Why is everyone leaving?

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
People quit wow.


Oh, you :smiling_imp:

I dont care about lore, i care about the gameplay

It really wasn’t


I dont play hunter

Havent tried it yet so can’t say much

Bfa was a step down from legion, although i liked most of them still

shadowlands i hate almost every dungeon pretty much :confused: big step down from bfa to me

no, except bastion

I’ve been one of those 2% that thinks wqs are fun

they butchered them in shadowlands, not sure why but they feel like such a chore all the sudden

Not really

Rogues oneshotting you and you pretty much lost, always been the case

Only content im doing atm

I dont mind it

although the developer had smoked too much classic dust


I’m glad you are enjoying the game. But other people are allowed to share different opinions to yours. 2 examples of how mine are polar opposites of yours stood out when reading your post:

To me, Ardenweald and Night Far was one of the worst written storyline in WOW history in my opinion. It was simply insulting to play, even more so that I was forced to play as Night Fae on my Mage when switched from Frost to Fire. Honestly, my worst experience in wow ever.

Maldraxus is my favourite zone in the expansion. Although I’ve not played the Covenant Campaign (and will probably brush that one off before leaving), the levelling Campaign quest line was by far my favourite of the lot of them.

Now, I am not saying that I don’t agree with somethings you have written. But I just wanted to point out how opinions can differ quite drastically.

Now, I’m going to leave because I have been playing and enjoying Shadowlands for about 2.5 months since it’s release, and it’s time to be getting on with other things in life. The reason why I am not coming back, is because Shadowlands has been an endless grind and I have not manage to complete the goals I set out to achieve in what I consider to be a reasonable amount of time.



They’re not?

I know it is the trendy thing to say that everyone is, and that people like to make multiple threads saying they are Quitting, usually with angry teen shouting capitals, …but…but.

Nah. Ain’t happening.

You’re chatting whiff.

It was awesome. Then they ruined it by nerfing it to the ground because people cried about it being too hard for them.

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I almost quit while doing this questline.

Felt like a fairy tale for 8yo children :confused:


If You’re telling your eight year old children stories about state sponsored euthanasia, and sanctioned killing, zero policy on mask wearers and extreme lethal triage then…Well, I dunno man…that’s…thats next level horror.I mean that is pure nightmare fuel…


Guess ive missed those because i was mentally flickering.

Its the whole theme, the driads the druid stink and the fairies that make me dislike the zone. Notable mention… THE KWEEEN

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you forgot /s

Same wow formula as usual. quest, rep, grind ∞.
But with added extra soulless grind systems for good measure… Yaaay…

Lame story and setting.
Think I prefer MoP and I really, really, REALLY! Don’t like MoP…

No new class, no new playable race or even allied race.
Super disappointed with new character customizations.

“The great unpruning”
Great out of season april fools joke again, blizz.

But none of that really matters since all I really do in game is casual pvp and HOLY MACARONI, Batman! It’s the most unbalanced abomination of pvp I’ve ever played.

So ye. I’m out. Everyone I knew that came back for SL is already out.
My friendslist is a grey barren wasteland of offline names…

Still gonna lurk here though as I’ve got subscription to last a lifetime and I’m quite excited for some classic TBC.
Not happy with SL tho.


Says the hunter being by far the easiest derpiest class to play in both pve and pvp xD


Basically lack of reward.

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This would actually be quite interesting :slightly_smiling_face:
I doubt we are getting it though. Would be great to be wrong.

That is completely wrong OP. Your question should be like why everyone left.

But compared to last 2 expansions where fun was still implemented you can guess why. SL fun has been nerfed to the ground.

Strange thing is, I have three friends coming back after seeing the game whilst playing it.

I wouldn’t say it really dropped subs until 4.3 - for the most part, it was flatlining the exact numbers as Wotlk.

How is alting bad? I played my main for 2 months straight then made an alt, literally done no covenant campaign on it (tell a lie I did up to torghast so I could do it) , only lfr and heroics and I’m 187 ilvl with 14 renowned after like a week.
Gear off the AH which is 168 is cheap as well.
Made made my first legendary within a day.

Alting is very easy.

Becouse he thinks alt = another main what can do high end content.

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Well, I couldn’t catch the automatic payment on time and I got a free month on top of that cause of referal and all… But it’s okay, I fixed those mistakes today.