Why is it so hard to find an arena team?

I’ve been back playing WoW for a few months now. I’ve managed to get 2200 on my Dk and Shaman.

I’m now trying to do the same on my mage, but i’ve not made a single friend this whole time. The LFG experience is so toxic people just instantly leave after a loss and when i do add people they almost never want to play arena again in the future.

I’ve never played a game where its so hard to actually make friends, i just want to find a couple of dudes i can play with around 2100 xp a few evenings a week.

This really shouldn’t be that hard or require a forum post but i’m actually desperate at this point.

Would anyone around 2100xp like to play arena with me? I’m a frost mage 474 ilvl at 1800 cr right now.


see the problem?
while it is clear that you don’t want to lower yourself, but it adds to the problem that you actually create a toxic environment by yourself.

If you don’t want to play with someone on 1.8k rating or exp, you are part of the whole problem.
Once you reach 2.2k you only want people with 2.2k exp
once you reach 2.7k you only want people with 2.7k exp

Not all people on lower ratings are bad but they also cannot find people who play on the same lvl as them and maybe could go higher.
Guess that is why arena teams in the past eliminated this thinking a little more, but were also not a great solution all together.

anyways I assume you don’t have 2.1k xp on your mage either? So why you asking other to have that?
Being 2.2k on dk is so much difference than 2.1k on mage actually.


Honestly you’ve really put things in perspective.

You make a valid point and perhaps I should change my post and say that I’m okay to play with anyone around my CR.

Thinking back to before LFG and server merges, to find an arena parter you would typically just pick someone on your realm who seemed “good”.

That would then lead to relationships being formed and fun being had. I’ll try to sound less elitist going forward.

Anyone around my CR want to create a 3s team? use discord and have some laughs?


No, that’s just misinformation.

Forming requirements is not what’s “causing” the asocial atmosphere in refail. It’s the social design.

Assuming a player base of, let’s say 30k arena players, with a variety of them ever being online at the same time, with half looking for groups to do arenas. This is what it would be like under more normal conditions.

BFA however has been about the PvE farming most of the time, and almost no alts being played, so the same players who would play with lots of different people on different characters now got limited to just a few if not just only one character.
And because even fewer characters share the same CR, it trims down the amount of players you can “pick up & play with” in the moment.

Now, this problem has been a thing for a lot of years for many people, with actually an increasing amount of people suffering from the problem, ever since arena teams were removed.

But anyway, so the key instead should be how to get people to play together “all the way” from the moment they first start getting rating, instead of this asocial toxic nightmare which is by design.
Arena teams solved that nicely.

Anyway, the problem isn’t that people lack the requirements for the various groups. It’s actually that people 1. don’t play together repeatedly often enough to reduce the need to go back into the group finder (which is by design, there’s not enough social glue), and 2. people are generally distrustful of random strangers in the group f***er.

Lots of people meet requirements to play together. Many of them just don’t want to play with new people. And because there’s no social glue, their old teams tend to dissolve over time as well, so they end up with that distrust for strangers in the group f***er.

Anyway, so you need to look at what makes people talk to each other, to get to know each other. Not just how the groups are formed, because that’s very robotic with the way things are in retail. It’s about what makes them want to play together repeatedly.

If people are so against reintroducing arena teams (TBC classic will hopefully bring back the glory of fun arena team names), I do know of another way to incentivize pushing through obstacles instead of a continuous search for shortcuts.

By putting in a penalty for the entire group when character(s) you’ve never played together with before on those character(s), that reduces the rating won. The MMR can still go up, but the rating won will increase slowly the more games the characters in the group have played together, up to the “normal” rating won today.

For example, if you start by winning 1 rating when you win, and losing 1 rating when you lose, then needing, let’s say 10 games before you start winning 2 rating and losing 2 rating, and so on and so forth, with increasing amount of games having been played together for the rating to eventually reach the normal numbers of today.
That’ll incentivize playing together for longer, and trying a bit harder to form a teamwork instead of just sticking with the asocial group f***er all the time.

inb4 someone mentions concerns about the way to exploit the MMR discrepancy with the CR like that, it can be prevented by resetting the MMR increase to the CR once the group has gotten past the required games needed to get the rating won/lost back to normal.

It gives room to try out new players on various MMRs and see how far they can go with them like that. Without losing so much of the CR, in case it goes bad.

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You’re not alone in having this problem.
As was pointed out earlier, there are many players who just gave up on trying to find a group (myself included) and who actually might be good.

I would play with you, but I don’t have any characters that is:

  • Horde
  • Good geared
  • Have great corruptions
  • Plays well with a mage

See how many conditions that must be met as well?

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That’s a dumb idea. Might as well just re-introduce arena teams then. I know you said it above but it’s not going to happen.

