Why is Body Type 1 Male and not Female?

Why is Body Type 1 Male and not Female ?

i cant understand why is Blizzard doing something like this me as a Body Type 2 player feel disadvantaged please change it asap


It isn’t anything other than just ‘body type’ not 1 or 2 nor male or female.

If 2 of those is already too hard for you to handle then I don’t know how real life must be for you.


Body Type 1 is still a name for something in that case its a Male Char Body Type 2 is a Female model i mean even this as a feminist is unacceptable but where is body type nothing ? just a model without sex ?

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Yeah! This is unacceptable!
Revert it back to Male & Female. Let the snowflakes be mad that they cant be special.

Inb4 5 years from now, theres 17 body types in wow. Smh my head


body type with a ranking feels abusive, they should both have no name. Stop setting a ranking for body types its abusive

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Better question why don’t we have “male” and “female” like we always had? idc if people feel like a deer-woman in the body of a lizardman irl, this is not the reality of the game. Modern era can’t defeat biology, i’m sorry.


Also, if one of them is on the left side, it is first because we read from left to right. First = better.

What if they were vertically stacked? I think that is still biased because whatever is above is implied to be better. What’s above has the POWER, so that won’t fly either.

I think they need to be shuffled each time the screen is loaded. Oh, yeah, I forgot that it’s fine and virtuous if you imply women are better, so just make the female body into Body Type 1.

Down with the Patriarchy™!

But haven’t you heard that there are at least 5 million biological sexes?


You have male and female,thats it.


They are not,

You c an choose the gender of your charachter, you can use either body types to express that,

** Switch from body type 1 to 2 at Barber**
Achievement unlocked! Shave and a haircut!


The whole body type thing is just ridiculous pandering… doesn’t even mather one bit, ingame they’re still mentioned as male or female, and in all the quest texts etc etc they still adress you as he/him if you take the male toon, or her/she if you take the female one.

It’s a hollow, needless shell of a change, that shouldn’t have happened in the first place.


Stop lying. There are no numbers. Just two body types marked as “body type”

If you don’t know what to pick due to the lack of labeling or get offended by this, you can always unsubscribe.


If two things are lined up next to each other, it is only natural to define the 1st of said things as the 1st, and the 2nd the 2nd, 1 and 2. Not hard to understand is it. Even this is a step to far for the wokanista.

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This is still something you add yourself personally to the game. The client doesn’t have numbers. It’s all in your brain. Like it is all in your brain getting upset about this.

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Congratulations ! You passed ‘how do brains function, part 1’ You’ll be assigning colours to things soon, calm down calm down.

Thanks Mr. I get offended by everything

I get offended by you! The concept of gender does not exist. What do you mean male or female?

Isn’t it enough that the world is discriminating against transbody types, now you label the 1 and 2 with nonsense words like male and female…

Biological markers such as x and y chromosomes are also offensive. Thank god Blizzard understands this and brings politics into this game to make it better.

Bring back RDF

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1 isn’t necessarily “better” than 2 though. It’s a question of context.
If you’re ranking then yes 1 > 2 but if you’re measuring then 2 > 1.

hes got a point.

should be bodytype 1 and 1.
blizzard will probably fix it before the servers

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First of I thought it was the fact male got 1 an female 2 but then you want a no gender type 3?

What would that look like though, do you want a slender female body but without breasts, or a bulky male body without a crotch?

Even then why is it the female type 2 is given a slender look, there are many female body builders who are way bigger than men.

The whole thing is to complex to limit to a binary choice, if you really want options to express then they need to add sliders so you can set the various body features.

Changing male to type 1 doesnt really do much, the model is still the same. It just another dumb change like removing RDF

Wrath #nochanges