Why is Body Type 1 Male and not Female?

OP deserves a Darwin Award for stupidity

You cannot and will never appease pressure groups who feel they have more rights than the average member of society just getting on with their lives.

I would much prefer Blizzard to simply have a naming of body types to match mammalian biology - Male and Female

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You miss the main point here. OP sound like extreme feminist, offended by current body type marking, demanding the change so that female would be marked as type 1, while male would be marked as type 2.
Possibly because male gender is inferior to female due to claim that no male person would ever be birthed without female in the first place or something like that.

Whether the OP is serious or trolling is matter of discussion.

You’re a caucasian dude aren’t you?


You do realise this kind of whining is why there are so many ‘intolerant’ and ‘ignorant’ people always giving you crap right?

I don’t care about how people live their lives or which brand of electrical appliance they wish to be referred to as but take it somwhere else and allow us to enjoy our escape to a fantasy world in peace. There’s enough oppression in the world and you don’t know the meaning.

Some people are offended by the rankings of a regular deck of cards.

Of course if they just left it as it was, the choice of Male and Female, no one would have complained or said anything.

Ah well. I´m fairly certain that OP is just another troll. Anything else would be sad.

Oh yeah it’s a troll thread just complaining about the change. If it didn’t change, no one would have said anything.

Such a great question actually :slight_smile:

You don’t understand nuance do you? :slight_smile:

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