No, i wanna one/twoshot green plebs
+they will be motivated to gear up
If gear doesnt matter in pvp, then do the same for pve, HANDS matter, right?!
No, i wanna one/twoshot green plebs
+they will be motivated to gear up
If gear doesnt matter in pvp, then do the same for pve, HANDS matter, right?!
What sort of twisted logic is that?
The entire point of PVE is to gear up. The entire point of PVP is to prove who is best.
No one is PVPing to get gear, because PVE gets you gear that is better at a faster rate. So on another angle your logic is also flawed.
The only reason you want to twoshot green “plebs” is because you’re trying to fulfill a power fantasy, probably due to feeling like you have a lack of power in real life.
PVP isn’t about insecure nerds who got their lunch money stolen in school, it is about who is best player; aka : most skilled.
I dont need to do that. You needed to read that.
It does. A lot. Not going to argue.
I play almost only pvp. I play pve for fast items.
Learn to quote bro. I am not going to do that.
I can direct you to speak to the devs and ask them what they think about gearing.
I will explain you it in few sentences.
Wod was bad, very bad and this is when pvp started to be rly bad
Legion was much much better than wod but it had item level scaling to people had no real character progression so they started to mass crying even if it was THE MOST ALT FRIENDLY expansion ever made. Also the most fair pvp expansion.
Bfa - they remade scaling, made trinkets and all this pve s*it working so players can fell character progression. Scaling is now invisible but gear matters, you can choose you prefered stats nut EVERYONE gear their chars like best players do. Who goes for crit on bala druid? Nobody
How is pvp now? Worst it’s ever been. yes, we are saying it every expansions but all this void stones, cos items and other pve items without any scaling caused a lot of rly a lot of ppl to leave pvp.
So people were crying and here are results…
All very subjective, Saying it doesn’t make it so.
WoD was much better than Legion, except for the EMFH inbalance, which was partially addressed by giving the Horde PvP Trinket offensive stats…
Cringey response, i’d expect nothing less.
Playing exclusively PVP doesn’t make you a “true” PVPer, because the PVP you’ve been playing is fake.
Someone hasn’t been paying attention.
Oh, and don’t be salty because I made you feel bad at the game for relying on gear, it isn’t my fault the truth is the truth. You like PVP being contaminated by non-skill factors, and by extension aren’t interested in true competition. You have merely been playing at PVP, you have no right to call yourself a PVPer you big faker.
I am up for duels anytime, kid.
If you like the game being contaminated by non RPG factors, you have no right to call yourself a real gamer of this genre and hey what’s this ? It took me one second on your profile to notice that you have no experience in PvP whatsoever, yet you comment on how the game should be designed for the players you aren’t even a part of.
It’s actually funny how most people who complain about gear being a factor in PvP aren’t even doing PvP for the most part.
grow some b*lls, stop complaining about one of the core aspects of an RPG and farm some gear instead, you’re being pretty pathetic.
before WoD gear was much more of a factor in PvP, to the point where freshly dinged toons got oneshotted 20 times every bg but I don’t remember people complaining so much, maybe people just weren’t so whiny back then ?
I really don’t know.
Why are u playing this game? This is obvioulsy not the right game for u if u dont enjoy character progression. Try a game like csgo or league
The problem with this game is that achievements dont last significantly. By achievements I mean gear mainly. Remember when people used to follow someone just because he had a cool mount or the BiS gear? That’s what the game should provoke. Look at me now. Transmoged with a Vanilla armor and BC weapons. There is just nothing better after that. This illustrates the change in the importance of items with the progression of WoW. We need to change gears.
That was 15 years ago, let it go.
It’s bad game design for you to need to grind patch 8.1 content when patch 8.2 is out. People want to play the new patch when they return to the game.
And quite frankly, BiS gear meant so much because people were bad. Nowadays far more people are raiding Mythic than they were raiding the current raid.
Opinions like these are what worry me when it comes to the future of WoW. WoW is all about progression and looking forward to getting that next piece of gear that is an upgrade, why should everyone go into battlegrounds with the same “gear”, where is the sense in that? What, just because a few players can’t be bothered to work for it and want to whine and complain that its not a fair fight.
