be hearing from me anymore, just like the rest of the people who left so goodbye.
Maybe I will return next expansion, but I will wait before I buy and if Blizzard announces that 10 man mythic raiding


Strange all the people who upvoted your post have same achivements and same pets as you OP .
I checked every upvote you got.

Also grow up its a 12 rated forum .
Useing 20+ chars to upvote yourself is sad .


I don’t know what you got to hide Anon making your profile hidden to public, but I can view it I know how to circumvent ;).

Anyway bye!


There’s nothing bluepilled about objectivity, a clearly foreign concept for you. I don’t like BfA either, but that’s not a reason to make up some bollocks and post it on the forum. If you want to criticize the game, try again, and do it properly.

That has nothing to do with Sylvanas tho, does it?

Goodbye, you will not be missed :slight_smile:. I’ll see you in that 10 man mythic raid group of yours.

Also, nice alts you have there. Kinda shows your insecurity.


Shame you cant handle being caught out using all your chars to upvote yourself .
So cringeworthly i hope you are sat there really embarrased being caught .

The biggest offender is that the current developers think their demographic of users are people who play casually and do LFR, Warfronts the chill easy to do things which you could be on auto pilot for, which arguably could be true but having no numbers to refer to it cannot be proven so we can still argue that the high end content still deems just as if not more important.

However If you look at the forums, especially their own forums what you will find is the class changes have been mainly frowned upon repeatedly, every expansion. Not because of additions or changes but due to general pruning and removal of class design and core abilities, its hard to tell without playing a hybrid what your class does different compared to a different dps variant.

With a removal of general initial class design not only did it hurt leveling, it hurt end game and most importantly skill cap which came with every expansion opening up new talent layouts and new additional spells and most importantly damaging what each class excels at and limiting what the class would be seen viable for what content.

BFA being a perfect example with the MDI and 3 VS 3 Arena especially being the best ways to refer to what class pruning has done to viability in a competitive scene, sure everything can partake in it however the moment it goes from doing it for fun to competitive the edge is more than noticeable that due to classes losing things such as prepartion, detterance 2 charges + spell reflect, stance dancing etc at the expense of “class fantasy” for you to feel like an assassin instead of a rogue, even then however it fails to meet those standards in the eyes of most.

TLDR - End game content is OK, alot of damage has been done to core game play which has overall impacted the game as a whole.


Look at how many hearts the OP got. I wonder if they are getting friends to heart it up or if they are just changing charcters that many times, because lets face it, someome who has to get defensive so easy and call someone a ‘blue pill cuck’ most likley lives in their bedroom and watches way too much youtube.


I checked all chars that upvoted him within 2 mins are all his inculding his alliance alts .

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Thats actually really sad. Signs of a lonely person who just wants to be loved maybe?

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I mean WoD had 100X better class design this expansion, that makes it already 100X better than BfA on it’s own.


The storyline is uninteresting at best and very poorly written. No major villain(s) but a ton of useless drama between and inside factions.

I feel we are cannon fodder just for the whims of our mostly female overlords.

Now i know it! Wod was better because of music!

pruning is a thing because there are a lot of noobs and kids who can’t play characters with 40 binds. This game is focused on biggest group of players - casuals.

PvP wise class design in wod was very very bad even compared to what we have now (no dmg outside cooldowns). Don’t think small, pve is not the only part of game.

Alpha/beta have very very small impact on first kill. it is only about first tier because ofc everyone can join PTR and last boss is never tested + they uncover bugs so they make bosses easier for other guilds to kill. Do you guys remember how bugged Kil’jaeden was? Because he was not tested people coudn’t do him before fix

I mean that’s more likely true : many players don’t go beyond LFR / WF and the forums & reddit are kinda the worst place to find these players.

Whether or not Blizzard went too far with casual reward is another topic but i think that’s fair to assume that most of the playerbase never went beyond casual content.

Oh this thing again.
This isnt /r/wowcirclejerk btw.

Personally, I believe that Blizzard and many players, confuse the term “casual friendly” with accessibility. The current game is not casual friendly, as there aren’t any clear goals to work towards. Despite the titan residuum, which is a step in the right direction, rewards are mostly based on RNG. Just because somebody is casual doesn’t automatically mean he is a bad player. Casuals just have less time to spend and thus want their time to be valued, something current WoW doesn’t offer imo.

The current game, however, is very accessible thanks to class pruning and a plethora of dungeon and raid difficulties, ranging from the lfr walking simulator to mythic raid difficulty. This is an obvious design flaw of the current WoW. You cannot possibly design a game that is suitable for little children while at the same time advocating e-sports, it’s an oxymoron.

Blizzard tried to cater towards a larger audience, be more inclusive, and the game lost its identity in the process.

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