Why is everyone leaving?

I dont understand?

The Storyline of Ardenweald was Amazing.
The Story line of Venthry was Awesome
The Main campain was fun,
The Torghast questline was epic, cant wait to see how it ends,
Hunter plays amazing.
The Raid is Magnificent,
The dungeons are great
The zones are great( Not you maldraxus)
The Worldquests are fun, (atleast the first week now they are bland.)
Even PVP is getting interesting, oneshotting people as a MM hunter truely makes you feel like a Marksman!.
Torghast is awesome, even tough it needs some love.
The Maw is a pain in the behindhole but i like it.

I dont get it.
Are we not playing the same game here?
The Anima grind is PERFECT, both ingame as lorewise. there is a drought and blizzard made it so that actively farming it is pointless, so dont do it.
I dont see it.
This expansion is going in the Top Three with Cataclysm and legion.
i CANT WAIT for more.
And nothing is mandatory.
The only bad thing about SL is the lack of proper rewards. i cba to farm M+ since there is no point. I get my upgrade from the vault and thats it.

More Raids
More story
More zones
( More covenants please)
More dungeons
More torghast( more flavor aswell please)
Maby a new allied race?
The Death of Sylvanas.

i want more. i cant wait for blizzcon to see news on the patch.

Why are we all complaining and crying?
( Conduits are pointless i will admit to that)


Game feels very unrewarding and alting is still a awful mess if not worse than BFA to some degree, gearing your main is a challenge without every precise thing having to be on the head perfect, pvp is still scuffed. M+ / raiding give you as much loot as world questing does by this point.


Another half serious half jest bait thread then huh? Don’t think we forgot about your previous posts like removing pvp vendors.

To put it simply, wow is a shallow shell of its former shelf and all of the features of shadowlands are extremely surface level purely made for the grind to keep players farming and playing daily to pad the shareholders quarterly reports about player engagement although I doubt you didn’t know this already and I’m losing just by taking the bait.


Me, I can’t appreciate the lore due to the massive amount of retconning.
The dungeons were cool for the first time, but M+ is boring, especially with barely any gear rewards. Same for CN.
PvP has barely seen any support from the Devs side via balancing.
Covenants and conduits are horrid.
Pally plays horridly in a rated / PvE setting.

There are a lot more minor problems with the game that add up, and eventually lots of people will want a break. Personally, I won’t quit season1 yet (compared to Legion or BfA where I quit) because there isn’t an endless AP grind that forces me to grind Maw of Souls / Islands for 6 hours per day to be able to enjoy the game, so I can at least enjoy random BGs, which I always did.


No wonder you can’t understand why people are leaving when everything is magnificent for you, and therefore for everyone. Read more than 0 posts and you’ll learn why in 2 min.


Loot is meaningful.
PVP meta is fast.
Torghast is balanced.
The Maw is so interesting.

Am I doing this right?


This. Ima ignore everything else I don’t agree with you about, and focus on this.
Waiting. Timegating is what made me not renew my sub which runs out in few days.

Even catch-up system is timegated now, wtf


It was okay. It was definitely not amazing, but enjoyable, sure.

It was okay. The part with Kael’thas annoyed me since I was not able to do that raid part yet because the LFR wing had STILL not been released at that time (which in itself is a total insult for casual players).

What main campaign?
We have covenant campaigns and the Torghast one. That’s it.

Storywise it was very game-y. And I had to do Torghast loads of times, which I hate, so yeah… Nope.

Yes it does, but it’s not enough.

Meh. Gimmicky and boring.

Meh. Gimmicky and boring.

Ardenweald and Revendreth are cool.
Maldraxus and Bastion do nothing for me.

We just came from an expansion (BfA) that had some of the best zones in the whole game. These SL ones pale in comparison.

Some are too lengthy, but I don’t mind doing them if they’re worthwhile. Which they stopped being.

Strongly disagree. PvP is never interesting (except that one time in Legion when you could do ‘PvE’ towers and get PvP currency, that was cool).



Well, above is my explanation for me.

I WANT to actively farm. I don’t WANT to spend 4 months gathering that stuff in tiny little bits. It’s annoying and clearly just there to keep us playing; well, I’m not doing it. Besides; there’s not much I want to spend anima on anyway anymore; Renown is just not worth leveling beyond the final story chapter; armor sets are ugly, mounts are not interesting.

For me it’s probably the 3rd lowest (above TBC and Cata).

Yeah, there is indeed a draught. A draught of fun and worthwhile content.


“MM Hunter plays amazing” - fixed that for you cheif lol

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just too innocent, either way, we disagree across the board and I’m certain many others feel the same way.

You’re gushing over an advanced beta IMO.


Not really everyone. Even if you see 10 daily leaver posts here (which you don’t) then that 10 would be literally nothing compared to the million players still playing. Also people love crying and attention.

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I am overall happy with SL But no1 belives me :roll_eyes:.

And now I will hide in Castle Nathria from the hate my comment will get.


Considering it’ll take somewhere around 20 hours per character per week (based on capping every single great vault option) without touching upon the anima grind, it has become more of a work than a simple game enjoyment.

I think the fast paced PVP meta is fun, the raid is phenomenal but the rest lacks so behind once the “Thank [redacted] it’s not BFA” feeling wears of.

Also Ardenweald was weaksauce story can’t change my mind.

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And the millions quitting without ever visiting the forums.


Pfft, if you quit and don’t make a leaving post on the forum, did you really quit? :crazy_face:

From my own in-game experience, I’ve noticed that my guildies who only show up at the start of each expansion/patch have now disappeared again (as expected) but we’ve still got strong numbers for raiding and plenty of groups running m+, Torghast etc. Certainly doesn’t feel like there’s a mass exodus.

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both my friends and guild seem pretty stable to me.

To be honest the fact cata and legion are your top 2 is probably why your opinion differs to most.


A simple mathematical formula I learned in university:

Thing = N, where Thing is an arbitrarily selected feature from the game, and N is a positive, one word description of Thing.

Thing is Y.
Thing is X.
Thing is Z.
That is Y.


The story and zones are ok, but nothing spectacular. Pve, pvp and gearing are also ok, but we’ve seen a lot better than that, and we know it could be better. For me personally, the main problem is too many new and cheap systems, whose sole purpose is to keep players busy for as long as possible. Honestly, I very rarely come across people who are happy with all these new systems, here you are one of the few. There are still a lot of things I don’t like, but in short that’s it.

Cata dropt sub numbers drasticly!

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I’m on the same boat as you OP. I love Shadowlands and I can’t wait for more!