Why is horde losing most of the time in AV?

As a horde player it’s getting more and more difficult to have fun and enjoy AV as 90% of the games are lost from various reasons, even premades can’t win a game anymore and considering how much honor you need to rank up from rank 9 or above, it’s nearly impossible to do it unless you spend 6,7 hours a day which most of us can’t afford.

Call it grief or whatever you like but I played 20 AVs yesterday and won only 1 of them, not to mention most of them were 30 min+

I want to rank and up and have fun and the same time and right now I can’t do either, hopefully we will find the solution to balance that win ratio and be able to have fun and get the proper honor for our time invested.

The key to AV is not capping Stoneheart graveyard and blocking off the road at Ice blood tower this is the bottle neck for the alliance.
Then the rogues and druids need to go infront and stealth to stormpike gy and cap the south and north tower at the verry start of the fight.
If you can hold the alliance for even 10 min at iceblood gy its a garanteed win if you protect stormpike gy and wait till its capped then 5 people protect that one and the others go and take dunbaldar gy.
This is how we won in vanilla wow time and time again.
The most important parts are you cannot cap SH and you hold them at iceblood gy 20 people is enough as you spawn right there at the gy if you die.
IF you cap SH gy they will spawn in there base and you have no chance capping stormpike or dunbaldar.


Many players ad no clue of what they have to do for maximise honor/hour and keep the fun, in the same way they don’t give a f… to map and bunker/gy timer.

Timing for 3/4 mage/sp recalling is also a Key to saving time and victory.

Yesterday most game were horde 7 min rush.

Because most of the good horde players already got their rank. What is left if a bunch of green geared noobs and low levels who get wiped at SH or Vander by around 5 alliance players.