Why is self-healing being nerfed in SL?

Ah yes. the huge amounts of dmg i do on my holy priest is insane. Even dps can outheal such “dps”. Dps heals are far stronger than the dps from healers.

Seriously whats with these anti healer topics lately. healing is the only thing healer can do


Testonek, you have little to no pvp experience and even less pve experience.

What exactly qualifies you to comment on balance?

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Imagine a pvp situation 2 dps vs 1 dps 1 healer. If you nerf the self-healing of dps but keep the healing and dps of healers the same, you just made it so the 2 dps stand even less chance against the 1 dps 1 healer. This is an indirect buff to healers.

Healers do more DPS than DPS do self-healing.

How is this bad? I don’t know about other healers, but I rolled a healer to HEAL people. Not spend the majority of my time doing damage as a HEALER because there’s 0 healing required.


Go play as DPS in a random bg where the other team has more healers and tell me how fun it is.

So what you’re saying is remove healers because you joined a RANDOM BG and didn’t have healers on your team?



What’s the saying in situations like these? “Make your own group” or “Git gud lol”, I believe. But really, don’t expect balanced groups in RBG. Want a healer, take your arena teammate or a friend. Then you both will be in RBG in group that has a healer!

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So a PvP mini rant. Same old.

Think about it, if classes can’t self heal as well then it makes the healer’s job harder, they’ll need to try to keep people alive so it should be easier to kill people in PvP and CCing a healer should be more effective.

Do you feel like after the BFA experience healers should really be buffed even more in pvp?

Some classes had absurd self healing . Glad they change that .

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theyre not gettung buffed just because dps gets less self heal… if anything theyre gonna be more busy therefor weaker and quicker and out of mana


the dps being able to self heal is something that never should be done in the first place over the last few years. complaining about that being nerfed compared to actual healers would fit the saying “taking the entire arm, when offered a hand”

I do that plenty of time. Thats why you see people in bgs tell others to focus healers. But honestly the majority of people in random bg’s dont even use cc, silence and interupts. Healers in bgs are strong if you just let them heal freely

meanwhile you complain about healers being too strong while dps are beasts themselves. man surely in your mind tanks are absolute disasters then. Not much healing, little dps and dont even have as much tankiness in pvp.

Actually yes it is, look up something called Game Theory. If you nerf self-healing of DPS but keep healing of healers the same, it’s an indirect buff to healers against all other roles.

They aren’t buffed they have to put in more work to keep someone alive in PvP. They are more important so any time you can take a healer out of the equation then you have a better chance to kill a dps player.

right… well i see your problem already

That’s because the design is basically to not have tanks in PvP. The question is whether there should be healers, or whether healers too should be turned in “weak damage dealers” as tanks are.

Its not a buff, it makes them more impactful. A buff would be to add to what they already have.

Buff (definition in this context)
Make (an element in a role-playing or video game) more powerful.

It does not make them more powerful, it makes them more impactful.

That’s like saying if you nerf every class by 50% but keep DH the same, it’s not a buff to DH. Impactful = Buff

Is Testonek some kind of Vinzora’s / Yannila’s clone? I like how some people like OP post some absurd and then ignore any argument thrown at them just to cherrypick replies and keep thread alive xD Attention much needed :slight_smile:

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Not it’s not.

Congratulations, you’ve won the Worst Analogy of the Weekend Award.