Why is the HC gear so bad?

Every new expansion you’ll have low secondaries because it’s how it works, on 70 level 6000 haste is 30%, on 80 it’s 10-12% or smth, not exact numbers of course

that is not my issue tho problem is how high open world scaling is this time around and the gear that is available until s1 comes out is not enough to offset the difference, making things that should be mindless take way more effort than they should

World content is not supostu be mindless.


in this game, yes it is it always has been, and it will be again once s1 actually starts, but right now it’s awful and it should not be

It wasnt back in vannila and TBC.

Maybe it´s just me, but all I seem to be able to read in the OP is “Why can´t I outgear the lowest end of the seasonal content before the season even starts” :zipper_mouth_face:

But don´t worry, a fix is coming, but it´s probably not the one you want…


It is the same things with every expansion.

I remember on the same shaman when DF released, at early level 70 it took me 12-15 seconds to kill one mob with 100k life (regural mob, not elite) If I pulled more than 3 mobs there would be a good chance I would die without all my cds.

It is the same story. Things are balanced around season 1 gear. When we get to 630 we will clear everything in 5 globals again.

I can handily pull 6 non elite mob or an elite rare as both shadow and ret.

Maybe whatever information you’re using thats making you cling onto a 528 piece instead of sticking on one 40ilevels higher needs to be re-evaluated?

The gear curve is weird, but its more “world drops currently too high” rather than HC too low. (Others will disagree)


I guess people got too comfy with OP season 4 DF gear. Its a new start and you slowly get there being OP again over the time :slight_smile:

I dont think the gear is problem at all, its still very fast paced and heroic dungeons were easy runs and packs melt pretty quickly. Imo the gear is fine.

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I have a mage, fury warrior and ret pally at 80, and they plow through world content, except some of the elites in Hallowfall.

I don’t see the problem, other than the leveling process wad way too faceroll easy.

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I have switched from ret to prot as healing every 2 seconds is not fun. I am ilevel 567. Elites take forever to kill though and delves thus become a slog but I also take lots of damage even as a tank. It just isn’t fun to hit HP sponges.

What do you mean? i have 573 on my pala i didn’t step foot into HC dungeons and i have no problem doing anything in the world right now :smiley:
I feel like i’m OP cause things die pretty fast when my hammer drop on their HEADs

People were always like that :smiley: they also cried in BFA when they get squished from 980 ilvl or something like that to 340
People just like to faceroll stuff in wow and that’s nothing new

Something tells me you havent been playing wow very long. Once upon a time you was lucky if you could take 3 mobs at once…
But no, the content shouldnt be easy day1 of release… that is just dumb.
I actually like it when the game requires you not to be brainless


This is absolutely wrong.

And it has nothing to do with scaling. It has to do with tier sets still working in WW.

It also happened in S4 of DF for example, with Druid Tier set.

Where S3 tier was better DPS than S4. All it took is a hotfix to said tierset.


But it has absolutely nothing to do with scaling my friend. :slight_smile: +60 ilvl on a peice of gear is an upgrade. No matter how you look at it.

I have the opposite, ive never really played ret and was always prot.

I can plough through stuff fine with ret and never really feel like im in much danger.

It’s pre-season.

Is it bad enough to just ignore?

I am 537 and I can’t be bothered doing HC dungeons. I don’t want to get absolutely battered in m0 and m+ though.

Just flap around killing rares. They drop a ton of gear that is 564 to 574. You can also get a couple of 584 renown items and there is a guaranteed 571 neck from a quest. HC’s aren’t really needed at all although I’ve done 2, screwed up all over and never come close to dying.

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HC have been irrelevant for a long time now, who cares?

Just sit back and laugh at the people sweating to get heroic bis before raid :joy:

They should increase difficulty and gear from HC because the gap to M0 / M+2 is way too big with the new system.