Why is Body Type 1 Male and not Female?

I wouldn’t have even noticed that ‘male’ and ‘female’ had been changed to ‘body type’ if people hadn’t mentioned it on the forums.

This has happened because Activision Blizzard have suddenly woke up one morning, and suddenly decided that they were Warriors for Justice, fighting on behalf of gender diversity and empowerment. Several Activision Blizzard employees have made it very clear how they feel about these kind of issues, which is why they are currently fighting a legal battle in court against California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

These changes have been made because Activision Blizzard’s very smart California lawyers have advised them to remove any and all content from their games that might be considered as sexually inflammatory, as part of a long-term gambit to sway any potential jurors that they have thoroughly mended their ways. All this has happened alongside Bobby Kotick taking a pay cut, and a series of very high-profile quits by some of Blizzard’s top executives.

If I’d been advising Activision Blizzard, I’d have told them to do exactly the same thing.

Did we run out of things to complain? What’s the problem there? I am also a female. I’ve never even thought about it. :smiley: What a joke.

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Nah just bigots gotta bigot.


I think calling a traditionally female body type “body type 2” is degrading


Which is why no one but bigots do so.

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They should just let us choose a biological sex, and then let people name their gender. End of story

Unbelievable what people complain about. As a female, I find this completely irrelevant and in no way degrading.

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End of story after the biological sex part.


That’s assuming one is better than two, when two is better than one in various situations. Just trolls and people looking to complain about anything. That guy btw just goes around using the buzzwords of the moment, I blocked him after the Nth bigot post he made.

I have this freakin weird idea lolz guys but they maybe could rename the body types in male and female and get rid of the number problem.


Ok, take your opinions to the circus

As a female I think you might be overreacting a little bit, juuuuuuust a little bit.

Also you can identify as whatever you like, you’re still male/female as it is incripted in the DNA of your body. No amount of collective modern amnesia of basic established science can ever change that.

I’ll come with a reply later, right after a I’ve had enough coffee to cope with this.

Can some please explain what are these 184749384 genders we are talking about? Anyone?

Ok you lost me, I must clap for your trolling though, it’s good mate!


Mm, so how did you edit your post without it showing as an edit, noticed that a lot recently.

There’s a timer window where you can edit your post before it shows as edited, mainly intended to correct typos and whatnot.

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ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph

those are the 3 body types.

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So why not have a single Frame you just click on multiple times, till you have the bodytype you want and just bodytype text above it, no number letters, if that is still to much maybe just the text button bodytype on which you keep clicking till you have the type you want.

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You know the best way to have it? Other than the fact this is how things are in Classic and everywhere, have these choices as follows:

  • Male
  • Female

Most forum-dwellers are being left out in this body type thing.

We’re obviously talking about Body Type: Obese


The pronouns people are to be appeased and kowtowed to. So males and females is now to be banned so as to not offend them.

Atleast “obese” is a real thing unlike the imaginary constructs that some people want you to believe.