Why is PVP still gear based?

Anyone who is actually interested in player versus player wants a fair fight… Then why is gear still a factor? There are proven other motivators to get people to participate in PVP without character stat boosts… There are countless examples of this in various games that work fine with just a rank and a cosmetic reward.

When people PVP they want to find out who the better player is as close as can be done without removing all facets of variety. How are you supposed to find out who the better player is if gear (an objective character improvement) is still a factor?

All gear does is contaminate the PVP with PVE. It allows factors outside of skill to determine the victor, and should be purged from the game immediately.

Anyone who thinks otherwise isn’t a real pvper, but someone who infact wants fake pvp.

Also, do you think after taking a short break from the game I want to come back to find all of my gear is now useless… I’m gearing to compete in PVP, why are you making me needlessly suffer something that gets in the way of the part of the game I actually want to play?

The reason your game is getting stale if because you’re not factoring in that humans learn patterns… They can see that you’re just resetting gear repeatedly to keep them endlessly grinding. This will just put real PVPers off, as real PVPers just see gearing as a means to an end, not playing the actual game (like a PVEer for example).



Some people really wanted ‘gear to matter’ in PvP & as a result, lowbies face players 4x their health in bg’s, Twinks are removed from queues, PvE gear is OP & why learn how to outplay classes when you can just outgear them?

As I don’t raid/M+, I can’t really be competitive in PvP anymore & my limited game time has been reduced to WQ’s & levelling alts.


Progression is a pretty fundamental part of wow. Get gear, you will then be on equal footing. I don’t bother, so I get murdered due to lack of gear and skill. That’s on me. I could put the effort in, my choice, I have fun regardless. Great to have choices in a game.


I know I’ve brought up ESO a fair bit, but god damn it does things like this better than WoW.
PvP is a lot more accessible there, because once you hit max level (50) everyone’s gear is effectively the same. Sure you can upgrade your epic purple gear to gold, but the stat increase is so minimal barely anyone bothers. Upgrading to purple is extremely inexpensive, and even someone as broke as me can do it.
I wish WoW was more like this, where the way you played the game was more of a factor to winning than the gear you’re wearing.
I get it, MMOs need progression. But you get that from ranking up in PvP, which unlocks new mogs and titles. Simply add more achievements and unlockables, but remove this ridiculous gear gap to make PvP more accessible, and enjoyable for everyone.

Because this is an MMO RPG

ESO’s PvP is junk. You can literally kill someone in 3 spells.


Right, “mmo” meaning “massively multiplayer online” and “rpg” meaning “role playing game”. Neither of those say you can’t have PVP that isn’t gear based, and by extension your argument is invalid. Infact, there are MMORPGs that do exactly that. Total non-argument.

There are games without gear based PVP that have progression systems that do not rely on gear. Successful games. No real PVPer wants fake PVP. Give us real PVP.


I became an emperor solo in ESO after not playing for 2 years.
I could tank with my sorc 5-6 scrubs or more and at the end drain them and kill them all, on top of that i was getting the tick from that keeps ALONE.

Now bringing up the most UN-balanced game in history of MMO’s that until 1 year their raids was 1 tank 2 heals 1-2 dps and 8 nightblades(rogs) makes me wanna laugh…

Also in ESO, without the right sets or weapons you are food for cats. So i start to think that you dont know alot about ESO my friend :rofl:

As long as you have it upgraded to blue/purple you can do just fine, with the right skill. I ran basic sustain sets in PvP and still managed to clobber people. For a week I even ran Ashen Grip, one of the most useless sets as a joke.
So if you think I can’t beat you in basic crafted gear, then I’m afraid you’re wrong.

No…Im not wrong sadly.
I have spent endless hours inside cyrodiil and met endless mouthy people. Its their basic principle since 90% of them are ex-skyrim players.

Depends on what joke class youre playing my friend,dont know how classes are atm since i have to play it over a year but hey i can tell you that its ESO. Theres always 1 class that overperforms by a massive amount lol

Sadly i dont play that lagfest/zergfest anymore, it would be absurd installing it + gearing my sorc and duel you just for the funs of it lol

Glad it matters, people that just dinged 120 can go and do some content.


You haven’t played in over a year, so you have no right to tell me I’m wrong. The game has changed dramatically. I’ve been PvPing in ESO for over 5 years.
I actually main one of the worst classes in the game right now, stam sorc.

Yeah it’s a lag fest, but there’s Imperial City or Battlegrounds if you want better PvP

Im keeping a close eye to streamers nerfs/buffs/ new class and also have still friends playing it.

This game will never change.

Funny cus it has 5 years that it came out, how so you over 5 years pvping? Name your char, i will know you then.

Could be, last time i was there they where not the worst class for sure :joy:

It lagspikes even in reapers march… Its the game engine, its not cyrodiil itself. Uses SWtOR game engine, the worst of all times :sunglasses:

Maybe because the pvp in this game is based within an mmorpg and not a tekken type of game


Well pvp players will always moan no matter what, as the old saying:

Cats say niau niau
Dogs say woof woof


Personally i dont find realistic to have expectations of all classes and specs of this game to be equally balanced.

Listen, I don’t want to derail this thread anymore than we already have, but here’s some clips if you need proof that wearing crap gear in ESO PvP doesn’t matter as much as it does in WoW. I’m constantly broke, so I could never afford to buy gear in good traits or even upgrade it.


Anyway, I’m not going to argue anymore. The gear requirement between the two games is miles apart. ESO relies more on skill, whereas WoW is all about that ilvl. If you want more health in ESO, you lose out on a lot of damage and sustain. Meanwhile in WoW we’ve got 300k+ HP fire mages wiping out half of your health with a single button.
Of course gear still needs to play a part, but it’s just too much currently.

Ok at this point im stopping this conversation. By that statement i already know it leads nowhere.

Have fun


And it will never be…as long as we have different classes and difeerent specs and roles…it will never be balanced…
In the history of wow patches there is always a class than stand out pvp wise and another for pve wise…and you will see all the pvp noobs reroll to the class that is op within the current patch…and reroll again in the next patch…

Op request a fair fight…i can only envision this if blizz decided to make all classes melee or all classes spell casters…
Melee vs melee or caster vs caster…this is a fair fight…
Heck even tank vs tank or healer vs healer …

Anyone seeks a fair 1v1 one situation …shouldnt really play wow

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OFC BEST OF BOTH WORLDS : VENDOR , ull feel the huge progression while still every one can get it relatively fast and clean.

Just add the damn pvp vendors as they used to be back and restore the scaling of the beginning of the xpac. Then we’re golden.

Trust me, if gear is a factor, you are not the best player.

This has been discussed at large and the answer is very simple - gearing is a big part of MMO RPGs. If you dont want gear, go play MOBA.