Bro we all have to start somewhere and I am not saying its easy but eventually your gear gets better. Stop wanting everything handed to you on a plate, you have no idea how lucky you are nowdays compared to BC and Classic where WoW was ten times harder.
…Because this MMO is no longer an ‘MMORPG’ but rather a ‘MMOLOOTER’ thanks to Blizzard constantly trying to keep players chasing the carrot.
They don’t reward player intelligence anymore but rather, “Who stays on the game longer.” Literally doing the opposite of everything they said they were against. (Remember when they used to tell people to take a break from WoW? Back when they had millions of subs?) Now they try anything they can to keep you logging on FOR THE PURPLEZ!
That’s why the story has went down the drain, Blizzard barely test most of the content they put out which is why it’s nerfed and changed when it hits live and every patch is some type of update that makes you RE-GRIND all of your gear again.
Why? Was it bad? Was it wrong? I dont get it.
Why? Is it not bad game design that when you buy the game for the first time, you have a level 110 character ready? Then you go in and you get overwhelmed with stuff that you know nothing about and you just quit. I’ve had a couple a friends do that.
People dont know sh*t. You are just assuming that. Blizzard is assuming that too. I dont know why. Maybe because we dont have a game worth playing?
Maybe because the whole design is such that it’s not worth it to play anything but the last patch. That is bad game design, not having to play the game.
BiS gear meant something because:
In absolute or relative value? I think you are assuming incorrectly anyway. But please do share the info if you have it.
Sure, take your gear off then you nub; can’t have you cowering behind it like your mother’s skirt.
Oh, and to Yayoyo?
They are not “rpg factors”; role playing factors end at role playing. That being the class/professions you pick. You know, a ROLE.
So making PVP gear based isn’t contaminating it with RPG. Why? Because RPG games exist without gear, so gear isn’t what makes an RPG an RPG, and thefore you can’t argue having gearless PVP is not RPG.
You get gear in all genres of games; are all of those game RPGs? No.
Gear is not an “RPG element”, it is just something RPGs commonly have. All it really is, is a mechanic. That is it. It isn’t strapped to a genre. It is just a mechanic.
To Maleketor :
Why are you assuming I want things handed on a plate? Nowhere did I say that.
My goal is simple : the purest form of PVP.
Why? To find out who the real best players are. There are better players who’ve lost to worse players because of gear. That is unacceptable in PVP. The best player should always win through superior tactics or skill whilst also not removing all variety from the game.
Stop making idiotic assumptions. Any potato can get good gear; you just don’t see that you’re running an endless wheel that will never end. It is endless work that only makes PvP needlessly unfair. For what? Because bliz are insecure regarding their game without psychological gimics to keep people hooked.
PvPers don’t need gear to keep playing. There are countless popular PVP games with no progression; just leaderboards and a rank; that is enough for a PvPer. Throw in some cosmetics to sweeten the deal, and you gain more traction. What you don’t do is make PVP purposely unfair to crowbar an unneeded progression system in that can be fulfilled in other ways (via basically every other competitive game that has no gear factor).
It is sacrificing fairness for a psychological gimic… A hook to keep people playing; a hook that can be executed without gear.
So I ask… Why is PVP still gear based?
Also, put your silly strawman away, you’re not going to bypass my argument by pursuing some false narrative of “too lazy”. Try again.
It was always an MMOLOOTER with a carrot, what is this nostalgia goggled fake news?
Nah, I want gear to matter in PvP. I wouldn’t play MMORPG if I hated it so much like you, I’d just play MOBA games instead. What I don’t like is PvE gear being the best, meanwhile PvP gearing being one big RNG fest. Altough what’s funny, PvP participation was highest when PvE gear mattered a lot.
Just bring back WoD PvP gear system.
So glad we are getting Classic so people like you can continue to ruin ratail and i can think Who care? You don’t know nothing about RPG games where equip Is the most impo
rtant thing because of progression of your character
I see you have a lot of free time. Why dont you start gearing up and getting better at the game. Good luck with that xD
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