Why is Bm nerfs?

Up coming BM nerfs

  • Shadow Surge damage nerfed by 50%
  • Bugs where Bleak Powder was benefitting from both Unnatural Causes and Specialized Arsenal (Twice!) were fixed. This will nerf Bleak Powder damage by ~40%.

There is a underlying hatred towards BM hunter within the Wow “class tuning” team?
Every time Bm is doing okish in m+ or raids they get nerfed to the ground.
The meta dps get to climb higher and higher and we get pushed to the ground every time we want to rise from the “F-tier”.
And they wonder why more and more ppl are leaving the game.
If you want to look into tuning please take a close look into shamans. All 3 specs are top performing in raids and 2 of them are insanely powerful in m+. How come they are not getting touched?

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I agree, everytime we get somewhat close to meta dps we are instantly getting a nerf.
For these nerfs u better straight up buff shadow surge and black powder by the ammount they got nerfed already. This is not okay! stop kicking ppl who are already laying down. not cool

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Unnecessary for sure. They reworked MM, made unplayable, now buffing it second time to compansate. Wise people like me saw what was coming and warned about it but they didn’t listen. Now same thing is happening to BM. I am warning again. It is a mediocre spec already, it doesn’t need any nerf at all. On the contrary, Pack Leader BM needs serious buffs and even Dark Ranger BM needs moderate buffs. Black Arrow hits laughable damage like 250-300k. No need to mention defensives. They nerfed them multiple times so hunter has one of the weakest defensives in the game like before.


Thanks for making me laugh.
Mail armour wearer.
Pet Sac
2x 25% dmg reduction.
1 full immunity.
30% heal.
Feign Death.

Weakest Defensives yall.

What about the fact that youre a ranged class that cant be interrupted.
What about the fact that this spec can dps constantly even behind the billar via the pets.
What about the freeze trap acting like a clone ?

Same defensives also available for MM yet it is still F tier in PvP. See? Things are not like you exaggerate.

You play S tier Feral yet you come class forums to complain and cry about other mediocre specs. Pathetic.


im not complaining i am just telling you you are wrong.
Also feral is A tier because of how it delivers damage.
The main difference between Mm and Bm too.
Why do you have to resort to shaming and demeaning when you are met with an argument?
You are already on a level 10 charecter.
I am usually not against anonimity but if you gonna use it to be toxic, ill allow myself to say that the word you used easily describes your situation.

Get your **** straight, youre making us laugh.

Mail? we take more damage than most cloth wearers…

Pet sac? you mean the roar? try reading the actual tooltip compared to pally sac… and no hunter takes that talent btw, or do you mean the crappy heal/hot from the spirit beast? wow amazing…

2 shields youre right, on a 90sec recharge and only 25%, so op right?

The heal, oh wow god forbid we actually have a spell to heal ourselves, which has a 2min cd on top (slightly reduced by focus spending).

Turtle, an immunity on a 2min30s cd where we cannot do anything, which in several cases we have to sacrifice to get rid of poison/disease debuffs, same for feign.

Feign death, which only works on some things, while half these things just go to another random person which basically screws them over xD

Dps behind a pillar? lmao its just pets autoattacking, we still have to be in los to use their spells.

Do you know even know what freeze trap is? clone? wtf are you on about xD its also a weak trap that gets broken from any damage.

The fact we can dps on the move doesnt mean much, casters hit a lot harder to compensate for just that.

Also helps that vers is our worst stat.

Many bm’s go dwarf for the racial but it can only remove a fraction of the debuffs anymore compared to DF.

Great arguments.

Also, why always this hate towards bm, mm is easier to play but i dont see anyone going at them this hard, and yes i played mm till .7.


“oH, wOw GoD FOrBiD wE dOnt hAvE eVERY sPELL iN tHe GaME ThE wAY ThAt wE dO”
Dude, there isnt a mechanic hunter doesnt have.
Stop it, get some help.

