Why is everyone leaving?

Its more punishing then rewarding to play no one wants to spend ton of gold on raid preperations and then get not even 1 usefull item every week, and i guess the same aplies to mythic+ as well, loot is in horrible spot and class balance is bad to with classes being way to weak for pve or either those same classes being to strong in pvp which is why you balance everything seperatly, im still playing atm hoping they fix things but i am strongly considering deleting my account this time, no you cant have my gold it will go into the maw with account deletion if they do not step up soon.

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Forced content.
When you had a game that was fun and was not forced for so long and turns into a forced thing just like the jobs then you guess why.

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im not interested in lore, pve, leveling, campaigns, wqs, maw or torghast, i just want to play pvp without feeling need to do other content.


Then SL should be quite good for you? once you got your pvp leggo you should be set.

Story is okayish. It would be great if it involved killing alot of gnomes! Or at least punting them.

  • The Storyline of was timegated forgettable carp.
  • The Main campain was fun,
  • The Torghast questline was epic, cant wait to pay 6 months sub to see how it ends.
  • Hunter plays amazing. Devs don’t give a fudge about Locks and their 5% buffs confirms they have NO CLUE about the issues of ANY class.
  • The Raid is Magnificent. Yup.
  • The dungeons are great. Agreed.
  • The zones are great. Sure. Arden is pretty.
  • The Worldquests feel pointless.
  • PVP is garbage, hard casting every spell I have, mobile as a fridge with insane rampup while MM huntards just tap two buttons and one shot.
  • Torghast is awesome, if Ash wasn’t timegated and TC wasn’t non-pausable for hours.
  • The Maw is a pain in the behindhole period.


Tldr timegating to gain as much sub money as possible for as little content as possible and class balance patches shows that the devs don’t care at all.


I liked logging in every week ready for a new story

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Only if your definition of perfect is a way to make me not do content they worked on because I’d rather farm old reputations by repeating the same dungeons over and over, than do SL world quests every single day. Hint that -something- is wrong there.


Posted by a Demon Hunter… how very ironic of you, Sir and/or Madam.

I read plenty of threads personally… and all i see is just people who either don’t understand the direction loot is going in shadowlands or do understand it, but just don’t want to adapt to the new playstyle.

Uhm, I just want light hair colours and some hairstyles for my Void elf and I will be the happiest lass in the world xx


Then go play moba you clearly do not like mmorpg games.

i dont like mobas, wow pvp is more fun

We understand it, we just hate it. I only see the cynical side of it that prolongs gearing considerably compared to BFA and Legion, the only 2 expansions worth comparing to since that’s how long we’ve had M+ and all that comes with it.

I wish I had any stats on how longer it takes but I’d wager it’s 50-100% slower to gear up compared to those 2, and it only brings boredom and frustration, not accomplishment.

Dunno if trolling or serious.

You have to compared vs all previous expansions not just to cherrypick 2 of them what gave us most loot and showered everyone with loot.

Problem for me is class balance and gearing.

I don’t really mind raids dropping less loot if I actually got badges as bad luck protection. Getting 4 items in the vault I already have or have better of feel really bad after not getting any items for a week.

But yeah my biggest problem is the balancing issue and how they handle it by only giving tiny aura buffs instead of fixing the issues that cause the classes to fall behind.
Fury is getting their 3rd aura buff on Wednesday even though it’s been know that they were far behind since beta.
I don’t even get why they were nerfed so hard in shadowlands when it was the azerite traits that made them good.

No because SL has the exact system as Legion and BFA, that’s not cherry-picking it’s common sense. Go back further and the comparison is even less favorable for SL since back then we had currencies to buy gear with which ensured we were never wasting time getting nothing in return.

It has better gearing than Classic I’ll give it that, and what a milestone achievement that is.

Who is “everyone”? All i see is people quitting on the forums since december and they are still here, whining about the game.


So much for canceling subs.

Also, make up your mind. You already explained things yourself and now are wondering why people are leaving because you can’t grasp what’s wrong?