Aren’t both supposed to be hard content, showing your skill in PvP and PvE? If so, how come PvE mythic transmog gear isn’t time limited to the current season like Elite PvP gear is?
It’s honestly annoying. If we as PvE players can go back and solo content after 2 to 3 expansions and get transmogs that only skilled mythic players could get before, why can’t the same be done for PvP? The way it is now, the game favors PvP players when it comes to transmogs.
PvE content is different and not limited by a season. The title is exclusive and time limited. The mounts drop more plentifully while it’s current content.
The difference is that a raid doesn’t vanish or reset. It’s there for everyone to enjoy after the fact and is a great source of content to people.
PvP is very different it’s a score system that grants the rewards. Because you will do the same content every season. It’s not like a raid instance.
I feel like you described the difference well, but not the reason the difference is there.
Yes, acquisition methods differ. That doesn’t mean the acquisition possibility should. The same way you are able to receive the mythic mounts afterwards, there should be a chance for PvP appearance too. I am not familiar with the system but from what you two mentioned, I assume that’s not there.
Let people buy it with conquest. Make it quite expensive so it’s not a case of “do 10 bgs and buy every single set ever”, let’s say 5-10 hours of farm for a set sounds reasonable
Blizzard should definitely add a FOMO Transmog Set for like 3k CR in Mythic as a counterpart for the pvp Elite set.
I think it would increase Motivation and participation.
It takes like what… 15 shuffle games to get to 1800 for a DPS if they start from 0, if they’re somewhat decent at the spec they’re playing and have gear. And then you don’t have to do it again for the rest of the season.
Dunno about 2v2 or 3v3 since I haven’t really played it in DF.
I agree honestly. I’ve always been driven by cosmetic rewards. I literally did M+ this season just to unlock the shaman HC tier set transmog. A 3k transmog set would definitely make me motivated to climb higher than 2k. Since the mount is the only thing I care about currently there is no reason for me to continue to progress.
Which transmogs are you talking about tho?
Please don’t tell me you are equating the quality of the visual design of the elite pvp gear with dungeon gear
The fact that Bliz introduced Legacy Buff and tweaked mechanics shows theat they recognise this as an area of the game that has quite high engagement. They can’t kill this without losing a lot of players.
They do remove the AotC achievements, titles and mounts though.
Harder to do this with PVP content short of just giving the rewards away. You can’t fight players from six years ago in weaker gear and fewer levels.
First, saying they favor PVP ahead of PVE because there is a FOMO aspect to one… PVE has 4 colour variants, whereas PVP has 2… PVP has 1 seasonal mount and gladiator mount, whereas PVE has multiple mounts just in the raid, with also an option for the quantum mount token from Mythic dungeons…
Comparing the numbers way more people have the Keystone Master mount than the Gladiator mount, and I am sure if they took the mounts and put them at the same % cutoff for the respective PVE version, the forums would be floated with how the game only caters to the 0.1% and not the casual players anymore…
Plunderstorm was one big FOMO, and now imagine the toxicity it would bring to PVE if they did the same…
I would argue its the opposite, that the game favors PVE’ers… Imagine you have a season where life just isn’t going your way or you just simply don’t like the season… Oh but now they introduced a unique tmog set / mount that will be removed, so either you sit through what you don’t enjoy for cosmetic rewards or you look back and think “awh man what if I could’ve played back then and enjoyed this set”
For this point, you can literally have 2 of the same class, get to 1.6cr with 1 character and the other you can get your KSM and with the token buy the last piece… Boom now you are max 1.6 exp player running around with the tmog that is supposed to show “skill” while also having achieved your Mythic+ mount…
How is it fair, that a player that doesn’t do PVP can literally get the full 1.8k tmog through PVE if they have enough alts? Or if they are willing to go to 1.6k… How does that show “great pvp skill” that its diminished to something you can buy through a token earned in PVE?
It’s a mistake to make them time limited, PvP is dead enough as it is. The elitism, high skill floor and reward restriction model in PvP all contributes to PvP being dead, so they should absolutely make some big changes and overhaul the whole thing.
That includes making old restricted sets available some way.
If PvP was more popular, 1800 rating is not significant. Which is a problem with how the system works, the issue isn’t about the rating it’s about the items being removed each season.
Sure that’s why almost nobody had cleared the raid for months? It looks like you’ve never raided in WoW so this is also a strange thing to say. The players who raid at the Mythic progression level who also PvP are typically your 2.5k-3k rated Gladiator skill player, 1800 rating is the PvP version of your heroic raider or KSM M+ player.
mythic raiding never rotates out, its a difficulty and is always there every season, even when the season ends. The rewards for pve is stuff like portals, your pve equivalent of R1 titles and any mounts which are a guarenteed drop to my knowledge either till end of the expansion or patch, the armor has 4 recolours which do not rotate out regardless of season or expansion.
Meanwhile PVP is a limited time thing as its a seasonal themed thing, there is the conquest version which even timmy can get. But the elite set is limited time because its the mog of that season its the pvp recolour of the raid tier and requires you to hit a certain goal within that patch to be eligible to having it.
So when its a new patch, the season ends and because the season ends the mog is longer up for grabs, same like the PVE limited time rewards.
You do realize you can go on that Hunter, get 1.6 use the token you get to buy shoulders… Then you can go on an alt hunter and get Keystone Master or Ahead Of the Curve and with that token buy the pvp headpiece and now you have the full 1.8 elite set by only getting 1.6
I would say if you really want the PVP elite mog, it is quiet easy to get.