Your entire comment is some insane exhaduration summed up by victimhood complex.
You’re an insanely tooled high-impact entry level class.
Get it through your head.

Were so amazing dps/utility-wise every key pushing pug invites us immediately right?..

Unless we are babysitted we can even forget doing 14s and up… but we have amazing defensives right?.. hell, even our kick has a 24s cd, pet stun 1min cd, small aoe stop? 1min, also, lets not talk about our amazing raid aura that basically becomes useless below 80% hp of the mob, totally useless on one boss in the raid even lmao, whats the point having all this with these long cds? id give em all up so i could do less and zugzug more like other specs and constantly top the meters.

Also, utility doesnt dps, get that through your head, look at the numbers/stats from keys, its not that hard to comprehend that nobody wants to take a bm when you s-tier specs are applying, everything we do, other classes can do as well and better at that, welcome to the real world.

In raid we excel at the only 2 full ST bosses, feels amazing man!

These nerfs are unwarranted, surge wasnt doing that much already and bleak powder is basically bye aoe.

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I have no idea how things are in PvE.
But PvE is scripted. Theres always a way around any kind of nerfs.
The only thing theres no way around is the toxic LinkedIn mentality of the guilds and groups.
All of my commentary is in regards to PvP though.

Every RANGED kick is above 20 secs cooldown.

Every stun aside from Maim and Kidney are 1 min cd.

No lets talk about your “aura” when boss falls under 20% instead.
cough Kill Shot cough

Sounds to me as you got demands to play another class.
You dont have to give anything up. It takes 1 day to level up, and another day to fully gear.

Im not an S tier spec.
I am an A tier spec.
Hunter is in B tier. Not much difference.
I play exclusively Feral.
I play it for more than 10 years, I never cared less than what my tier is, i did content regardless. And let me tell you, during most expansions Feral is where hunter is right now for this only single patch- B tier.

Ive played BM since bfa, the only time we were actually great, and i love the spec.

As for the aura, still doesnt take away its a terrible one, one of the reasons we dont get picked, also, kill shot does like 2.5% of our damage so i wouldnt call it great, avg hit is around 500k…

To give you an idea for keys: http ://i.redd.it/vuya3rwah40e1.png

BM starts falling off 11 and up already, thats how wanted we are, only survival is worth pushing with. Also, survival is B, mm/bm is C.

And i have tried other classes, even played mm since bm was so bad it was literally doing tank dps till .5, not because i liked playing it, then they nerfed mm and since they have different stat priorities i had to gear up again, they made survival viable, do you expect me to gear for that again now that im 638 on my bm? im done with this patch ping-pong.

Since you dont pve, bm survivability might be good for pvp, i dont pvp, so thats that.

All the stuff we have doesnt matter in keys since we just run out of it too quick and have to get externals to survive. Sure everything will work fine on discord with a premade, in a pug? forget about it, i havent seen a pally sac on me for the entire season.

The screwed us over in DF with the leggo bow as well, it was actually great, then the nerf hit the week after i finally got it, great right. It also only dropped at the difficulty level you got it from, while concurrent leggos for other classes were obtained at max mythic ilvl regarding the difficulty.


Shammy says hi

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Shammys kick lasts 2 seconds.

So? Is it a ranged kick? Yes. Is it under 20 seconds? Yes. Does this make your statement wrong? Yes.
I have nothing to say about other things you said, you stated you speak from a pvp viewpoint which i have no interest in, however that statement is factually wrong.


We safe, its all good. I didnt expect this at all, but i guess it means they do actually think.


Not all is lost :slight_smile: still have a small nerf from shadow surge though.

Yeah but thats less than 0,5% overall, thats basically negligible

Ok they are resolving the bugs, so any news regarding dark hounds spawn % chance? I am waiting news since the start of the expansion I’d say

Nope, but tbh if they fix that it would be such a large buff that im scared for the repercussions…

Why attacking ppl playing BM hunter when the problem is clearly Blizzard ?
Fortunately we dont attack you for the biggest open of the entire game Feral can do.

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