I’m one of those quiet LGBT-people you never really hear from and who never really causes a fuss or throws a fit - and contrary to popular belief, we vastly outnumber the “louder” ones.
I do appreciate the “loud” LGBT-people a whole lot - without them, we’d all still be hiding in the farthest away closets in the darkest corner of life, never daring to make ourselves known.
I get that non-LGBT-people can have a hard time relating to how it feels to be invalidated all the time, but it is the sad reality for us. Reality is that if anything LGBT-related becomes visible, people have all kinds of more or less pleasant opinions about it - and that is actually rather unpleasant, either way.
Personally, I don’t feel like being “celebrated” for being who I am, but neither do I feel like being put down for it - obviously.
I just want to… be. Just be me, ideally in a world where being me is not up for debate, but just something that is taken as naturally as the fact that everyone else is also just who they are.
In a world like that, gays and lesbians and trans-people and asexuals and intersex people and (the q-word that wasn’t allowed, see below) of all kinds are found here and there, in between all those who are members of the vast majority who are neither of all those things. Just like blue-eyed people are found in between the brown-eyed majority (worldwide speaking).
It warms me on a deep, deep level that creators of fantasy worlds make moves to state that yes, LGBT-people are a natural part of any world, ours included. They’re just a variation of the norm - like that odd guy over there with the weird name or that one in the mindboggling transmog, just variations of the norm. It’s all right, we can deal with that, we have space for that.
In my ideal world, we wouldn’t have to discuss it at length, we’d just… be. All of us. Majorities and minorities and variations of all kinds alike. It’s so nice to just… be. Feels like a luxury <3
(-And as I tried to post this, I was told that “Your post contains a word that’s not allowed: q-u-e-e-r-s”… so yeah, so much for that… lol)