Why is the HC gear so bad?

Right as the topic says, why is the heroic dungeon gear so bad?

Even fully upgraded to 593 It’s STILL worse than s4 tier gear, are we really going to have to deal with this horrendous scaling all the way to September 10th.

Why are m0s just not available from the start or at least the first reset this is just stupid there is practically no reason to do dungeon content at this point outside of valor / crests who thought this was okay?


The game released 4 hours ago.


And? That doesn’t excuse the gear being this bad, even with DF m0 was available after the first reset and the gear was not this trash the max lvl scaling also was not this bad.


HC have not been relevent since WoD what makes you think they would be now?


it should still be better than last x packs old gear or at least better than random open world gear or quest rewards

Last expac was 530ish now we can max out to 590ish? so it is better?

higher ilvl doesn’t make it better it should, but it doesn’t outside of weapons even none tier off bits at fully upgraded 593 is like sub 1% better at best

But you do not need awesome gear week 1 if just doing dailies and other things? raids will open soon and so will m+ so tbh its a none problem.

You normally don’t, but blizz screwed up the lvl 80 open world scaling something fierce, so doing world content is a massive pain.

It takes me 3 to 4 business days to kill a basic elite mob and if I pull more than 3-4 normal mobs I have to fight for my life to stay alive, making world content way more annoying than it needs to be


It has always been the same until you get some gear, not everything needs to be a walk over and i am sorry i doubt anyone in full HC dungeon gear will struggle in open world.

Here’s a wild concept pull less and if u see a rare make a group shocking i know right in an mmorpg :slight_smile:


yes, but not this bad, just wait until you reach lvl 80 it’s awful

So is m+ like DF S4 or S3 this time around? S3 was such a good spot but needed every 2nd level trimmed.

Rather than whatever they did with S4…

season 4 is the norm now

m0 is like an old m10

m10 is like an old m20

what class are you playing to suffer this much?

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So they still insist on kicking away those bottoms stairs, shame…

Hunter even on small pulls I have to precast mend pet and use a proper tank pet to not have it die to normal freaking mobs.

And my friends who play pretty much every class are getting their cheeks clapped on any none tank class

One of the most annoying things with this entire gear reset thing. Going from stuff that feels fun to play to being total [word harrowing to prudes] for 3+ major patches.

Heroic Dungeon Gear Buffed to 571 (Adventurer 1/8) - Wowhead News

They have just buffed gear in the last 24 hours i doubt they will do it again as it will then mean buffing all others.

surprised to hear a hunter have problems my friend who plays BM is having a blast of time and not suffering.

its not so much gear its a stat reset for example at 70 you will have like 50% crit and at 80 it will drop down to 15/20%

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And here’s me as ilvl 557 windwalker punching 8 million health rares and small groups of elites to death without an issue.

What ilvl are you all? I’m curious if Blizzard has borked the scaling with ilvl again.

the HC buff is irrelevant, the base gear will get upgraded to 580 base the fully upgraded gear is still 592 which is still worse than s4 tier as it’s on the same upgrade track (same as random world drops).

And your friend will realize once he hits lvl 80 I was an unstoppable murder machine until like 78ish then it all went to crap, I went from having a blast to fighting for my life.

I don’t mind hard content mind you, I love mythic raiding and m+ is okay too I guess but for open world I just want to turn on some music and chill and grind stuff out.

553 because I’m stuck with 528 s4 tier and 525 crafted because there are no other better items available to get yet