Why is hardcore on the same client as SOD?

Why is hardcore on the same client as SOD?

Before SOD release hardcore was kind of working fine, no deaths for glitches/etc. Now after sod every now and then there is a new glitch killing hardcore players. I have a 60 naxx geared friend who died jumping in the water, apparently there is a bug now if you jump on the water your character goes all the way deep down and dies.

Hardcore population is already very low and Blizzard is helping to kill the game 100% by releasing two totally different games on the same client.

Thank you! The hardcore community is very happy!


they will do everything they can to kill HC on purpose so the players would go on season of retail or crapaclysm to buy tokens

This is so true

who cares… 99.9% who get to 60 on HC have popped tens of petri potions or heart out of the dungeon before they die anyway. none of it is legit

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I wouldn’t even waste my time on HC even if it was bug free. No rewards, no achievements, not even title and no appeal if sh!t happens. Everything Blizz does these last years is to kill Classic so they think players will go to retail when they will go to pservers or quit at best.