@OP I agree with everything Totemtoez said. You shouldn’t limit yourself by xp.
A short story from me: back in Cata i started playing with a resto druid (we played demo/bm/druid) who played the game for 3 month when we started with arena. So he had literally 0 xp. We went up to 2.1k without any problems. Then he quit the game for some reason…
Just recently i played with a pala who had 1800 max xp, no gear, no good corruptions and we won on 2.3k mmr.

Sure, i leveled multiple locks regardless of the alt unfriendly system in place so i could just go and play and not care about my cr because it’s my 45654611. lock but even if i didn’t have so many characters i would test people out. There are “2.7k xp” players out there who play like 1500 people because their xp is from the stone age or they bought a boost so their xp isn’t even legit. And then there are 1700 max xp people who are hidden glads in terms of skill but never got the chance because noone would play with them because of their low xp. Just give people a chance. If you tank rating it’s w/e, you will get it back if you yourself can provide the necessary skill and you eventually meet someone on your level.


Exactly this. For some reason when I played with less experienced players we always reach higher then when I play with these exped tryhards who are stuck 400 cr below their exp blaming whole team but not themselves becuase they are more experienced than the rest.


When I try to set foot in arena as lowbie, I just say to my teammate, we’re in no position to farm ladder points, we’re here to farm experience and to get in a state of mind that is more relaxed so we can see the big picture.

Nobody wants this, they want their rating now, and I cba with this s.hit. Arena is so messed up as a pvp game, no other game is more frustrating (SC2, CSGO, Dota2) then arena. I remember losing over 20 games in Dota, and it felt no where as frustrating as arena at the lowbie bracket. I like getting blown up and end it, then having 2 teams that has no idea what their doing, and we’re all just waiting for deep dampening to end it.

The point I’m trying to make is the response to:
“they almost never want to play arena again in the future.”

yea that is kind of why I even stopped looking in lfg and stopped playing till SL alltogehter…

not only is alliance lfg dead in the water at afternoon times but to find people that checks at least:
-high ilvl
-complete corruptions

is almost zero.
Unfortunately gear and corruptions is more or less the minimum at least for 2v2s.
Unfortunately if you then also want min exp (which I can understand though) makes you find pretty much 0 partners.
If you don’t have any requirements you will also be very frustrated to play.
All in all it leads to a terrible ingame lfg experience

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The biggest problem in this season is just standing a chance. I saw it tonight myself again that there is close to no reason to play against all the extremely geared people with someone that has no good corruption themself.

Skill only helps there for some percent when the enemy has 2x heroic/mythic burst trinkets and 25k+ gushing crit ticks. Theres just little way to outplay that, especially at lower ratings.

I’ve found a decent ww monk that wanted to push but it was not going too well cause the enemy just outpressured us by ten miles and beyond. If they were equal skilled or better than us it was a huge struggle, and that just got worse against all the strongest comps you can face like jungle, rmp or destro/fmage.

For example, if youre an elemental without full gushing you may aswell not que in 3s right now. If you have good gear coupled with gushing however, every lasso is a free kill attempt without doing much else.

Its just insane.

Y every people I meet in lfg just chill actually cause there is no way to play seriously.

Everything is broken and put of this world, some comps got boosted by their un healable dmg doesn’t matter if they overlap stuff.

If you want to find mate you should wait for sl s1 I guess à lot of people will be back.

Wow. Hats down brother. I didnt think ppl like this even exist in this game anymore.
Nice approach.

:pinching_hand: :tophat:


I definitely understand, I spend hours in queue waiting for people who have similar exp and cr, but eventually I just give up as hardly anyone replies so I end up taking people with lower exp or lower cr. And it almost everytime goes badly, and when you point out things they can improve on they just get angry and deny doing it or whatever.
Sadly all my pvp mates quit early or mid bfa.

only to become outgeared by PvE once again after a few months… :rofl:

^ Would’ve not been a problem for you, if the game would push people into playing together regularly a bit more than it does now. That way, the same people you got the CR with would be more inclined towards playing with you more.
And if you do get pushed into finding other people to play with, then the social glue (which the game doesn’t have atm) would push you and the new people towards playing together regularly from then on. So on and so forth.

It’d change the mindset of the way people form teams to thinking more long term, instead of the extreme focus on the short term like now.

I’ve been helping people get 1800 or so and I haven’t ran into any problems. Maybe due to the rating not being very high.

For me LFG is like Tinder. It’s just for quick fun but stop thinking about long term relationship. If you want to find good arena partner you have to look somewhere else. As LFG 1/1000 players would like to play more with you.

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Exactly. Because there’s a distinct lack of social glue in the design.

Ye but LFG is a good way to make friends, i mean when u’ve no friends in this game it’s a good opportunity to constitute a friend list.

A big problem is that many ppl leave after 1 game or after a lose flame the dude and this dude who got flamed gets maybe frustrated.

Yes it is i also found a good friend of mine we meet irl atleast twice a year i met in lfg back in wod.