Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

Yes, You do bave to accewpt the fact that this has been present in previous expansions too. Just because there’s a novel now about it you have no rights to complainl, or as Metaljaw does, masked discrimination, whicsh shouldnt even be allowed on these forums and purely bannable, because OP fueled this.

You shouild of complained 14 years ago.


Moderators should do theyr job. On steam forums this gets banned, on alot of community sites this gets banned.

This is a video game forum and video game fforums shouldnt be about what people are. WOW forums found a new low when it came to this.

Alot of your complainer dont even know the lore of small quest lines.

When I saw the topic and started reading it, I wanted to post something as well.

But since a lot of people already posted what came to mind for me immediately as well, I’ll sleep on it and see if I can think of anything new to add.

But I will repeat that any representation of the LGBTQ+ Community in any sort of popular media is really bloody good, if only so the next generation starts seeing at as just a normal thing for some people to be like, which in turn will make it so we don’t have to defend ourselves, justify being represented etc all the damn time.

And kudos for wanting to broaden your knowledge Nezarah.


Yay, weekly AD LGBT drama thread

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Oh bless, look, a Defias Brotherhood poster jealous of the bigger kids on AD. No, don’t pinch their cheeks, that’s patronising. They know they’re rare now that their server type was found…wanting. Just let it do it’s thing it it’s natural environment…

Aren’t they -cute- though? Couldn’t you just eat them up, the way they object to anyone discussing anything, could be anything really, it’s quite sweet in a quaint way, when you think of how Defias Brotherhood actually used to be a server once…


It seems like you should take your own advice. There’s gay characters in WoW and we like that exactly as it is. If you don’t like it or want something else, then go create it.

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Then why on earth are you wasting your precious time, commmenting on a topic “you don’t care about” to make a point about a topic “that concerns agendas you ignore”.

Do you regularly go out of your way to waste your time on stuff that means nothing to you? Sounds like a horribly inefficient way to act out your day. I can’t imagine how much time i’d lose if I stopped to butt in with my opinion on topics I find irrelevant and pointless and hash them out - and to no end as well as apparently I don’t even care about the topic.

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It’s always amusing how these guys have to explain exactly how much they don’t care, yet feel compelled to tell everyone as loudly(and often rudely) as possible how much they don’t care, and go into long 200 posts rant about why they don’t care, which eventually turns into that…yeah, they actually care(quite alot), but they are incredibly toxic and hateful.

If a person truly didn’t care whatsoever as much as they claim, they wouldn’t be posting or commenting about this in the first place! :smiley:

Very ironic from the angry gamerboi who needs to insult everyone in every post and scream about how cool he is for “not caring”.


Neither are you if you come here to post about how much you don’t care.
And, if you really care that much to know about how much we lot play, I don’t speak for anyone else but if you find me on the forums, 99% chance I’m just catching a flight path. I am here to play the game and man it makes me happy to see some gay characters in it.

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It’s not important at all. Focusing on gender issues is always a fail. Everybody should be treated the same, and should not be included based on their orientation.

They are treating them the same as there are already straight couples in WoW like Odyn and Helya which fight each other.
The new trans NPC is probably going to get into a relationship soon which will end in conflict. Most likely he will meet a horde trans NPC and they will both join the corresponding faction where we fight their battles.

I’m one of those quiet LGBT-people you never really hear from and who never really causes a fuss or throws a fit - and contrary to popular belief, we vastly outnumber the “louder” ones.
I do appreciate the “loud” LGBT-people a whole lot - without them, we’d all still be hiding in the farthest away closets in the darkest corner of life, never daring to make ourselves known.

I get that non-LGBT-people can have a hard time relating to how it feels to be invalidated all the time, but it is the sad reality for us. Reality is that if anything LGBT-related becomes visible, people have all kinds of more or less pleasant opinions about it - and that is actually rather unpleasant, either way.

Personally, I don’t feel like being “celebrated” for being who I am, but neither do I feel like being put down for it - obviously.
I just want to… be. Just be me, ideally in a world where being me is not up for debate, but just something that is taken as naturally as the fact that everyone else is also just who they are.

In a world like that, gays and lesbians and trans-people and asexuals and intersex people and (the q-word that wasn’t allowed, see below) of all kinds are found here and there, in between all those who are members of the vast majority who are neither of all those things. Just like blue-eyed people are found in between the brown-eyed majority (worldwide speaking).

It warms me on a deep, deep level that creators of fantasy worlds make moves to state that yes, LGBT-people are a natural part of any world, ours included. They’re just a variation of the norm - like that odd guy over there with the weird name or that one in the mindboggling transmog, just variations of the norm. It’s all right, we can deal with that, we have space for that.

In my ideal world, we wouldn’t have to discuss it at length, we’d just… be. All of us. Majorities and minorities and variations of all kinds alike. It’s so nice to just… be. Feels like a luxury <3

(-And as I tried to post this, I was told that “Your post contains a word that’s not allowed: q-u-e-e-r-s”… so yeah, so much for that… lol)


You are doing the playerbase a huge disservice by reducing what matters to them to only being game mechanics.

Most people want representation in games to some degree whether it’s gender, race, sexuality, culture, body types, personality types or interests. You’d have a hard time finding someone who genuinely has absolutely zero care for any shred of representation.

The answer to your long list of questions is very simple: people like being acknowledged without being ridiculed or made into villains.

For so long media has either outright ignored LGBTQ people or used them as a punchline. It’s about time these people get treated…like people. They’re the same as the rest of us. They want to be able to be themselves without fear or pain. Seeing media representations of them normalises who they are, instead of being treated like an oddity at best. It’s not complicated.

Right here. I couldn’t care less to be honest, you are doing the playerbase a massive disengenous disservice by reducing them all to people who feel the need to be “represented” in a completely made up, digital world by greedy game companies.

Outside of twitter/reddit and the usual hotspots, no one cares, at all.

So are you saying you’d enjoy WoW just as much if you were a featureless cube? With no way to set yourself apart from anyone else?

Representation is more than just race, gender and sexuality. You can represent yourself with a name, your outfit, and so much more.

Personally I feel like I often can’t represent myself properly in this game. 90% of chest pieces are long dresses for my class and I rarely want to wear a long dress. There are tunics but most have outdated textures from a long time ago so they just don’t look good anymore, and they often show off your belly. I’d like to be able to appear dressed sensibly for combat but the game has only a handful of cloth pieces that allow for this.

I remember in Wrath being so envious of a tier of mage gear that didn’t have a long robe. I thought it looked so cool and practical. I wish something like that was available for all clothies.

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Such a beautiful message that I hope more stubbod people here would read. You gave some color to my grey morning, thanks! :relaxed:


What is with your mass flagging?

“Don’t say something I disagree with or I will flag you” :sob:

Good to know!


Bolvar straight? Have you seen his nightclub wear in Orbiros???

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