Why is self-healing being nerfed in SL?

it should be obvious that it is healers who are meant to be healing, not the dps and tanks.

The only dps with healing focuses should be the hybrids like druids and paladins and those with a leech themed ability archetype like death knight.


Laughs in Holy Priest.

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cries in holy priest

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Only in situations where healers are consistently DPSing

Healers in PvP are not often unloading their DPS at all, there are too many other targets to heal. They may get an opportunity in a small skirmish.

Whereas DPS with self heals are always using these in a BG because most of the time it comes at extremely little cost to their DPS and the payoff is huge. Take rogues, 30 energy is nothing to pay for 30% of your max HP.

Fact is in certain situations a DPS could fend off an enemy healer and DPS simply because their sustain was too high. The healer cannot stop healing their ally because if they do, they risk losing if they’re not also a DPS with freakish sustain (like enh) so if the sustain DPS manages to gank the healer, it’s over.

It is not right that a DPS class should be able to beat another DPS with a healer when skill isn’t the determinant , but instead the fact the DPS in question simply has too much self healing. That is frankly stupid design.

DPS should have access to defensive CDs and passives that allow them to heal between kills every so often so their levelling is still fluid, but they should absolutely not have the ability to heal themselves in combat unless they’re a hybrid with a healing spec. At current enh, a class that can actively heal itself has worse and clunkier self healing than a rogue, warrior, DH, DK etc. That is absolutely bonkers.
The “hybrid tax” healing DPS classes pay for being able to hardcast heals penalises them way more it gives them gains and the pure DPS classes more often than not get decent self heal anyway. It’s ridiculous. And the ability to heal allies does not justify it at all.


DPS self-healing nerfs are not a buff for healers in PvP. Healing power is not some kind of economic resource where having a monopoly is a good thing for the person having it.

In PvP, if healers are the only ones who can heal, they won’t be buffed; instead, the strategies in PvP will simply change. Maybe healers will be focused way more than before because they are the only ones who can prevent their allies from dying. Or, maybe the lack of DPS self-heals will make some pure DPS compositions more viable because it’ll get easier to kill people. I don’t know enough about PvP to be able to make predictions, but I think the removal or nerfing of self-heals is a very good thing. I liked PvP in classic but hate it in retail because it takes way too long to kill players.

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tanks work fine in bg’s. While it does depend alot on wich bg. tanks can be very usefull for defending/grabbing flags and even just holding multiple enemies busy in places where they shouldnt stay.

Bg’s are not meant for dps only. so ofcourse there should be proper healers or even an occasional tank.

I never understand why people like testonek wich think the entire game should be about dps classes

True, but at least in the scenario the OP is clearly talking about (random BGs) Greater Heal is very fun to use when you have good positioning :slight_smile:

In vanilla a skilled healer would be able to 1 v 1 a less skilled DPS through attrition. A skilled DPS would still know how to kill you.

In BFA a healer literally cannot defeat most DPS not matter how bad their play is because unless they’re too stupid to press their sustain button they simply heal off your damage and the attrition strategy no longer works.

Healers know this so they focus on healing themselves instead of fighting back, which leads to the “healers cant be killed” meme. They can, but it’s tricky if they know what they’re doing. But there’s no point trying to fight back when the rogue can heal themselves for 30% of their health every 30 secs. That’s what, 1% of their max health every second, plus the Azerite and essences. It means you literally have to go all out on DPS as a healer to even have a chance of killing them and if you do that, you’re not healing yourself.

DPS should be winning by well played use of their damage and disruption skills. Not relying on absurd amounts of self healing.


I actually just switched to disc priest for the first time and entered a BG, I felt like a god.

disc is not a good example tho. because its the only specc ingame wich heals while doing dmg. anything other disc priests dont have as much dps

No. This is such a vague hypothetical. I can say the opposite - imagine 2dps vs 1 dps and 1 healer. The 2dps wins because they focus cc the healer, kill the 1dps, then just finish off the healer. The 1dps doesn’t really stand a chance, because their self-heals were nerfed and they die quickly.

The fact is that the huge amount of self-heal makes pvp completely unfun. Healing should come from healers.

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Its actually JUST a nerf to the other classes because the DH was left untouched :slight_smile:

having a major impact or effect.

I hope I dont have to keep trying to teach you words.


It also makes sustain, a lot less of an issue in arenas.

I mean, in high ranked arenas, you can basically expect the fight to last until 30% dampening at least. Because everything heals too much.

Because having to deal with DH bull was getting on everyone’s nerves.

Including on DH’s.

Since invented DPS self healing crys for nerf !

Situations when you are healer and you attack the guy who can go on toilet or in shoping and arrive home after 2 hours and still see his character alive, because his strong % per 5sec heal, is stuff of low skill, and subject of disrespect.

Brutal truth which gonna hurt many is:, Good DPS always know how to kill healer, its about good timing, interrupt and cooldown managment…while bad players, which are ALL those who crys how healers is hard to kill, are clueless bad players who dont pay attention to timing, not pay attention to interrupts, all they do is trying to brute force healer down, and offcourse this cannot end well for them…and what else they can do than come there to whine ? So overall they asking blizzard to make game more accesible for their small brain…and we all know that this is not way to go…


I don’t play havoc in PvP but the amount of times in content I have brought myself back from the brink because of eye Beam or meta. I can’t imagine it’s fun to play against.

A little leech, sure. But where the main issue squaring up to the enemy player is knowing they can basically heal to full and maintain full DPS that’s a problem. It mitigates too much skill.

I imagine a skilled player can struggle versus a DH who is less skilled simply by the nature of the DH needing to take tons more damage through their effective health through sustain. Having to bring an MS effect should not be an answer to that situation.

Self heal for a bit, sure. But where we’re talking over 20% of max HP it becomes less about skill and more about “better hope you can heal as well bro” which is dumb. Especially classes like rogue, DH, fury to a lesser extent where they can bring their effective health up to ridiculous levels in combat lasting more than a minute by using very low risk abilities that have a neglible at best effect on their DPS. In the worst cases like DH their DPS is buffed by using their sustain ability.


And don’t forget the dodge and other stuff. Nailing a good DH player is near impossible.

The thing is even kicking eye beam means little because DH transform at the start. Transforming at the end would resolve this issue and actually buff their PvE by giving them about a second more in Meta to use their buffed abilities.

And Blur and Blade Dance, yeah I can only imagine. I mainly play Veng though and pve only. I prefer healers/support in PvP since my wrath days where I mained a holydin.

I really hope that Ret Paladin won’t be changed…

Nothing more fun than a hybrid class like a ret paladin with shields and heals and tons of armor in open world.

I love it in PVP as well.

Can anyone please tell me exactly what are the nerfs to self-healing?
What classes received them and how much is it?