Why is Kilrogg's Cunning a thing?

Has anyone found use for this? I can’t see how it would be useful in pvp or pve it just seems like a dead conduit.

The devs have no idea of the class, they just put randomly things in the game for us.
Like Ritual of Doom, it is a nice gimmick ability but not useful. Curse are good, but could be better. Like amplifying Curses should be baseline. They the cursed will be good, especially Weakness.


Sorta like casting circle seems like a nice buff if all our other pvp talents wearn’t manditory :confused:


That is one of many warlock problems, to much mandatory talents. I checked out MoP talent tree, there was so much synergy and options… miss the old times


because it’s fun? :smiley:

It is totally useless, there is no point in using it.

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They have no idea what do do with warlocks
Over the years they removed to many cool/good spells/passives from warlocks. most of the new things are old… but new players thing they are new and fresh.

they should just give us all the old spels and thats it, let us figure how to play around it.

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It’s useful in torghast for getting past traps painlessly, but thats about it.

So it is useless in real content


It’s a old minor glyph that we used to have when glyphs had minor changes to our abilities

Honest opinion it’s not strong enough a utility to be a conduit I mean fel momentum provides a much more valuable portal bonus

It is kinda useless yeah but it’s harmless honestly, the other two conduits are ok so it isn’t that big of a deal.

However I do agree that Blizzard has zero clue what to do with us and this ability is completely pointless. I’m pretty sure you know Blizzard knows that most the vocal members of warlock playerbase want massive changes and to reverse all the bad decisions Blizzard has made.

Blizzard solved this by completely cutting themselves of the large number of warlocks who disagree with the direction of the class and only ever does minor quality of life improvements


I would love to see a massive revamp of warlock. Not making us op just changing the design but I think blizz is scared of doing big overhauls unless its a new expac.


They already said this once, but changes with big patches and overhaul only to the next xpac.

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Yeah definetly they won’t revamp it mid xpac. My problem is they turned warlock into a class that seemingly majority of warlocks don’t like and it makes me wonder, who is this new warlock for? Most locks don’t like it, I don’t even think lock dev team wants to play it either, most likely.

And I’m bit worried honestly, since yeah sure we could see revamp next expansion but, I don’t trust Blizzard anymore. They’re unwilling to lead any dialogue with the warlocks that disagree with new iteration of lock (especialy demo) and really, they had 3 expansion to make this work. In Legion it didn’t, in BFA they fixed only one problem and created new one and in Shadowlands realising they won’t make this good but too proud to change it, they swept it under the rug.

Really that’s my main worry


I’m with you, I don’t think that blizzard will ever have a good irritation again. Majority of the warlocks want the MoP playstyle back. But blizzard will not give us the irritation of the old dev team

People hate fighting locks in SL pvp and I can’t blame them things like corrupt slow is horrible to fight against but people who call for nerfs don’t realize how much locks rely on borrowed power atm. we are being carried by borrowed power instead of it being an addition to the class. I can’t imagine arena without soulshape, slow, drain life conduit the class needs baseline work heck nerf the conduits if you need too.


Exactly! Warlock needs more baseline mandatory talents.

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i use normal gates

Just tested it and can confirm that you can place the demonic circle even if you were not in line of sight of the eye! must be a bug.

Still almost useless though.

Trying to fight a death knight is horrible (you are NEVER getting away from him) , Fighting a warrior is horrible ( you NEVER get away from one) , fighting a monk ? you might even get to play after the stun, 70% slow, disorient, school lockdown , stun , disorient , 70% slow aaand repeat)

Do I even need to bring up rogues dealing 30 to 50k dps in 0.2 seconds and perma stunlock you and if everything fails they shadow cloak to try again while having perma slow as poison ?

It could help against paladins of you survive their 30k instant spams 70% ranged slow , stun , etc.

Why do people hate the slow ? It does not affect any melee , no matter what they will be on you 24/7 , it does not really affect range, they still get to do their thing with slow on.

there are only a few reasons that people complain about it : 1) its warlocks that have it, Warlocks have fear (1,5 second cast and breakes on damage) ? we need to nerf this to the ground, breaking on imps firebolt and then implement skils for everyone to remove it and then nerf it multiple times per expansion in every single expansion, but everyone else having 5 second stun that can easily get you to 100-0% since classic ? IT GETS BUFFED TO HAVE LOWER CD.

and the other reason that people complain : they could kill the lock FASTER without that pesky thing! That is it basically